let () = print_endline "Hello, World!"
现在,如果我运行ocaml program.ml
,我会得到Hello, World!
的预期输出。但是,如果我运行ocamlbuild program.native
mkdir 'C:\Users\User\_build'
'''C:\Program Files\OCaml\bin/ocamldep.opt' -modules program.ml > program.ml.depends
Exception Sys_error("program.ml.depends: No such file or directory").
SANITIZE: a total of 1 file that should probably not be in your source tree
has been found. A script shell file "C:\\Users\\User\\_build/sanitize.sh"
is being created. Check this script and run it to remove unwanted files or
use other options (such as defining hygiene exceptions or using the
-no-hygiene option).
IMPORTANT: I cannot work with leftover compiled files.
ERROR: Leftover dependency files:
File program.ml.depends in . has suffix .ml.depends
Exiting due to hygiene violations.
目录包含以下文件:_digests,_log,program.ml和sanatize.sh。下面是使用-verbose 10运行命令时的输出:
mkdir 'C:\Users\User\_build'
Doing sanity checks
include directories are: [ "." ]
==> program.native
====> program.cmx
======> program.mlpack
======> program.ml
program.ml exists in source dir -> import it
======> program.ml.depends
========> program.ml
program.ml already built
start rule ocaml dependencies ml (%=program )
dyndeps: {. .}
mid rule ocaml dependencies ml (%=program ): cache miss: a product is not in build dir (program.ml.depends)
'''C:\Program Files\OCaml\bin/ocamldep.opt' -modules program.ml > program.ml.depends
resource_changed: program.ml.depends
end rule ocaml dependencies ml (%=program )
======> program.cmi
========> program.mli
==========> program.mly
========> program.mlpack
program.mlpack already failed
========> program.ml
program.ml already built
========> program.ml.depends
program.ml.depends already built
start rule ocaml: ml -> cmo & cmi (%=program )
Exception Sys_error("program.ml.depends: No such file or directory").
include directories are: [ "." ]
==> program.native
====> program.cmx
======> program.mlpack
======> program.ml
program.ml exists and up to date
======> program.ml.depends
program.ml.depends exists in source dir -> import it
======> program.cmi
========> program.mli
==========> program.mly
========> program.mlpack
program.mlpack already failed
========> program.ml
program.ml already built
========> program.ml.depends
program.ml.depends already built
start rule ocaml: ml -> cmo & cmi (%=program )
dyndeps: {. .}
mid rule ocaml: ml -> cmo & cmi (%=program ): cache miss: a product is not in build dir (program.cmo)
'''C:\Program Files\OCaml\bin/ocamlc.opt' -c -o program.cmo program.ml
resource_changed: program.cmo
resource_changed: program.cmi
end rule ocaml: ml -> cmo & cmi (%=program )
start rule ocaml: ml & cmi -> cmx & o (%=program )
dyndeps: {. .}
mid rule ocaml: ml & cmi -> cmx & o (%=program ): cache miss: a product is not in build dir (program.cmx)
'''C:\Program Files\OCaml\bin/ocamlopt.opt' -c -o program.cmx program.ml
resource_changed: program.cmx
resource_changed: program.o
end rule ocaml: ml & cmi -> cmx & o (%=program )
====> program.o
program.o already built
start rule ocaml: cmx* & o* -> native (%=program )
prepare_libs: "program.native" -> [ ]
caml_transitive_closure ~caml_obj_ext:"cmx" ~pack_mode:false
~used_libraries:[ ] [ "program.cmx" ]
packages: {. .}
dependency_map: {::}
used_files: {. program.cmx .}
open_packages: [ ]
lib_index: {::}
dependencies: {::}
caml_transitive_closure: [ "program.cmx" ] -> [ ]
Failure: Link list cannot be empty.
include directories are: [ "." ]
==> program.native
====> program.cmx
program.cmx exists in source dir -> import it
====> program.o
program.o exists in source dir -> import it
start rule ocaml: cmx* & o* -> native (%=program )
prepare_libs: "program.native" -> [ ]
caml_transitive_closure ~caml_obj_ext:"cmx" ~pack_mode:false
~used_libraries:[ ] [ "program.cmx" ]
packages: {. .}
dependency_map: {::}
used_files: {. program.cmx .}
open_packages: [ ]
lib_index: {::}
dependencies: {::}
caml_transitive_closure: [ "program.cmx" ] -> [ "program.cmx" ]
link: [ "program.cmx" ] -o program.native
dyndeps: {. .}
mid rule ocaml: cmx* & o* -> native (%=program ): cache miss: a product is not in build dir (program.native)
'''C:\Program Files\OCaml\bin/ocamlopt.opt' program.cmx -o program.native
resource_changed: program.native
end rule ocaml: cmx* & o* -> native (%=program )
答案 0 :(得分:5)
1)不要将OCaml安装到包含空白字符(如“C:\ Program Files ...”),非ascii字符或其他特殊字符(如“〜#?...”)的路径中)。您的构建路径也不应包含此类字符。它迟早会导致问题,因为所有常见的构建工具要么依赖于cygwin(因此也是unix约定),要么太愚蠢而无法正确引用。 (此外,您的构建路径看起来很可疑。'C:\ Users \ User'通常包含许多与您的项目无关的其他文件。将您的文件放到专用文件夹中。)
2)如果要编译为本机代码,$ PATH中必须存在C工具链(mingw-w64或msvc)。
3)您可以使用我为cygwin和mingw-w64编译器定制的opam和OCaml构建:https://github.com/fdopen/opam-repository-mingw。如果满足要求(安装了所有必需的cygwin软件包,用户名/构建路径中没有空格,在$ PATH中没有替代的OCaml安装),它运行良好。