我试图用$ .when(func())连接几个AJAX调用。然后(func2())。then(func3());
但是,我的第一个func()不是直接的AJAX调用,但 CAN 内部有一个AJAX调用,具体取决于其中的另一个AJAX调用。现在,我的func2(),没有等待func()完成,这导致了我的问题。我觉得我很接近解决方案,但不能完全实现。我在这里错过了什么?为什么func2()不等待dfd.resolve()?这是我突出问题的简化版本。
//First in the chain...
var request = function() {
//New Deffered....
var dfd = new $.Deferred(),
loadUrl = '/some/url/json',
saveUrl = '/some/other/url/';
//First ajax call to check if our object is PAID or NOT
$.get(loadUrl, function(data){
isPaid = (data.isPaid === "true"),
uniqueId = data.latestPayNumber;
//If it's not paid, we'll have to create a NEW object in our database
if(!isPaid) {
params = [];
params.push({ name: 'someID', value: 'value_one' });
params.push({ name: 'someIDTwo', value: 'value_two' });
serialisedParams = $.param(params);
//NOW HERE: Is another ajax call that MAY or MAY NOT happen depending on isPaid...but we have to account for it
$.post( saveUrl, serialisedParams)
//Now after this call, we have the uniqueId that we need...resolve and continue
uniqueId = data.newUniqueId;
//If it was paid, we don't need to run any other ajax calls, we have our uniqueId
else {
parentDataBundleId = payeDataBundleId;
return dfd.promise();
//Second in chain
chained = $.when(request()).then(function( data ) {
//Build some params here.... and post
return $.post( saveUrl, serialisedParams );
//Third in chain
chainedTwo = chained.then(function(data){
//Build more params......
return $.post( saveUrl, serialisedParams );
//After all calls have exectued in order, we're done...
chainedTwo.done(function( data ) {
console.log("Weeeeee we're done!");