
时间:2016-02-01 17:45:46

标签: python pickle

    import time
    from random import randint
    import pickle

    MaTC = 1
    MaTC = pickle.dump(MaTC, open("MaTCFile.txt", "wb"))

    AnTC = 2
    AnTC = pickle.dump(AnTC, open("AnTCFile.txt", "wb"))

    AuTC = 3
    AuTC = pickle.dump(AuTC, open("AuTCFile.txt", "wb"))

    AlTC = 3
    AlTC = pickle.dump(AlTC, open("AlTCFile.txt", "wb"))

    JaTC = 3
    JaTC = pickle.dump(JaTC, open("JaTCFile.txt", "wb"))

    print("Hello Jacob")
    print("Choose an option!")
    print("(1) Selecting Cleaners")
    print("(2) Edit Cleaning Information")
    print("(3) Reserved")
    MenuChoice = input(": ")
    if MenuChoice == "1":
        print("Selecting Cleaner Function")

    elif MenuChoice == "2":
        print("(1) Check cleaning info")
        print("(2) Enter New Cleaning info")
        InfoSelect = input(": ")
            if InfoSelect == "2":

            Mare = { "Mares Times Cleaned": MaTC}
            Andre = { "Andres Times Cleaned": AnTC}
            Al = { "Als Times Cleaned": AlTC}
            Austin = { "Austins Times Cleaned": AuTC}
            Jacob = { "Jacobs Times Cleaned": JaTC}
            pickle.dump( Mare, open ("MaresFile.txt", "wb"))
            pickle.dump( Jacob, open ("JacobsFile.txt", "wb"))
            pickle.dump( Andre, open ("AndresFile.txt", "wb"))
            pickle.dump( Austin,open ("AustinsFile.txt", "wb"))
            pickle.dump( Al, open ("AlsFile.txt", "wb"))

好的,基本上我想要实现的是将MaTC,AnTC,AuTC,AlTC和JaTC变量在第一次运行程序时预设为1,2,3,3和3。但是当我想添加2来说MaTC使它成为3时,当我再次启动程序时我希望它在启动时= 3。我几天前刚开始使用python,我很乐意反馈!

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  f = open("MaTCFile.dat", "rb") # Pickle is not a .txt format
  MaTC = pickle.load(f)
except IOError:
  # Initialise default value
  MaTC = 1


default_data = {
  "MaTC": 1, "AnTC": 2, # ... etc.


答案 1 :(得分:0)

