
时间:2016-01-28 12:34:23

标签: macos file duplicates applescript

我之前从未使用过Apple Script,发现自己需要完成一项非常重复的任务。基本上我需要做的是批量复制并按照模式重命名一些文件。我最好需要一个对话框说




1-1.jpg 1-2.jpg 1-3.jpg




2-1.jpg 2-2.jpg 2-3.jpg 3-1.jpg 3-2.jpg 3-3.jpg ...



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

如果您突出显示这些文件,然后按需要重复按Command + D(复制),那么您基本上已经没有任何AppleScript了。唯一不同的是你会得到更明确命名的重复:

  • 1-1.jpg
  • 1-1 copy.jpg
  • 1-1 copy 1.jpg
  • 1-1 copy 2.jpg

如果要在“服务”菜单中自动执行此操作,可以使用Automator构建服务。 “服务”菜单不是运行AppleScripts的典型位置。有一个Script菜单,您可以在Script Editor首选项中启用它(在菜单栏中显示Script菜单。)



答案 1 :(得分:0)


例如:只选择了1个文件' 1-surpername.jpg'在文件夹' MyFolder'中,要求有2个重复的文件

结果在' Myfolder"是' 1-supername.jpg',' 2-supername.jpg',' 3-supername.jpg'。


tell application "Finder" to set MyFiles to selection
set NbFiles to count of MyFiles
if NbFiles = 0 then return
set Dupli to 0
set myAnswer to display dialog "There are " & NbFiles & " selected. How many duplicate do you want ?" default answer "1"
set Qty to text returned of myAnswer
on error
set Qty to 1
display dialog "Job cancelled. value entered incorrect"
end try
display dialog "Please confirm that you want to duplicate " & Qty & " times the " & NbFiles & " files selected ?"

repeat with F in MyFiles -- duplication for each selected file
set myName to name of F
set myFolder to POSIX path of ((folder of F) as string)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"-"}
set ListName to text items of myName
set myCount to (item 1 of ListName) as integer
repeat with I from 1 to Qty -- for each duplication
    set myCount to myCount + 1 -- counter of the begining of the file name
    set item 1 of ListName to (myCount as string) --increase the counter for the new name
    set newName to ListName as string
        do shell script "cp " & quoted form of (myFolder & myName) & " " & quoted form of (myFolder & newName)
    on error
        display dialog "error during copy of " & myName & " into " & newName
    end try
end repeat
end repeat