
时间:2016-01-31 14:00:36

标签: c clock


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

//prototypes of insertion sort and quick sort
int * naive_sort(int * );
void smarter_sort(int * sorted, int left, int right);

int main(void)
    int size;

    long naiveTime, smarterTime;
    clock_t time1, time2, time3, time4;
    //creating an array of all the array sizes to be tested
    int arraySizes[5] = {10, 100, 1000, 5000, 10000};
    //loop to go through all the array sizes in arraySize
    for(int z = 0; z<5; z++)
        size = arraySizes[z];
        int unsorted[size];
        int * sortedNaive;
        int * sortedSmarter;

        //filling unsorted array with random variables
        for(int i = 0; i<size; i++)
            unsorted[i] = rand() %100000;

        time3 = clock();
        //call quick sort
        sortedSmarter = unsorted;
        smarter_sort(sortedSmarter, 0, size-1);
        time4 = clock();

        time1 = clock();
        //call insertion sort
        sortedNaive = naive_sort(unsorted);
        time2 = clock();

        naiveTime = (time2-time1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
        smarterTime = (time4 - time3)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

        printf("Time taken for insertion sort with %d elements: %e \n", arraySizes[z], naiveTime);
        printf("Time taken for quick sort with %d elements:     %e \n", arraySizes[z], smarterTime);

    return 0;

//insertion sort function
int * naive_sort(int * sort)
    int i,j, temp; //pointer variables

    int size = sizeof(sort);
    for(i = 1; i<size; i++)
        j = i-1;

        while(sort[i] < sort[j] && i>0)
            temp = sort[j];
            sort[j] = sort[i];
            sort[i] = temp;
    return sort;

void smarter_sort(int * sorted, int left, int right)
    //left has the lowest index of the array to be sorted
    //right has the highest index of the array to be sorted

    int  p ;  //pivot
    int temp; //temporary
    int i ;
    int j ;

    if(left<right)      //function will stop sorting when lowest index         passes highest index
        p = left;       //pivot is set to leftmost element
        i = left;       //i is set to leftmost element
        j = right;      //j is set to rightmost element

        while(i < j)        //stops sorting when left pointer passes right pointer
            while(sorted[i]<=sorted[p] && i < right)    //increments left pointer until it is greater than pivot
            while(sorted[j] > sorted[p])                //decrements right pointer until it is smaller than pivot
            if(i<j)                                    //swap occurs only when left pointer is lower than right pointer
                //swap i and j
                temp = sorted[i];
                sorted[i] = sorted[j];
                sorted[j] = temp;


        temp = sorted[p];           //swaps pivot and right pointer
        smarter_sort(sorted,left,j-1);  //recursive call of sorting function on left side of pivot
        smarter_sort(sorted,j+1,right); //recursive call of sorting function on right side of pivot


运行时,输出表明排序大约需要8.7e-313秒,这太小了 任何可能出错的想法

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您尝试使用PrinterSettings printerSettings = new PrinterSettings(); printDocument1.PrinterSettings = printerSettings; printDocument1.Print(); 格式说明符打印naiveTimesmarterTimelong类型的变量),该格式说明符需要类型为%e的参数。这是未定义的行为,导致您观察到的伪造输出。要解决此问题,请使这两个变量的类型为double,并将计算更改为:

