问题 您在当地商店收到信用卡C,并想购买两件商品。您首先浏览商店并创建所有可用商品的清单L.从此列表中,您可以购买两个项目,这些项目可以累计信用的全部价值。您提供的解决方案将包含两个整数,表示列表中项目的位置(首先是较小的数字)。
输入 第一行输入给出了案例数,N.N测试案例如下。对于每个测试用例,将有: •一行包含值C,即您在商店的信用额度。 •一行包含值I,即商店中的商品数量。 •一行包含空格分隔的I整数列表。每个整数P表示商店中商品的价格。 •每个测试用例都只有一个解决方案。
输出 对于每个测试用例,输出一行包含" Case #x:"其次是价格加起来商店信用的两个商品的指数。应首先输出较低的索引。 范围 5≤C≤1000 1≤P≤1000 小数据集 N = 10 3≤I≤100 大数据集 N = 50 3≤I≤2000
示例数据 输入
3 100 3 5 75 25 200 7 150 24 79 50 88 345 3 8 8 2 1 9 4 4 56 90 3
输出 案例#1:2 3 案例#2:1 4 案例#3:4 5
答案 0 :(得分:-1)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace ReadCreaditCard
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//ask for input file path.
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter the input file path:");
//@"C:\Users\NIRBHAY\Document\Store Credit-small.txt";
string path = Console.ReadLine();
//validate the file path.
while (!File.Exists(path))
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter a valid file path:");
path = Console.ReadLine();
//open the file to read the data.
using (StreamReader tr = new StreamReader(path))
//read the no of cases.
string noOfCases = tr.ReadLine();
int caseCounter = 0;
//validate if first line of input file is valid numeric value.
while (!int.TryParse(noOfCases, out caseCounter))
Console.WriteLine("First line of input file is not a numeric value.");
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a numeric value:");
noOfCases = Console.ReadLine();
int caseNo = 1;
//read all the lines of data and show it in reverse order.
while (caseCounter-- > 0)
#region Read credit value
string creditStr = tr.ReadLine();
if (creditStr == null)
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input file.");
int creditValue = 0;
if (!int.TryParse(creditStr, out creditValue))
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input file.");
#region Read items count
string itemsCountStr = tr.ReadLine();
if (itemsCountStr == null)
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input file.");
int itemsCount = 0;
if (!int.TryParse(itemsCountStr, out itemsCount))
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input file.");
string itemsPriceStr = tr.ReadLine();
if (itemsPriceStr == null)
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input file.");
string[] arrayOfCosts = itemsPriceStr.Split(' ');
PrintItems(caseNo, creditValue, itemsCount, arrayOfCosts);
Console.WriteLine("\n \n Press any key to exit :)");
/// <summary>
/// Prints the indexes of selected items.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="caseNo"></param>
/// <param name="creditValue"></param>
/// <param name="itemsCount"></param>
/// <param name="arrayOfCosts"></param>
private static void PrintItems(int caseNo, int creditValue, int itemsCount, string[] arrayOfCosts)
for (int i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++)
int firstItemCost = int.Parse(arrayOfCosts[i]);
for (int j = i + 1; j < itemsCount; j++)
int secondItemCost = int.Parse(arrayOfCosts[j]);
if (firstItemCost + secondItemCost == creditValue)
Console.WriteLine("Case#{0}: {1}, {2}", caseNo, i, j);