我需要在TMemo中显示base64密钥。不幸的是,不可能恰当地显示这个base64字符串:它在每次'/'时被Carriage返回切断,或者在任何'+'处系统地开始一个新行! 我在我的知识中尝试了一切,用一个长短语(没有回车)制作这个字符串,但不成功。 如何在表格和TMemo调整大小时自动调整大小,如何在base64中获取一个扁平字符串(没有回车)? 非常感谢。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
对于那些感兴趣的人,代码如下:带有TMemo(备忘录)的TForm。此解决方案适用于平坦的Base64字符串。最后不再在每个/或+处切断字符串。 也许下面的解决方案需要调整,但它对我来说足够了。当然,在处理应用程序中的b64字符串之前,需要对其进行过滤以消除CR-LF,但这没关系。 我使用事件:OnTeyDown,OnResize,TMemo的OnPainting。 我写了一个特定的函数formatMemo(..),它可以正确地对齐行。 该代码仅接受真正的B64字符,并过滤错误字符(如果有)。
#define IS_B64(c) (isalnum(c) || (c == '/') || (c == '+') || (c == '='))
//Adjustments work for Courier New, standard size:
const float FW=7.2;//Font width
const diff=25;//Room for vert. scroll bar
//Gives the number of characters in one line of the TMemo:
// width : width in pixels where to put the line of chars
// font_sz : the average width of a character
// returns the number of characters by line of the TMemo
inline int nchars(int width, float font_sz)
return int(float(width-diff)/font_sz);
//Formats the memo to a certain length of characters:
// *p : the memo to format
// nc : the number of characters for each line.
void formatMemo(TMemo *p, int nc)
if(p==0) return;
AnsiString src, dest;//UnicodeString is less fast...
//Filter everything as B64 only:
for(int i=1; i<=p->Text.Length(); ++i) {//Indexing is "1-based" like on Delphi (except on mobiles)
if(IS_B64(p->Text[i])) dest += p->Text[i];
p->Lines->Clear();//Erases everyting
int length=dest.Length(), units=length/nc, remain=length%nc;
for( int k=0 ; k<units ; ++k) {
p->Lines->Append( dest.SubString(1+k*nc, nc) );
if(remain) {
p->Lines->Append( dest.SubString(1+units*nc, remain) );
void __fastcall TForm1::memoKeyDown(TObject *Sender, WORD &Key, System::WideChar &KeyChar,
TShiftState Shift)
//This event is triggered before the character is sent in Text.
//Saves caret position:
TCaretPosition p={memo->CaretPosition.Line, memo->CaretPosition.Pos};
memo->Tag=0;//Don't do a format.
if(Key==0 && !IS_B64(KeyChar))//Printable KeyChar
//Changes the entry into '0':
//Put a backspace to erase:
Key=vkBack; KeyChar=0;
else memo->Tag=1;//Programs a format in the OnPainting
memo->CaretPosition=p;//Repositions the caret
//In case of resize, reformat the TMemo
void __fastcall TForm1::memoResize(TObject *Sender)
formatMemo(memo, nchars(memo->Width,FW));
void __fastcall TForm1::memoPainting(TObject *Sender, TCanvas *Canvas, const TRectF &ARect)
//We will use the Tag of the memo as a parameter, to plan a reformat.
if(memo->Tag){//A format is asked by OnKeyDown.
TCaretPosition p={memo->CaretPosition.Line, memo->CaretPosition.Pos};
formatMemo(memo, nchars(memo->Width,FW));