
时间:2016-02-02 16:58:29

标签: vim macvim vim-syntax-highlighting


:syntax enable


set nocompatible                                "We want the latest Vim settings/options

so ~/.vim/plugins.vim

filetype plugin indent on
syntax on
set backspace=indent,eol,start                  "Make backspace behave like every other editor.
let mapleader = ','                             "The default leader is \, but a comma is much better.
set number                                      "Activates line numbering.

colorscheme atom-dark                       "Sets colorscheme.
set t_CO=256                                "Use 256 colors.  This is useful for terminal Vim.
set guifont=Fira_Code:h13                   "Sets font and font height.
set linespace=15                            "Macvim-specific line height.

set guioptions-=l                       "Removes left hand scroll bar.
set guioptions-=L                       "Removes left hand scroll bar on vertically split screens.
set guioptions-=r                       "Removes right hand scroll bar.
set guioptions-=R                       "Removes right hand scroll bar on vertically split screens.

还有更多内容,但我不相信它是相关的。另外,如果重要的话,我将colorscheme保存在〜/ .vim / colors文件夹中。最后,我大部分时间都在使用MacVim。





 set nocompatible              " be iMproved, required
 filetype off                  " required
 set modelines=0              " sets modeline to 0 for security

 " Turn on line numbers
 set number

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您应该从filetype off中删除.gvimrc。首先,请参阅:help gvimrc


gvimrc文件应该放置特定于GUI的启动命令。它始终来自vimrc文件。如果你有一个,那么$ MYGVIMRC环境变量就有它的名字。

您的.vimrc个文件集filetype plugin indent on。但.gvimrc将在 .vimrc文件之后获取,并再次设置filetype off。因此,任何文件类型检测都不会在MacVim中执行。


set compatible
filetype off
set number

。您也可以将set modelines=0移至.vimrc,但我认为没必要,所以您也可以删除它。

此外,您还可以使用选项,这些选项仅适用于启用了GUI的Vim,例如guifont中的linespaceguioptions.vimrc。要使.vimrc在终端Vim上工作,请使用if has('gui_running')包装这些选项。所以.vimrc将是:

set nocompatible                                "We want the latest Vim settings/options

so ~/.vim/plugins.vim

filetype plugin indent on
syntax on
set backspace=indent,eol,start                  "Make backspace behave like every other editor.
let mapleader = ','                             "The default leader is \, but a comma is much better.
set number                                      "Activates line numbering.

colorscheme atom-dark                       "Sets colorscheme.
set t_Co=256                                "Use 256 colors.  This is useful for terminal Vim.

if has('gui_running')
  set guifont=Fira_Code:h13               "Sets font and font height.
  set linespace=15                        "Macvim-specific line height.

  set guioptions-=l                       "Removes left hand scroll bar.
  set guioptions-=L                       "Removes left hand scroll bar on vertically split screens.
  set guioptions-=r                       "Removes right hand scroll bar.
  set guioptions-=R                       "Removes right hand scroll bar on vertically split screens.

答案 1 :(得分:-2)



第三,colorscheme atom-dark仅适用于MacVim GUI。如果您希望atom-dark在Vim中工作,则需要使用atom-dark-256变体。请注意,atom-dark-256是由机器生成的,因此VimMacVim之间可能存在许多差异。

四,使用the project's issue tracker