
时间:2016-02-04 16:08:15

标签: javascript processing processing.js


所以问题是草图正在加载,但只是它的一部分。 草图是一种粒子系统(Node类),吸引节点的吸引子(Attractor类)和主草图(FLIP_IDLE)。

看起来像主要的双桅船正在加载而不是班级,但我不确定:( (该端口使用processing.helper.html完成)


//Particles count
int nodeCount = 4000;

boolean attOut = false;
boolean rainbow = false;

//Moving path for attractor
float angle = 0.0;
int freqX = 8;
int freqY = 8;
int phi = 90;
int modFreqX = 15;
int modFreqY = 15;

float offsetX;
float offsetY;

float scalar = 450;
float speed = 0.0008;

float myC = 0;

//Radius (1920 x 1080)
int myRadius2 = 541; //

float myColor;
float myColor2;

Node[] myNodes = new Node[nodeCount];
Attractor myAttractor;

void setup(){

  //Center of moving path
  offsetX = width/2;
  offsetY = height/2;


  //Create particles
  for(int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++){
    myNodes[i] = new Node(width/2, height/2);
    myNodes[i].velocity.x = random(-8,8);
    myNodes[i].velocity.y = random(-8,8);
    myNodes[i].damping = 0.01;

  //Create attractor
   myAttractor = new Attractor(0, 0);

void draw(){

  //Moving path
  float x = offsetX + sin(angle*freqX + radians(phi)) * cos(angle * modFreqX) * 500;
  float y = offsetY + sin(angle*freqY) * cos(angle * modFreqY) * 500;

  //float x = offsetX + sin(angle*freqX + radians(phi)) * 500;
  //float y = offsetY + sin(angle*freqY) * 500;
  angle += speed;


  //Attractor position
  myAttractor.x = x;
  myAttractor.y = y;

  for(int i = 0; i < myNodes.length; i++){

    myNodes[i].damping = 0.01;

    if(attOut == true){

      myAttractor.ramp = 0.7;
      myAttractor.x = width/2;
      myAttractor.y = height/2;       

       if(myNodes[i].myD >= myRadius2){  

         myNodes[i].velocity.x = 0;
         myNodes[i].velocity.y = 0;     

      myAttractor.ramp = 0.99;    

    if(myC > 100)
      myC = 0;

    myC = myC + 0.000002;

    myColor = map(sin(myC),-0.98,0.98,0,82);  
    myColor2 = map(sin(myC),-0.98,0.98,20,30);

    //Update and draw particles

    if(rainbow == true){
    ellipse(myNodes[i].x, myNodes[i].y, 2.5, 2.5);

  //Round screen border

  1 = IDLE
  2 = ACTIVE
void keyPressed(){
    rainbow = false;
    myAttractor.radius = 350;
    myAttractor.strength = 0.4;
    speed = 0.001;

  }else if(key == '2'){
    rainbow = true;
    myAttractor.radius = 350;
    myAttractor.strength = 0.7;
    speed = 0.0008;    

  }else if(key == '3'){

    if(myAttractor.strength >= 0)
      myAttractor.strength *= -1;
    myAttractor.radius = 600;

class Attractor {
  // position
  float x=0, y=0; 

  // radius of impact
  float radius = 400;
  float strength = 0.4;  
  float ramp = 0.99;

  Attractor(float theX, float theY) {
    x = theX;
    y = theY;

  void attract(Node theNode) {
    // calculate distance
    float dx = x - theNode.x;
    float dy = y - theNode.y;
    float d = mag(dx, dy);

    if (d > 0 && d < radius) {
      // calculate force
      float s = d/radius;
      float f = (1 / pow(s, 0.5*ramp) - 1);
      f = strength * f/radius;

      // apply force to node velocity
      theNode.velocity.x += dx * f;
      theNode.velocity.y += dy * f;

class Node extends PVector{
  PVector velocity = new PVector();
  float minX = 5, minY = 5, maxX = width-5, maxY = height-5;
  float damping = 0.9;
  PVector v1 = new PVector(width/2, height/2,0);
  float myD;
  int myRadius = 541;

