我正在为应用程序创建一个非常简单的线程池。此代码使用GNU GCC编译器在CodeBlocks上用C编写。它构建为命令行应用程序。没有链接或包含其他文件。
为简单起见,下面的代码是一个完整且有效但经过修剪和去内脏的版本,它会显示我想要追踪的堆栈溢出。这个编译很好并且最初运行正常但是在几次传递之后,子线程进程(workerThread)中的threadIndex值变得损坏并跳转到奇怪的值 - 通常变成我为“睡眠”#39投入的毫秒数;功能。
#define ESCAPE 27
int maxThreads = 10;
pthread_t tid[21];
int ret[21];
int threadIncoming[21];
int threadRunning[21];
struct arg_struct {
char* arg1;
int arg2;
//sick of the stupid upper/lowercase nonsense... boom... fixed
void* sleep(int time){Sleep(time);}
void* workerThread(void *arguments)
//get the stuff passed in to us
struct arg_struct *args = (struct arg_struct *)arguments;
char *address = args -> arg1;
int threadIndex = args -> arg2;
//hold how many we have processed - we are unlikely to ever hit the max so no need to round robin this number at this point
unsigned long processedCount = 0;
//this never triggers so it IS coming in correctly
if(threadIndex > 20){
printf("INIT ERROR! ThreadIndex = %d", threadIndex);
unsigned long x = 0;
pthread_t id = pthread_self();
//as long as we should be running
while(__atomic_load_n (&threadRunning[threadIndex], __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE)){
//if and only if we have something to do...
if(__atomic_load_n (&threadIncoming[threadIndex], __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE)){
//simulate us doing something
//for(x=0; x<(0xFFFFFFF);x++);
//the value going into sleep is CLEARLY somehow ending up in index because you can change that to any number you want
//and next thing you know the next line says "First thread processing done on (the value given to sleep)
printf("\n First thread processing done on %d\n", threadIndex);
//all done doing something so clear the incoming so we can reuse it for our next one
//this error should not EVER be able to get thrown but it is.... something is corrupting our stack and going into memory that it shouldn't
if(threadIndex > 20){ printf("ERROR! ThreadIndex = %d", threadIndex); }
else{ __atomic_store_n (&threadIncoming[threadIndex], 0, __ATOMIC_RELEASE); }
//increment the processed count
//no need to do atomocity I don't think for this as it is only set on the exit and not read till after everything is done
ret[threadIndex] = processedCount;
return NULL;
int main(void)
int i = 0;
int err;
int *ptr[21];
int doLoop = 1;
//initialize these all to set the threads to running and the status on incoming to NOT be processing
for(i=0;i < maxThreads;i++){
threadIncoming[i] = 0;
threadRunning[i] = 1;
//create our threads
for(i=0;i < maxThreads;i++)
struct arg_struct args;
args.arg1 = "here";
args.arg2 = i;
err = pthread_create(&(tid[i]), NULL, &workerThread, (void *)&args);
if (err != 0){ printf("\ncan't create thread :[%s]", strerror(err)); }
//loop until we hit escape
//see if we were pressed escape
if(kbhit()){ if(getch() == ESCAPE){ doLoop = 0; } }
//just for testing - actual version would load only as needed
for(i=0;i < maxThreads;i++){
//make sure we synchronize so we don't end up pointing into a garbage address or half loading when a thread accesses us or whatever was going on
if(!__atomic_load_n (&threadIncoming[i], __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE)){
__atomic_store_n (&threadIncoming[i], 1, __ATOMIC_RELEASE);
printf("\n'Esc' pressed. Now exiting...\n");
//call to end them all...
for(i=0;i < maxThreads;i++){ __atomic_store_n (&threadRunning[i], 0, __ATOMIC_RELEASE); }
//join them all back up - if we had an actual worthwhile value here we could use it
for(i=0;i < maxThreads;i++){
pthread_join(tid[i], (void**)&(ptr[i]));
printf("\n return value from thread %d is [%d]\n", i, *ptr[i]);
return 0;
答案 0 :(得分:6)