My issue: I can't figure out how to send a binary file from a Base64 encoded string in my Meteor Methods using the Zendesk API.
Basically I'm trying to replicate this curl command in Meteor on the server side:
curl -u username:password -H "Content-Type: application/binary" --data-binary @file.dat -X POST "{optional_token}"
I am getting a Base64 encoded file from the front-end. Here's my Meteor method:
The upload works but the image is corrupted and I can't open it.
I'm still very new to Meteor and also pretty green about encoding and such, any help appreciated!
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我从原生Meteor HTTP切换到Node请求包。它似乎更支持发送二进制数据。也许我没有正确使用它,但无论我做什么,Meteor HTTP Call都会以奇怪的格式编码我的文件。
所以现在我使用这个辅助函数解码base64 dataString:
$conditions = array('' => $this->request->data['Model']['id'],
'Model.field2' => $this->request->data['Model']['field2']);
$options['conditions'] = $conditions;
$this->Paginator->settings = $options;
$data = $this->Paginator->paginate('Model');
$this->set('views', $data);
function decodeBase64Image(dataString) {
var matches = dataString.match(/^data:([A-Za-z-+\/]+);base64,(.+)$/),
response = {};
if (matches.length !== 3) {
return new Error('Invalid input string');
response.type = matches[1]; = new Buffer(matches[2], 'base64');
return response;
options = {
headers: { 'content-type' : 'application/binary', 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + encoded },
url: zendeskURI + 'uploads.json?filename=' +,
body: decodeBase64Image(file).data,
method: 'POST'
现在一切正常,我可以将二进制数据上传到Zendesk API!