
时间:2016-02-01 18:04:40

标签: excel


H111|John Doe|123 W Main|2.4
H222|Jane Doe|124 W Main|3.2
H333|Bob Doe|125 W Main|2.5
H444|Jake Doe|126 W Main|2.1
H555|Mike Doe|127 W Main|2.4


H111|John Doe|123 W Main|2.4
H555|Mike Doe|127 W Main|2.4



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


Excel Picture

<小时/> 更新(每条评论):

或者,您可以sort CircleScore列,并使公式对您的系统减少负担(注意CircleScore必须预先排序):

Excel Alternative

答案 1 :(得分:1)


请忽略此提交,如果您是a)按小时收到工资并感觉薪水过低,b)在例行程序中计划小睡,或c)a)和b)。 < / p>


任何时候“重复”这个词发挥作用,我立即开始思考Scripting.Dictionary对象在Keys上的唯一索引如何受益。在此解决方案中,我使用一对字典来识别具有重复 Circle Score 值的数据行。

需要存储和传输大量数据单元。批量方法每次都会击败单个方法,剥离数据的最大方法是将所有800K行×30列填充到变量数组中。所有处理都在内存中,结果将返回到报告工作表 en masse


Sub isolateDuplicateCircleScores()
    Dim d As Long, v As Long, csc As Long, stmp As String
    Dim ky As Variant, itm As Variant, vVALs As Variant, dCSs As Object, dDUPs As Object
    Dim w As Long, vWSs As Variant
    'early binding
    'dim dCSs As new scripting.dictionary, dDUPs As new scripting.dictionary

    appTGGL bTGGL:=False

    'late binding - not necessary with Early Binding (see footnote ¹)
    Set dCSs = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set dDUPs = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    'set to the defaults (not necessary)
    dCSs.comparemode = vbBinaryCompare
    dDUPs.comparemode = vbBinaryCompare

    'for testing on multiple row number scenarios
    'vWSs = Array("CircleScores_8K", "CircleScores_80K", "CircleScores_800K")
    'for runtime
    vWSs = Array("CircleScores")  '<~~ your source worksheet here

    For w = LBound(vWSs) To UBound(vWSs)
        Debug.Print vWSs(w)
        Debug.Print Timer
        With Worksheets(vWSs(w))

            On Error Resume Next
            Worksheets(vWSs(w) & "_dupes").Delete
            On Error GoTo 0

            ReDim vVALs(0)

            'prep a new worksheet to receive the duplicates
            .Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.Resize(2).Copy
            With Worksheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(.Index))
                .Name = vWSs(w) & "_dupes"
                With .Cells(1, 1)
                    .PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAllUsingSourceTheme, Operation:=xlNone
                    .PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteColumnWidths, Operation:=xlNone
                    .Value = .Value2
                    .Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.ClearContents
                End With
            End With
            'finish prep with freeze row 1 and zoom to 80%
            With Application.Windows(1)
                .SplitColumn = 0
                .SplitRow = 1
                .FreezePanes = True
                .Zoom = 80
            End With

            'grab all of the data into a variant array
            ReDim vVALs(0)
            csc = Application.Match("CircleScore", .Rows(1), 0) 'CircleScore column number needed later
            vVALs = .Range(.Cells(2, 1), _
                           .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, csc).End(xlUp).Row, _
                                  .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column)).Value2
            'Debug.Print LBound(vVALs, 1) & ":" & UBound(vVALs, 1)  '1:~800K
            'Debug.Print LBound(vVALs, 2) & ":" & UBound(vVALs, 2)  '1:~30
        End With    'done with the original worksheet

        'populate the dDUPs dictionary using the key index in dCSs
        For v = LBound(vVALs, 1) To UBound(vVALs, 1)
            If dCSs.exists(vVALs(v, csc)) Then
                stmp = vVALs(v, 1)
                For d = LBound(vVALs, 2) + 1 To UBound(vVALs, 2)
                    stmp = Join(Array(stmp, vVALs(v, d)), ChrW(8203))
                Next d
                dDUPs.Add Key:=v, Item:=stmp
                If Not dDUPs.exists(dCSs.Item(vVALs(v, csc))) Then
                    stmp = vVALs(dCSs.Item(vVALs(v, csc)), 1)
                    For d = LBound(vVALs, 2) + 1 To UBound(vVALs, 2)
                        stmp = Join(Array(stmp, vVALs(dCSs.Item(vVALs(v, csc)), d)), ChrW(8203))
                    Next d
                    dDUPs.Add Key:=dCSs.Item(vVALs(v, csc)), Item:=stmp
                End If
                dCSs.Item(vVALs(v, csc)) = v
            End If
        Next v

        'split the dDUPs dictionary items back into a variant array
        d = 1
        ReDim vVALs(1 To dDUPs.Count, 1 To UBound(vVALs, 2))
        For Each ky In dDUPs.keys
            itm = Split(dDUPs.Item(ky), ChrW(8203))
            For v = LBound(itm) To UBound(itm)
                vVALs(d, v + 1) = itm(v)
            Next v
            d = d + 1
        Next ky

