应在UI中显示所选的下拉值。就像我选择类别一样,类别名称必须显示在UI中,如果我选择某种类型,那么该类型应该在UI中显示。 但它不起作用。
var app = angular.module('myapp', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.flooringcoeff = {
cement: "0.02",
sand: "0.13",
POP: "1.02",
polythene: "0.1"
$scope.type = {
"Marbal flooring": {
random_slab: "random slab",
standard_tyle: "standard tyle",
random_slab: {
"3050x1830": {
l1: "3050",
b1: "1830"
standard_tyle: {
"300x300": {
l1: "300",
b1: "300"
"300x600": {
l1: "300",
b1: "600"
"400x400": {
l1: "400",
b1: "400"
"450x450": {
l1: "450",
b1: "450"
"Granite flooring": {
random_slab: "random slab",
standard_tyle: "standard tyle",
random_slab: {
"2950x985": {
l1: "2950",
b1: "985"
standard_tyle: {
"300x300": {
l1: "300",
b1: "300"
"300x600": {
l1: "300",
b1: "600"
"400x400": {
l1: "400",
b1: "400"
"450x450": {
l1: "450",
b1: "450"
"Tile flooring": {
Ceramic_wall_tile: "Ceramic wall tile",
Glazed_Vitrified_tile: "Glazed Vitrified tile",
Vitrified_DCH: "Vitrified DCH",
Vitrified_Heavy_duty_body: "Vitrified Heavy duty body",
Ceramic_wall_tile: {
"300x300": {
l1: "300",
b1: "300"
"300x600": {
l1: "300",
b1: "600"
"600x148": {
l1: "600",
b1: "148"
"450x450": {
l1: "450",
b1: "450"
Glazed_Vitrified_tile: {
"300x300": {
l1: "300",
b1: "300"
"300x600": {
l1: "300",
b1: "600"
"400x400": {
l1: "400",
b1: "400"
"450x450": {
l1: "450",
b1: "450"
Vitrified_DCH: {
"300x300": {
l1: "300",
b1: "300"
"300x600": {
l1: "300",
b1: "600"
"400x400": {
l1: "400",
b1: "400"
"450x450": {
l1: "450",
b1: "450"
Vitrified_Heavy_duty_body: {
"300x300": {
l1: "300",
b1: "300"
"300x600": {
l1: "300",
b1: "600"
"400x400": {
l1: "400",
b1: "400"
"450x450": {
l1: "450",
b1: "450"
$scope.change = function() {
if ($scope.data.previousSel != $scope.data.selectedOption) {
var diff = $scope.data.previousSel.id - $scope.data.selectedOption.id;
angular.forEach($scope.choices, function(choice) {
choice.l2 = Math.pow(10, diff) * choice.l2;
choice.b2 = Math.pow(10, diff) * choice.b2;
$scope.data.previousSel = $scope.data.selectedOption;
$scope.data = {
availableOptions: [{
id: '1',
name: 'mm'
}, {
id: '2',
name: 'cm'
}, {
id: '4',
name: 'm'
previousSel: {
id: '4',
name: 'm'
selectedOption: {
id: '4',
name: 'm'
} //This sets the default value of the select in the ui
$scope.choices = [{
id: 'choice1',
l2: 0,
b2: 0
$scope.addNewChoice = function() {
var newItemNo = $scope.choices.length + 1;
'id': 'choice' + newItemNo
$scope.removeChoice = function() {
var lastItem = $scope.choices.length - 1;
$scope.sum = function() {
var sum = 0;
angular.forEach($scope.choices, function(choice) {
sum += choice.l2 * choice.b2;
return sum;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.4.8/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="floring_graniting.js"></script>
<div ng-app="myapp" ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<br> <b>Input</b><br>
<p>Select a unit:</p>
<select ng-change="change()" ng-model="data.selectedOption" ng-options="option.name for option in data.availableOptions track by option.id">
<p>Select a category:</p>
<select ng-model="selectedcategory" ng-options="x for (x, y) in type">
<p>Select a Type:</p>
<select ng-model="selectedtype" ng-options="x for (x, y) in selectedcategory">
<p>Select a size:</p>
<select ng-model="selectedsize" ng-options="x for (x, y) in selectedtype">
<p>Enter the room Details</p>
<form data-ng-repeat="choice in choices">
<br> Room {{$index + 1}} : Length:
<input type="number" ng-model="choice.l2" />width:
<input type="number" ng-model="choice.b2" />Area:
<input id="area" type="number" placeholder="Area" value="{{ choice.l2 * choice.b2}}" />
<button ng-show="$last" ng-click="removeChoice()">-</button>
<button ng-click="addNewChoice()">+</button>
Total Area : {{ sum() | number:2}}
<br><br> <b>Output</b></br>
Marble slab:{{((sum() * 1.1) / ((selectedsize.l1 / 1000) * (selectedsize.b1 / 1000)))}}slab<br> Cement:{{((sum() * 10.76) * flooringcoeff.cement) | number:2}}bags<br> Sand:{{((sum() * 10.76) * flooringcoeff.sand) | number:2}}cft<br> POP:{{((sum() * 10.76) * flooringcoeff.POP) | number:2}}Kgs<br> Polythene:{{((sum() * 10.76) * flooringcoeff.polythene) | number:2}}Kgs<br>