  Node(float theX, float theY){
    x = theX;
    y = theY;


  void Update(){
     x += velocity.x;
     y += velocity.y;

     PVector baseDelta = velocity.normalize();
     PVector normal = new PVector(-baseDelta.y, baseDelta.x);

     PVector incidence = PVector.mult(velocity, -1);
      myD = dist(v1,this);

      if(myD >= myRadius){  
         velocity.x = -velocity.x;
         velocity.y = -velocity.y;

      velocity.x *= (1-damping);
      velocity.y *= (1-damping);



    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Arturs JS</title>
    <script src="processing.js"></script>
    <script src="jquery.js"></script>
        function whenImGoodAndReady() 
            var mySketch = (function($p) 
                var Attractor = (function() 
                    function Attractor() 
                        var $this_1 = this;

                        function $superCstr() {
                        $this_1.x = 0;
                        $this_1.y = 0;
                        $this_1.radius = 400;
                        $this_1.strength = 0.4;
                        $this_1.ramp = 0.99;

                        function attract$1(theNode) {
                            var dx = $this_1.x - theNode.x;
                            var dy = $this_1.y - theNode.y;
                            var d = $p.mag(dx, dy);

                            if (d > 0 && d < $this_1.radius) {
                                var s = d / $this_1.radius;
                                var f = (1 / $p.pow(s, 0.5 * $this_1.ramp) - 1);
                                f = $this_1.strength * f / $this_1.radius;

                                theNode.velocity.x += dx * f;
                                theNode.velocity.y += dy * f;
                        $p.addMethod($this_1, 'attract', attract$1, false);

                        function $constr_2(theX, theY) {

                            $this_1.x = theX;
                            $this_1.y = theY;

                        function $constr() {
                            if (arguments.length === 2) {
                                $constr_2.apply($this_1, arguments);
                            } else $superCstr();
                        $constr.apply(null, arguments);
                    return Attractor;

                $p.Attractor = Attractor;

                var Node = (function() {
                    function Node() {
                        var $this_1 = this;
                        var $super = {
                            $upcast: $this_1

                        function $superCstr() {
                            $p.PVector.apply($super, arguments);
                            if (! ('$self' in $super)) $p.extendClassChain($super)
                        $this_1.velocity = new $p.PVector();
                        $this_1.minX = 5;
                        $this_1.minY = 5;
                        $this_1.maxX = $p.width - 5;
                        $this_1.maxY = $p.height - 5;
                        $this_1.damping = 0.9;
                        $this_1.v1 = new $p.PVector($p.width / 2, $p.height / 2, 0);
                        $this_1.myD = 0;
                        $this_1.myRadius = 541;

                        function Update$0() {
                            x += $this_1.velocity.x;
                            y += $this_1.velocity.y;

                            $this_1.myD = $p.dist($this_1.v1, $this_1.$self);

                            if ($this_1.myD >= $this_1.myRadius) {
                                $this_1.velocity.x = -$this_1.velocity.x;
                                $this_1.velocity.y = -$this_1.velocity.y;

                            $this_1.velocity.x *= (1 - $this_1.damping);
                            $this_1.velocity.y *= (1 - $this_1.damping);
                        $p.addMethod($this_1, 'Update', Update$0, false);

                        function $constr_2(theX, theY) {

                            x = theX;
                            y = theY;

                        function $constr() {
                            if (arguments.length === 2) {
                                $constr_2.apply($this_1, arguments);
                            } else $superCstr();
                        $constr.apply(null, arguments);
                    Node.$base = $p.PVector;
                    return Node;

                $p.Node = Node;

                var nodeCount = 4000;

                var attOut = false;
                var rainbow = false;

                var angle = 0.0;
                var freqX = 8;
                var freqY = 8;
                var phi = 90;
                var modFreqX = 15;
                var modFreqY = 15;

                var offsetX = 0;
                var offsetY = 0;

                var scalar = 450;
                var speed = 0.0008;

                var myC = 0;

                var myRadius2 = 541;
                var myColor = 0;
                var myColor2 = 0;

                var myNodes = $p.createJavaArray('Node', [nodeCount]);
                var myAttractor = null;

                function setup() {
                    offsetX = $p.width / 2;
                    offsetY = $p.height / 2;

