我在Windows 7 32位上安装OpenCV 3.0和visual studio 2013,我配置它们,我可以运行我的网络摄像头并且这样可以正常工作但是当我使用下面的代码时我得到了这个错误:
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
/// Global Variables
Mat img; Mat templ; Mat result;
char* image_window = "Source Image";
char* result_window = "Result window";
int match_method;
int max_Trackbar = 5;
/// Function Headers
void MatchingMethod(int, void*);
/* @function main */
int main(int argc, char** argv)
/// Load image and template
img = imread(argv[1], 1);
templ = imread(argv[2], 1);
/// Create windows
namedWindow(image_window, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
namedWindow(result_window, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
/// Create Trackbar
char* trackbar_label = "Method: \n 0: SQDIFF \n 1: SQDIFF NORMED \n 2: TM CCORR \n 3: TM CCORR NORMED \n 4: TM COEFF \n 5: TM COEFF NORMED";
createTrackbar(trackbar_label, image_window, &match_method, max_Trackbar, MatchingMethod);
MatchingMethod(0, 0);
return 0;
* @function MatchingMethod
* @brief Trackbar callback
void MatchingMethod(int, void*)
/// Source image to display
Mat img_display;
/// Create the result matrix
int result_cols = img.cols - templ.cols + 1;
int result_rows = img.rows - templ.rows + 1;
result.create(result_cols, result_rows, CV_32FC1);
/// Do the Matching and Normalize
matchTemplate(img, templ, result, match_method);
normalize(result, result, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX, -1, Mat());
/// Localizing the best match with minMaxLoc
double minVal; double maxVal; Point minLoc; Point maxLoc;
Point matchLoc;
minMaxLoc(result, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc, Mat());
/// For SQDIFF and SQDIFF_NORMED, the best matches are lower values. For all the other methods, the higher the better
if (match_method == CV_TM_SQDIFF || match_method == CV_TM_SQDIFF_NORMED)
matchLoc = minLoc;
matchLoc = maxLoc;
/// Show me what you got
rectangle(img_display, matchLoc, Point(matchLoc.x + templ.cols, matchLoc.y + templ.rows), Scalar::all(0), 2, 8, 0);
rectangle(result, matchLoc, Point(matchLoc.x + templ.cols, matchLoc.y + templ.rows), Scalar::all(0), 2, 8, 0);
imshow(image_window, img_display);
imshow(result_window, result);
我想测试模板匹配,我使用Visual Studio 2012,2010,2008和Now 2013测试,我该怎么办?我怎么解决这个问题 ?