以下是您的程序的重构版本。它使用pickletools模块并演示了zlibimport os import pickle import pickletools import sys import zlib SETTINGS_FILE = 'settings.sav' def main(): """Present the user with a cleaning application.""" settings = load_settings(SETTINGS_FILE) print('Hello, Jacob!') while True: if show_menu(settings, select_cleaners, edit_cleaning_information, reserved, close_program): break settings.save(SETTINGS_FILE) def load_settings(path): """Create the settings schema and load them from file is possible.""" settings = Namespace(mares=Parameter(1, is_positive_int), andres=Parameter(2, is_positive_int), austin=Parameter(3, is_positive_int), al=Parameter(3, is_positive_int), jacob=Parameter(3, is_positive_int)) if os.path.isfile(path): settings.load(path) return settings def is_positive_int(value): """Ensure that the value is valid for the settings.""" return isinstance(value, int) and value >= 0 def show_menu(context, *args): """Help display a menu to the user.""" for option, function in enumerate(args, 1): print(option, '-', function.__doc__) while True: number = get_int('Please enter an option: ') - 1 if 0 <= number < len(args): return args[number](context) else: print('Your number was out of range.') def get_int(prompt): """Get a valid number from the user.""" while True: try: text = input(prompt) except EOFError: sys.exit() else: try: return int(text) except ValueError: print('You did not enter an integer.') def select_cleaners(context): """Choose this to select your cleaner.""" print('Selecting Cleaning Function') def edit_cleaning_information(context): """You can edit the cleaning information.""" show_menu(context, check_cleaning_info, enter_new_cleaning_info) def reserved(context): """This is reserved for future use.""" print('NOT AVAILABLE') def close_program(context): """Close the program.""" return True def check_cleaning_info(context): """Show all cleaning info.""" print('Mares:', context.mares) print('Andres:', context.andres) print('Austin:', context.austin) print('Al:', context.al) print('Jacob:', context.jacob) def enter_new_cleaning_info(context): """Enter in additional cleaning information.""" while True: name = input('Who needs cleaning info adjusted? ').capitalize() if name == 'Mares': context.mares += get_int('Add to Mares: ') elif name == 'Andres': context.andres += get_int('Add to Andres: ') elif name == 'Austin': context.austin += get_int('Add to Austin: ') elif name == 'Al': context.al += get_int('Add to Al: ') elif name == 'Jacob': context.jacob += get_int('Add to Jacob: ') else: continue break ############################################################################### class _Settings: """_Settings(*args, **kwargs) -> _Settings instance""" @staticmethod def _save(path, obj): """Save an object to the specified path.""" data = zlib.compress(pickletools.optimize(pickle.dumps(obj)), 9) with open(path, 'wb') as file: file.write(data) @staticmethod def _load(path): """Load an object from the specified path.""" with open(path, 'rb') as file: data = file.read() return pickle.loads(zlib.decompress(data)) class Namespace(_Settings): """Namespace(**schema) -> Namespace instance""" def __init__(self, **schema): """Initialize the Namespace instance with a schema definition.""" self.__original, self.__dynamic, self.__static, self.__owner = \ {}, {}, {}, None for name, value in schema.items(): if isinstance(value, _Settings): if isinstance(value, Namespace): if value.__owner is not None: raise ValueError(repr(name) + 'has an owner!') value.__owner = self self.__original[name] = value else: raise TypeError(repr(name) + ' has bad type!') def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Set a named Parameter with a given value to be validated.""" if name in {'_Namespace__original', '_Namespace__dynamic', '_Namespace__static', '_Namespace__owner', 'state'}: super().__setattr__(name, value) elif '.' in name: head, tail = name.split('.', 1) self[head][tail] = value else: attr = self.__original.get(name) if not isinstance(attr, Parameter): raise AttributeError(name) attr.validate(value) if value == attr.value: self.__dynamic.pop(name, None) else: self.__dynamic[name] = value def __getattr__(self, name): """Get a Namespace or Parameter value by its original name.""" if '.' in name: head, tail = name.split('.', 1) return self[head][tail] if name in self.__dynamic: return self.__dynamic[name] attr = self.__original.get(name) if isinstance(attr, Namespace): return attr if isinstance(attr, Parameter): return attr.value raise AttributeError(name) __setitem__ = __setattr__ __getitem__ = __getattr__ def save(self, path): """Save the state of the entire Namespace tree structure.""" if isinstance(self.__owner, Namespace): self.__owner.save(path) else: self._save(path, {Namespace: self.state}) def load(self, path): """Load the state of the entire Namespace tree structure.""" if isinstance(self.__owner, Namespace): self.__owner.load(path) else: self.state = self._load(path)[Namespace] def __get_state(self): """Get the state of this Namespace and any child Namespaces.""" state = {} for name, types in self.__static.items(): box = state.setdefault(name, {}) for type_, value in types.items(): box[type_] = value.state if type_ is Namespace else value for name, value in self.__original.items(): box = state.setdefault(name, {}) if name in self.__dynamic: value = self.__dynamic[name] elif isinstance(value, Parameter): value = value.value else: box[Namespace] = value.state continue box.setdefault(Parameter, {})[type(value)] = value return state def __set_state(self, state): """Set the state of this Namespace and any child Namespaces.""" dispatch = {Namespace: self.__set_namespace, Parameter: self.__set_parameter} for name, box in state.items(): for type_, value in box.items(): dispatch[type_](name, value) def __set_namespace(self, name, state): """Set the state of a child Namespace.""" attr = self.__original.get(name) if not isinstance(attr, Namespace): attr = self.__static.setdefault(name, {})[Namespace] = Namespace() attr.state = state def __set_parameter(self, name, state): """Set the state of a child Parameter.""" attr = self.__original.get(name) for type_, value in state.items(): if isinstance(attr, Parameter): try: attr.validate(value) except TypeError: pass else: if value == attr.value: self.__dynamic.pop(name, None) else: self.__dynamic[name] = value continue if not isinstance(value, type_): raise TypeError(repr(name) + ' has bad type!') self.__static.setdefault(name, {}).setdefault( Parameter, {})[type_] = value state = property(__get_state, __set_state, doc='Namespace state property.') class Parameter(_Settings): """Parameter(value, validator=lambda value: True) -> Parameter instance""" def __init__(self, value, validator=lambda value: True): """Initialize the Parameter instance with a value to validate.""" self.__value, self.__validator = value, validator self.validate(value) def validate(self, value): """Check that value has same type and passes validator.""" if not isinstance(value, type(self.value)): raise TypeError('Value has a different type!') if not self.__validator(value): raise ValueError('Validator failed the value!') @property def value(self): """Parameter value property.""" return self.__value ############################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': main() 和其他一些模块的用法。希望代码能够帮助您进一步编写程序。您可能希望将来研究的一个主题是数据库。

sText = ("" + sText).split("<").join("&lt;").split(">").join("&gt;").split('"').join("&#34;").split("'").join("&#39;");