                    $p.size(1920, 1080);
                    $p.colorMode($p.HSB, 100);

                    for (var i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
                        myNodes[i] = new Node($p.width / 2, $p.height / 2);
                        myNodes[i].velocity.x = $p.random(-8, 8);
                        myNodes[i].velocity.y = $p.random(-8, 8);
                        myNodes[i].damping = 0.01;

                    myAttractor = new Attractor(0, 0);
                $p.setup = setup;
                setup = setup.bind($p);

                function draw() {
                    var x = offsetX + $p.sin(angle * freqX + $p.radians(phi)) * $p.cos(angle * modFreqX) * 500;
                    var y = offsetY + $p.sin(angle * freqY) * $p.cos(angle * modFreqY) * 500;

                    angle += speed;

                    $p.fill(0, 10);
                    $p.rect(0, 0, $p.width, $p.height);

                    myAttractor.x = x;
                    myAttractor.y = y;

                    for (var i = 0; i < myNodes.length; i++) {
                        myNodes[i].damping = 0.01;

                        if (attOut == true) {
                            myAttractor.ramp = 0.7;
                            myAttractor.x = $p.width / 2;
                            myAttractor.y = $p.height / 2;

                            if (myNodes[i].myD >= myRadius2) {
                                myNodes[i].velocity.x = 0;
                                myNodes[i].velocity.y = 0;
                        } else {
                            myAttractor.ramp = 0.99;

                        if (myC > 100) myC = 0;

                        myC = myC + 0.000002;

                        myColor = $p.map($p.sin(myC), -0.98, 0.98, 0, 82);
                        myColor2 = $p.map($p.sin(myC), -0.98, 0.98, 20, 30);


                        if (rainbow == true) {
                            $p.fill(myColor, 100, 100);
                        } else {
                            $p.fill(myColor2, 100, 100);
                        $p.ellipse(myNodes[i].x, myNodes[i].y, 2.5, 2.5);

                    $p.stroke(40, 200, 100);
                    $p.ellipse($p.width / 2, $p.height / 2, 1080, 1080);
                $p.draw = draw;
                draw = draw.bind($p);

                function keyPressed() {
                    if ($p.key == (new $p.Character('1'))) {
                        attOut = false;
                        rainbow = false;
                        myAttractor.radius = 350;
                        myAttractor.strength = 0.4;
                        speed = 0.001;
                        console.log ('Pressed 1');
                    } else if ($p.key == (new $p.Character('2'))) {
                        attOut = false;
                        rainbow = true;
                        myAttractor.radius = 350;
                        myAttractor.strength = 0.7;
                        speed = 0.0008;
                        console.log ('Pressed 2');
                    } else if ($p.key == (new $p.Character('3'))) {
                        if (myAttractor.strength >= 0) myAttractor.strength *= -1;
                        attOut = true;
                        myAttractor.radius = 600;
                        console.log ('Pressed 3');

                $p.keyPressed = keyPressed;
                keyPressed = keyPressed.bind($p);


            var myCanvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');

            new Processing(myCanvas, mySketch);1
    <canvas id="mycanvas">


    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function ()
            console.log ('ready to go');
            whenImGoodAndReady ();




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

据我所知,Processing.js有自己的草图级xy变量。我不知道他们在哪里定义 - 也许在画布上? (我不是一个JavaScript人。)

您可以通过在Processing helper中运行这个小草图来证明这一点:

void draw() {
  ellipse(x, y, 25, 25);


然后,当您尝试使用它们进行绘制时, 引用PVector xy。但由于你从未设置它们(你设置了草图级xy),它们仍然是零。您可以通过绘制更大的椭圆来证明这一点 - 它们都将位于左上角。


class Node extends PVector{
   public Node(float theX, float theY){
      super.x = theX
      super.y = theY;


class Node extends PVector{
   public Node(float theX, float theY){
      super(theX, theY);

您也可以停止让Node班级延长PVector。然后,您可以在x类或y变量中定义NodePVector position个变量。

老实说,无论如何,这可能是一个更好的设计。 Node 有一个 PVector,而不是Node 是-a PVectorFavor composition over inheritanceall that