#pragma pack(1)
struct UDPPacket {
// an array to hold the destination mac address of the packet
unsigned char dstmac[6];
// an array to hold the source mac address of the packet
unsigned char srcmac[6];
// two bytes to hold the packet type, this is almost always IP (08 00)
WORD ethtype;
// each of the subfields of this take up 4 bits. ver, the first half,
// is the ip version, which should usually be 4 for ipv4, and the second
// is the length of the header divided by 4, which is almost always 5
struct {
unsigned ver : 4;
unsigned len : 4;
} verlen;
// this isn't used in ipv4 and is 0
BYTE tos;
// the total length of the header + data
WORD iplen;
// the id of this datagram for reassembling fragmented packets
WORD id;
// the first subfield occupies 3 bits and is the flags of this packet, which is usually 0
// the second subfield is the fragmentation offset for large datagrams that have been split up for sending, usually 0
struct {
unsigned flags : 3;
unsigned fragmentation : 13;
} flagfrag;
// time to live; usually 35 or 128
BYTE ttl;
// the protocol with which this packet is being transported
// 1 = ICMP, 2 = IGMP, 6 = TCP, 17 = UDP
BYTE protocol;
// the ip checksum of this packet
WORD ipchecksum;
// the source ip of this packet
DWORD src;
// the destination ip of this packet
DWORD dest;
// the port from which this packet is coming
WORD srcport;
// the port this packet is headed to
WORD destport;
// the length of the udp header + data, not including the ip header
// so it's usually basically iplen - 20
WORD udplen;
// the udp checksum of this packet
WORD udpchecksum;
// a char pointer to the data of the packet
unsigned char data[10000];
#pragma pack()
当然,这是一个真正的UDP数据包的表示,字节必须与它们在数据包中的偏移量相同,并且指向这种结构的指针将被强制转换为unsigned char*
答案 0 :(得分:2)
正在使你的给定类型“无符号”,并假设它是一个大小为unsigned int的bitfiend,在你的编译器中听起来像是32位。尝试改为使用verlen
“unsigned char”字段。
更多信息。在这里指定“unsigned char”的能力是MSFT扩展(对于ANSI C),但应该有效:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/yszfawxh(VS.80).aspx
,它应该是“unsigned short”。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
该标准不要求编译器将位字段打包到单个存储单元(int,char,等等)。因此即使使用pragma,我也希望这2个字段占用2个字符或整数。我没有该编译器的文档 - 它是否说pragma如何影响位域?
答案 2 :(得分:1)
您的#pragma pack
答案 3 :(得分:0)
答案 4 :(得分:0)
也许使用offsetof macro会对您有帮助。
答案 5 :(得分:0)
在此等效于unsigned int