
时间:2016-02-01 20:38:19

标签: sql oracle subquery

我有以下选择。它会调用单独的DB来收集所需的所有信息。除了最后一个选择值(VolumeOfPayments)之外,一切看起来都很好,即使前面的其他输出不同(SubserviceName / SubserviceNumber / Map),它也会重复值。如何根据上述字段选择不同的选项? 选择如下:

                   tctc_cntipcli as "TypeOfContract" ,
                   texe_cncclipu as "ContractNumber",
                   tctc_cndocidc as "ClientName",
                   tsrv_cndesser as "ServiceName",
                   texe_cnfuncid as "ServiceNumber",
                   tsrs_cnsubsdc as "SubserviceName",
                   texe_cnsubser as "SubserviceNumber",
                   tmap_cndesc   as "Map",
        SELECT DECODE(to_char(count(tlof_cnlofrid)), '0', 'NA', COUNT(TLOF_CNLOFRID))
        from service.kndtlof
        where tlof_cncclipu = texe_cncclipu
        and tlof_cnservic = texe_cnfuncid
        and tlof_cnsubser = texe_cnsubser
        and tlof_cnfhalta > trunc (sysdate, 'mm')
       ) as "VolumeOfFilesMessages",

                    (select DECODE(to_char(count(it.int_tran_id)), '0','NA', COUNT(IT.INT_TRAN_ID))
                                       from internal_transactions it, status ss, app_data ad -- TRANSACTIONS DB CALL, WHICH HOLDS TRANSACTION INFO FOR CONTRACTS IN THE SERVICS DB
                                       where it.debit_acct IN (select distinct ke.texe_cnasupro
                                                                from service.kndtexe ke -- CALL TO SERVICES DB WHICH HOLDS CONTRACT LEVEL INFO, OR THE SELECT VALUES ABOVE
                                                                where (
                                                                (texe_cnfuncid = '3001' and texe_cnsubser = 'W1')
                                                                (texe_cnfuncid = '3085' and texe_cnsubser LIKE ('I%'))
                                                                --and texe_cncclipu = tctc_cncclipu
                                                                --and texe_cnfuncid = tsrv_cncveser
                                                                --and texe_cnfuncid = tsrs_cncveser
                                                                --and texe_cnsubser = tsrs_cnsubser
                                                                --and texe_cncclipu = tscm_cncontra
                                                                --and texe_cnfuncid = tscm_cnservic
                                                                --and texe_cnsubser = tscm_cnsubser
                                                                --and tscm_cnmapco  = tmap_cnmapco
                                                                --and tscm_cnservic = tmap_cnservic
                                      and it.entry_timestamp > trunc (sysdate, 'mm')
                                      and it.int_tran_id = ss.int_tran_id
                                      and ss.stage in ('ACHPayment_Confirmed', 'HIFV5_FTRINF', 'Payment_HIFV5_FTRINF', 'HIFV4')
                                      and it.int_tran_id = ad.int_tran_id
                                      and ( 
                                            (ad.add_info_table ='Wire' /*and KE.texe_cnfuncid = '3001' AND TEXE_CNSUBSER = 'W1'*/)
                                            (ad.add_info_table = 'ACH' and texe_cnfuncid = '3085' AND TEXE_CNSUBSER LIKE ('I%'))
                                      ) as "VolumeOfPayments"                       

                          from service.kndtctc, service.kndtexe, service.kndtscm, service.kndtsrv, service.kndtsrs, service.kndtmap
                          where tctc_cncclipu = texe_cncclipu
                          and texe_cnfuncid = tsrv_cncveser
                          and texe_cnfuncid = tsrs_cncveser
                          and texe_cnsubser = tsrs_cnsubser
                          and texe_cncclipu = tscm_cncontra
                          and tscm_cnmapco = tmap_cnmapco
                          and tscm_cnservic = tsrv_cncveser
                          and tscm_cnsubser = tsrs_cnsubser
                          and tctc_cnestado in ('01', '03')
                          and texe_cnestado in ('01', '03')
                          and tsrv_cnestado in ('01', '03')
                          and tsrs_cnestado in ('01', '03')
                          and tscm_cnestado in ('01', '03')
                          and tmap_cnestado in ('01', '03')
                          AND TEXE_CNCCLIPU = '50009823'
                          AND TEXE_CNFUNCID = '3085'
                          order by texe_cncclipu




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