
时间:2016-01-29 15:08:26

标签: sql sql-server join exists outer-join

我不知道如何创建一个SQL语句来连接4个表 1)供应商表将始终匹配供应商#
上每个表的条目 2)其余3个中的每一个将由供应商#& amp; Seq#


Vendor #      Name   
--------      ----  
   1        Tom Smith   
   2        Bruce Lee   
   3        Seamus O’Leary   
   4        Jonathan Stewart   
   5        Benjamin Franklin


Vendor #   Seq #   MonthFrom   MonthTo
--------   -----   ---------   -------
    1        1         3          6
    1        2         7          9
    3        2         5          6 


Vendor #    Seq #     Week #
--------    -----     ------
    1         1         3
    3         1         4
    4         1         1


Vendor #    Seq #    Day #
   1          1        15
   1          2        25
   2          1        12
   4          1        05
   5          1        19


Vendor#   Name          Seq#   MonthFrom   MonthTo   Week#   Day#
   1    Tom Smith         1        3          6        3      15
   1    Tom Smith         2        7          9      NULL     25
   2    Bruce Lee         1       NULL       NULL    NULL     12
   3    Seamus O’Leary    1       NULL       NULL      4     NULL
   3    Seamus O’Leary    2        5          6      NULL    NULL
   4    Jonathan Stewart  1       NULL       NULL      1      05
   5    Benjamin Franklin 1       NULL       NULL    NULL     19



5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



    font-family:'HelveticaNeue', 'Helvetica Neue', serif !important;


declare @Vendors table(id int, name varchar(20));
declare @MonthRangeSelected table (vendor int, seq int null, monthFrom int null, monthTo int null);
declare @WeekSelected table (vendor int, seq int null, week int null);
declare @DaySelected table (vendor int, seq int null, day int null);

insert into @Vendors
select 1, 'Tom Smith'
union all
select 2, 'Bruce Lee'
union all
select 3, 'Seamus O’Leary'
union all
select 4, 'Jonathan Stewart'
union all
select 5, 'Benjamin Franklin';

insert into @MonthRangeSelected
select 1, 1, 3, 6
union all
select 1, 2, 7, 9
union all
select 3, 2, 5, 6;

insert into @WeekSelected
select 1, 1, 3
union all
select 3, 1, 4
union all
select 4, 1, 1;

insert into @DaySelected
select 1, 1, 15
union all
select 1, 2, 25
union all
select 2, 1, 12
union all
select 4, 1, 05
union all
select 5, 1, 19;


   select v.Id, v.name, combinations.seq, MonthFrom, MonthTo, Week, Day
     from @Vendors v
inner join (select m.vendor, m.seq
              from @MonthRangeSelected m
            select w.vendor, w.seq
              from @WeekSelected w
            select d.vendor, d.seq
              from @DaySelected d) combinations
       on combinations.vendor = v.id
left join @MonthRangeSelected m
       on m.Vendor = combinations.vendor
      and m.seq = combinations.seq
left join @WeekSelected w
       on w.Vendor = combinations.vendor
      and w.seq = combinations.seq
left join @DaySelected d
       on d.Vendor = combinations.vendor
      and d.seq = combinations.seq
    where (MonthFrom is not null
       or MonthTo is not null
       or Week is not null
       or Day is not null)

答案 1 :(得分:1)


select v.Vendor, v.name, coalesce(m.seq, w.seq, d.seq) as Seq,
       m.MonthFrom, m.MonthTo, w.Week, d.Day
from Vendors v left join
     SMonthRangeSelected m
     on v.Vendor = m.Vendor full join
     WeekSelected w
     on v.Vendor = w.Vendor and m.seq = w.seq full join
     DaySelected d
     on v.Vendor = d.Vendor and d.seq in (w.seq, m.seq)
where m.Vendor is not null or
      w.Vendor is not null or
      d.Vendor is not null;

使用full join时会发生奇怪的事情,特别是如果您想要进行任何过滤。另一种方法使用union allgroup by

select mwd.Vendor, v.name, mwd.seq,
       max(MonthFrom) as MonthFrom, max(MonthTo) as monthTo,
       max(Week) as week, max(Day) as day
from ((select m.Vendor, m.seq, m.MonthFrom, m.MonthTo, NULL as week, NULL as day
       from month m
      ) union all
      (select w.Vendor, w.seq, NULL as MonthFrom, NULL as MonthTo, w.week, NULL as day
       from week
      ) union all
      (select d.Vendor, d.seq, NULL as MonthFrom, NULL as MonthTo, NULL as week, d.day
       from day d
     ) mwd join
     Vendor v
     on v.vendor = vmwd.vendor
group by mwd.Vendor, v.vname, mwd.seq;


答案 2 :(得分:0)


(MonthFrom is not null or Week# is not null or Day# is not null)


答案 3 :(得分:0)


select vendorno, v.name, x.seqno, x.monthfrom, x.monthto, x.weekno, x.dayno
from vendor v
  select vendorno, seqno, m.monthfrom, m.monthto, w.weekno, d.dayno
  from monthsel m
  full outer join weeksel w using (vendorno, seqno)
  full outer join daysel d using (vendorno, seqno)
) x using(vendorno)
order by vendorno, x.seqno;


select v.vendorno, v.name, x.seqno, x.monthfrom, x.monthto, x.weekno, x.dayno
from vendor v
    coalesce(m.vendorno, w.vendorno, d.vendorno) as vendorno,
    coalesce(m.seqno, w.seqno, d.seqno) as seqno,
    m.monthfrom, m.monthto, w.weekno, d.dayno
  from monthsel m
  full outer join weeksel w 
      on  (w.vendorno = m.vendorno or w.vendorno is null or m.vendorno is null) 
      and (w.seqno = m.seqno or w.seqno is null or m.seqno is null) 
  full outer join daysel d 
      on  (d.vendorno = m.vendorno or d.vendorno is null or m.vendorno is null) 
      and (d.vendorno = w.vendorno or d.vendorno is null or w.vendorno is null) 
      and (d.seqno = m.seqno or d.seqno is null or m.seqno is null) 
      and (d.seqno = w.seqno or d.seqno is null or w.seqno is null) 
) x on x.vendorno = v.vendorno
order by v.vendorno, x.seqno;


答案 4 :(得分:0)


    V.[Vendor#],  -- I'll never understand why people insist on using names that require brackets
    COALESCE(M.[Seq#], W.[Seq#], D.[Seq#]) AS [Seq#],
    Vendor V
LEFT OUTER JOIN MonthRange M ON M.[Vendor#] = V.[Vendor#]
LEFT OUTER JOIN Week W ON W.[Vendor#] = V.[Vendor#]
LEFT OUTER JOIN Day D ON D.[Vendor#] = V.[Vendor#]
        M.[Vendor#] IS NOT NULL OR
        W.[Vendor#] IS NOT NULL OR
        D.[Vendor#] IS NOT NULL
    ) AND
    (M.[Seq#] = W.[Seq#] OR M.[Seq#] IS NULL OR W.[Seq#] IS NULL) AND
    (M.[Seq#] = D.[Seq#] OR M.[Seq#] IS NULL OR D.[Seq#] IS NULL) AND
    (D.[Seq#] = W.[Seq#] OR D.[Seq#] IS NULL OR W.[Seq#] IS NULL)