
时间:2016-02-03 13:49:25

标签: c# json json.net

我正在查询Web API并获取JSON作为我用JSON.NET解析的响应。生成的JSON的结构可能会有所不同。某个节点(在示例中称为项目)可以包含零个,一个或多个子节点(称为项目)。看看我的示例代码,您将在case1,case2和case3下看到三个不同的JSON数据。


如果有多个 item 节点,那么我总是只对第一个项目感兴趣。因此硬编码的项[0] 因为JSON.Parse()将返回索引对象。

但是如果只有一个 item 节点,JSON.Parse()将返回一个没有任何索引的对象。通过item[0]访问数据是行不通的。您必须使用item



$title  = @($json.ItemSearchResponse.Items.Item)[0].ItemAttributes.Title


您可以将此代码复制+粘贴到Windows控制台测试项目中并运行它。通过var json = case2;切换我的不同JSON示例并查看差异。

有什么想法吗?也许是JSONpath?转换为数组/列表/ IEnumerable? SelectNodesSelect代替SelectNode


using System;
using System.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

namespace testspace
    class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)

            // JSON example data
            // case with one "Item".  Access token via "Item" (no index)
            JObject case1 = JObject.Parse(@"{
                          'ItemSearchResponse': {
                            'Items': {
                              'TotalResults': '1',
                              'Item': {
                                'ASIN': 'B00J6VXXXX',
                                'ItemAttributes': {
                                  'Creator': 'MyArtist1',
                                  'Genre': 'pop-music',
                                  'ReleaseDate': '2014-06-09',
                                  'Title': 'MyTitle1',
                                  'TrackSequence': '10'

            // case with multiple "Item"s. Access token via "Item[0]" (with index)
            JObject case2 = JObject.Parse(@"{
                          'ItemSearchResponse': {
                            'Items': {
                              'TotalResults': '2',
                              'Item': [
                                  'ASIN': 'B001FAXXXX',
                                  'ItemAttributes': {
                                    'Creator': 'MyArtist1',
                                    'Genre': 'pop-music',
                                    'ReleaseDate': '2007-04-17',
                                    'Title': 'MyTitle1',
                                    'TrackSequence': '7'
                                  'ASIN': 'B00136XXXX',
                                  'ItemAttributes': {
                                    'Binding': 'MP3 Music',
                                    'Creator': 'MyArtist2',
                                    'Genre': 'pop-music',
                                    'ReleaseDate': '2007-04-17',
                                    'Title': 'MyTitle2',
                                    'TrackSequence': '7'

            // case with no "Item"s. Should return empty/null strings when trying to access "item" data, and not throw an error 
            JObject case3 = JObject.Parse(@"{
                          'ItemSearchResponse': {
                            'Items': {
                              'TotalResults': '0',                            

            // #######################################################
            //switch between different possible json data
            var json = case2; // <- switch between "case1", "case2", "case3" to see the difference

            //expected result for case1 and case2 should be "MyTitle1"
            // but this works only for first case - not for second case
            string result1 = (string)json.SelectToken("ItemSearchResponse.Items.Item.ItemAttributes.Title");
            Console.WriteLine("try 1: " + result1);

            // expected result for case1 and case2 should be "MyTitle1"
            // but this works only for second case - not for first case
            string result2 = (string)json.SelectToken("ItemSearchResponse.Items.Item[0].ItemAttributes.Title");
            Console.WriteLine("try 2: " + result2);             

            // ugly workaround I'd like to get rid off
            string result3 = null;
            if (json.SelectToken("ItemSearchResponse.Items.Item") != null ) {
                JToken item;
                if ((int)json.SelectToken("ItemSearchResponse.Items.TotalResults") == 1) {
                    item = json.SelectToken("ItemSearchResponse.Items.Item");
                } else {
                    item = json.SelectToken("ItemSearchResponse.Items.Item[0]");
                result3 = (string)item.SelectToken("ItemAttributes.Title");
                // access more data like artist, release-date and so on
            Console.WriteLine("workaround: " + result3);
            // #######################################################


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

情况#1和情况#3是相同的,因为情况#3没有项目,null是有效数组 - 没有问题。问题是案例#2,但这可以通过JSON.NET自定义解析器来解决。


public class Item
  public int Value { get; set; }

public class BigObject
  public List<Item> Items;


public class ArrayItemConverter : JsonConverter
  public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
    throw new NotImplementedException();

  public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
    object retVal = (string)null;
    if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject)
      Item instance = (Item)serializer.Deserialize<Item>(reader);
      retVal = new List<Item>() { instance };
    else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartArray)
      List<Item> list = serializer.Deserialize<List<Item>>(reader);
      retVal = list;
    return retVal;

  public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
    return true;

我在这里说的是,如果我检测到对象的开始(在JSON语法中有&#39; {&#39;),我将反序列化单个Item并为其创建一个新List并将其放入那里。

如果我检测到数组的开头(&#39; [&#39;在JSON中),我会将数组反序列化到列表中。


static void Main(string[] args)
  string case1 = @"{
     ""Items"": {

  string case2 = @"{
     ""Items"": [

  string case3 = @"{

  BigObject c1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BigObject>(case1);
  Console.WriteLine("c1 value = {0}", c1.Items[0].Value);

  BigObject c2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BigObject>(case2);
  Console.WriteLine("c2 value1 = {0}", c2.Items[0].Value);
  Console.WriteLine("c2 value2 = {0}", c2.Items[1].Value);

  BigObject c3 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BigObject>(case3);
  Console.WriteLine("c3 items = {0}", c3.Items == null ? "null" : "non-null" );


c1 value = 1
c2 value1 = 21
c2 value2 = 22
c3 items = null