        'put the values into the duplicates worksheet
        With Worksheets(vWSs(w) & "_dupes")
            .Cells(2, 1).Resize(UBound(vVALs, 1), UBound(vVALs, 2)) = vVALs
            With .Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion
                With .Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, .Columns.Count).Offset(1, 0)
                    .PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone
                End With
                .Cells.Sort Key1:=.Columns(csc), Order1:=xlAscending, _
                            Key2:=.Columns(1), Order2:=xlAscending, _
                            Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, Header:=xlYes
            End With
        End With

        Debug.Print Timer
    Next w

    dCSs.RemoveAll: Set dCSs = Nothing
    dDUPs.RemoveAll: Set dDUPs = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub appTGGL(Optional bTGGL As Boolean = True)
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = bTGGL
        .EnableEvents = bTGGL
        .DisplayAlerts = bTGGL
        .AutoRecover.Enabled = bTGGL   'no interruptions with an auto-save
        .Calculation = IIf(bTGGL, xlCalculationAutomatic, xlCalculationManual)
        .CutCopyMode = False
        .StatusBar = vbNullString
    End With
    Debug.Print Timer
End Sub

<强> Sample Data and Results

duplicateIdentification_800K 800K行×30列随机样本数据


<强> Timed Results

tbh,我从未在旧笔记本电脑上获得32位版本的Excel,无需重新启动Excel即可多次运行800K传递。重新启动后,结果与显示的内容一致。 64位Excel在没有打嗝的情况下反复运行。




  • 如果您不使用64位版本的Excel,那么您将浪费时间处理所有事情。请参阅What version of Office am I using?Choose the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Office
  • 另存为Excel二进制工作簿(例如.XLSB)。文件大小通常是原始文件的25-35%。加载时间得到改善,一些计算更快(抱歉,没有经验的定时数据)。某些使.XLSX或.XLSM崩溃的操作可以正常使用.XLSB。
  • 在工作簿的选项中禁用自动保存/自动恢复。 ([alt] + F,T,S,[alt] + D,[确定])。当你尝试做某事时,等待自动保存完成的事情更令人恼火。当想要保存时,习惯 Ctrl + S
  • 不惜一切代价避免挥发性功能¹;特别是在数据的全部范围内使用的公式中。 COUNTIF公式中的单TODAY()填充了行的范围,您可以更经常地坐在拇指上。
  • 说到公式,尽可能将所有公式恢复为结果值。
  • 合并单元格,条件格式,数据验证以及使用格式和样式使单元格看起来很漂亮会降低您的速度。最大限度地减少使用从原始数据中删除的任何内容。这并不像任何人实际上要查看800K行数据。
  • 删除数据后,使用主页►编辑►清除►空白单元格上的全部清除。点击 Del 仅清除内容,可能无法重置 Worksheet.UsedRange property;全部清除将有助于在下次保存时重置。使用范围。
  • 如果您使用一个或多个Excel [无响应]方案来连接计算机,请重新启动计算机。 Excel永远无法从这些中完全恢复,只需重新启动Excel即可重新启动,速度较慢,以后更有可能进入相同的无响应条件。

¹如果您可以将Scripting.Dictionary的后期绑定转换为早期绑定,则必须将 Microsoft Scripting Runtime 添加到VBE的工具►参考。 < / p>

²当整个工作簿中的任何内容发生更改时,挥发性函数会重新计算,而不仅仅是在影响其结果的内容发生更改时。 易失性函数的示例包括INDIRECTOFFSETTODAYNOWRANDRANDBETWEENCELLINFO工作表函数的某些子函数也会使它们变得不稳定。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

Screenshot 1


Sub DuplicatesInColumn()
'maakt een lijst met de aangetroffen dubbelingen
Dim LaatsteRij As Long
Dim MatchNr As Long
Dim iRij, iKolom, iTeller, Teller As Long, ControlKolom As Long
iRij = 1

iKolom = 5                   'number of columns in the sheet, Chance if not correct
ControlKolom = 4             'column number where to find the doubles, Chance if not correct

LaatsteRij = Cells(65000, iKolom).End(xlUp).Row: iTeller = iKolom

For iRij = 1 To LaatsteRij
    If Cells(iRij, ControlKolom) <> "" Then
        MatchNr = WorksheetFunction.Match(Cells(iRij, ControlKolom), Range(Cells(1, ControlKolom), Cells(LaatsteRij, ControlKolom)), 0)
    If iRij <> MatchNr Then
    iTeller = iKolom
    For Teller = 1 To iTeller
      Cells(iRij, iKolom + Teller).Offset(0, 2).Value = Range(Cells(iRij, Teller), Cells(iRij, Teller)).Value
    Next Teller
    End If: End If
End Sub