//get the twitter username
TwitterUsername = SpotlightPage.Property["TwitterUsername"].ToString();
//load tweets from the cache
var tweets = Context.Cache["TwitterSpotlight" + TwitterUsername] as IEnumerable<TwitterStatus>;
//If the cache doesn't exist or has expired, get the list of tweets again and set the cache
if (tweets == null)
var service = new TwitterService(_consumerKey, _consumerSecret);
service.AuthenticateWith(_accessToken, _accessTokenSecret);
//set options for listing tweets
var options = new ListTweetsOnUserTimelineOptions();
//set the screen name to be the username
options.ScreenName = TwitterUsername;
// The number of tweets to display
options.Count = 6;
//Get the list of tweets.
tweets = service.ListTweetsOnUserTimeline(options);
//only if we got tweets add them to the cache
if (tweets != null)
//Cache the output of the tweets
Context.Cache.Add("TwitterSpotlight" + TwitterUsername, tweets, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5), TimeSpan.Zero, System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.Normal, null);
tweetdisplay.DataSource = tweets;
如果我将推文数设置为&gt; 5然后我将收到上图中描述的JSON错误。这表明第6条推文中的数据可能存在问题,但我无法看到任何可能导致问题的内容。我已经阅读了其他帖子,表明表情符号/表情符号可能会导致这种行为,而肮脏的修复方法是删除推文。我只是不能删除推文,需要确保这是稳定的。