
时间:2016-02-02 08:46:15

标签: matlab simulink clock


function pll2( block)
%UNTITLED13 Summary of this function goes here
%   Detailed explanation goes here

function setup(block)

% Register number of ports
block.NumInputPorts  = 1;
block.NumOutputPorts = 1;

block.InputPort(1).Dimensions        = 1;
block.InputPort(1).DatatypeID  = 0;  % boolean
block.InputPort(1).Complexity  = 'Real';
block.InputPort(1).DirectFeedthrough = true;

% Override output port properties

block.OutputPort(1).Dimensions  = 1;
block.OutputPort(1).DatatypeID  = 0; %double
block.OutputPort(1).Complexity  = 'Real';

  block.NumDialogPrms     = 1;
  block.DialogPrmsTunable = {'Tunable'};

 Ts = 1;

block.SampleTimes = [Ts 0];

% Specify the block simStateCompliance. The allowed values are:
%    'UnknownSimState', < The default setting; warn and assume DefaultSimState
%    'DefaultSimState', < Same sim state as a built-in block
%    'HasNoSimState',   < No sim state
%    'CustomSimState',  < Has GetSimState and SetSimState methods
%    'DisallowSimState' < Error out when saving or restoring the model sim state
block.SimStateCompliance = 'DefaultSimState';

block.RegBlockMethod('PostPropagationSetup',    @DoPostPropSetup);
%block.RegBlockMethod('InitializeConditions', @InitializeConditions);
%block.RegBlockMethod('Start', @Start);
block.RegBlockMethod('Outputs', @Outputs);     % Required
block.RegBlockMethod('Update', @Update);
%block.RegBlockMethod('Derivatives', @Derivatives);
block.RegBlockMethod('Terminate', @Terminate); % Required
%block.RegBlockMethod('SetInputPortSamplingMode', @SetInpPortFrameData);
%end setup

function DoPostPropSetup(block)
block.NumDworks = 1;

  block.Dwork(1).Name            = 'c';
  block.Dwork(1).Dimensions      = 1;
  block.Dwork(1).DatatypeID      = 0;%double     
  block.Dwork(1).Complexity      = 'Real'; % real
  block.Dwork(1).UsedAsDiscState = true;

function Outputs(block)

%block.Dwork(1).Data = counter;
t = block.CurrentTime;
l = 0.8*exp(-9);
%c = 220*exp(-15) + block.InputPort(1).Data*3*exp(-15);

f = 1/(2*pi*sqrt(l*(block.Dwork(1).Data)));

block.OutputPort(1).data = square(2*pi*f*t);

function Update(block)

c = block.Dwork(1).Data; 

c = 220*exp(-15) + block.InputPort(1).Data*3*exp(-15); %%  block.InputPort(1).data is a value which is updated         by another block, it is an integer value.

block.Dwork(1).Data = c;

 %counter = block.Dwork(1).Data;

%% Terminate:
%%   Functionality    : Called at the end of simulation for cleanup
%%   Required         : Yes
%%   C-MEX counterpart: mdlTerminate
function Terminate(block)

%end SetInpPortFrameData

%end Terminate

但问题是这个方形时钟不能正常工作, 那么有没有其他方法来生成一个时钟,你可以根据需要更新电容器C的值,如代码所示。由block.InputPort(1).Data。此块已在simulink中模拟。

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