
时间:2016-02-01 19:47:46

标签: windows batch-file batch-processing strip

我正在尝试删除.txt文件中不需要的文本而不是整行。 以下是文字示例:

C:\Users\cph\AppData\Local\Temp\results_2017-01202016.txt:  Geekbench Score            3646   7510
C:\Users\cph\AppData\Local\Temp\results_2017-01202016.txt:Rendering (Multiple CPU) : 342.39 pts
C:\Users\cph\AppData\Local\Temp\results_2017-01202016.txt:Shading (OpenGL)                : 58.11 fps
C:\Users\cph\AppData\Local\Temp\results_2035-01202016.txt:  Geekbench Score            3654   7511
C:\Users\cph\AppData\Local\Temp\results_2035-01202016.txt:Rendering (Multiple CPU) : 340.95 pts
C:\Users\cph\AppData\Local\Temp\results_2035-01202016.txt:Shading (OpenGL)                : 57.47 fps
C:\Users\cph\AppData\Local\Temp\results_2052-01202016.txt:  Geekbench Score            3657   7524
C:\Users\cph\AppData\Local\Temp\results_2052-01202016.txt:Rendering (Multiple CPU) : 341.38 pts
C:\Users\cph\AppData\Local\Temp\results_2052-01202016.txt:Shading (OpenGL)                : 57.79 fps




Geekbench 3646 7510
Geekbench 3654 7511
Geekbench 3657 7524
Cinebench CPU 342.39
Cinebench CPU 340.95
Cinebench CPU 341.38
Cinebench GPU 58.11
Cinebench GPU 57.47
Cinebench GPU 57.79


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

Stack Overflow不是免费的代码编写服务。但是我为这项任务写了一个小的评论批处理文件。


Cinebench CPU 340.95
Cinebench CPU 341.38
Cinebench CPU 342.39
Cinebench GPU 57.47
Cinebench GPU 57.79
Cinebench GPU 58.11
Geekbench 3646 7510
Geekbench 3654 7511
Geekbench 3657 7524


@echo off
rem Exit batch file if list file with data to extract does not exist.
if not exist "ListFile.txt" goto :EOF

rem Enabled delayed expansion needed in FOR loop for string detection.
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion

rem Define and delete temporary file used for the extracted data before sort.
set "TempFile=%TEMP%\%~n0.tmp"
del "%TempFile%" 2>nul

rem Process each non empty line from the list file and evaluate the data
rem after second colon which means ignoring the file name with path.
rem The IF conditions are string comparisons which compare data with
rem string to check removed case-insensitive with complete data.
rem For example the second condition with string Rendering removed
rem from data string is not equal the unmodified data string if the
rem data string contains the string Rendering in any case.

for /F "usebackq tokens=2* delims=:" %%K in ("ListFile.txt") do (
    set "Data=%%L"
    if "!Data:Geekbench Score=!" NEQ "%%L" (
        for /F "tokens=3,4" %%A in ("%%L") do echo Geekbench %%A %%B>>"%TempFile%"
    ) else if "!Data:Rendering=!" NEQ "%%L" (
        for /F "tokens=5" %%A in ("%%L") do echo Cinebench CPU %%A>>"%TempFile%"
    ) else if "!Data:Shading=!" NEQ "%%L" (
        for /F "tokens=4" %%A in ("%%L") do echo Cinebench GPU %%A>>"%TempFile%"

rem Were any data extracted from list file? Yes, sort the lines
rem alphabetic (not numeric) and delete the temporary file.

if exist "%TempFile%" (
    %SystemRoot%\System32\sort.exe "%TempFile%" /O "ExtractedData.txt"
    del "%TempFile%"


  • call /?有关%~n0的说明(没有路径和扩展名的批处理文件的名称)。
  • del /?
  • echo /?
  • endlocal /?
  • for /?
  • goto /?
  • if /?
  • rem /?
  • set /?
  • setlocal /?
  • sort /?

另请参阅Microsoft文章Using command redirection operators

答案 1 :(得分:0)


@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

rem Initialize "score", "pts" and "fps" result strings
set "score="
set "pts="
set "fps="

rem Process all lines in the input file and inspect just tokens 4, 5 and 6
for /F "tokens=4,5,6" %%a in (input.txt) do (

   rem Accumulate each result into the appropriate variable
   if "%%c" equ "pts" (
      set "pts=!pts! %%b"
   ) else if "%%b" equ "fps" (
      set "fps=!fps! %%a"
   ) else (
      set score=!score! "%%a %%b"


rem Show the results
for %%a in (%score%) do echo Geekbench %%~a
for %%a in (%pts%) do echo Cinebench CPU %%a
for %%a in (%fps%) do echo Cinebench GPU %%a


Geekbench 3646 7510
Geekbench 3654 7511
Geekbench 3657 7524
Cinebench CPU 342.39
Cinebench CPU 340.95
Cinebench CPU 341.38
Cinebench GPU 58.11
Cinebench GPU 57.47
Cinebench GPU 57.79