UserName@PC1 ~/GitHub/ud989-retain
$ ls
css index.html js
UserName@PC1 ~/GitHub/ud989-retain
$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
UserName@PC1 ~/GitHub/ud989-retain
$ git branch
* master
下面是我在gihub gh-pages
上托管我的页面的方法# create the gh-pages branch
git branch gh-pages
# think this copies all files from master/origin to gh-pates(remotely and locally I think?)
git push origin gh-pages
# this shows the branches available(master and gh-pages and you should be on master)
git branch
# change to the gh-pages branch
git checkout gh-pages
#get the status of your repo, it should be upto date
git status
# this shows the branches available(master and gh-pages and you should be on gh-pages)
git branch
# create a .nojekyll, not sure what this does exactly but it is required
touch .nojekyll
# you should be able to see your .nojekyll
ls -a
# now add your .nojekyll for committing, not sure why i don't have to commit the others but maybe they are done with the git push origin gh-pages
git add .nojekyll
# commit the file with a comment
git commit -a -m "adding .nojekyll file"
# this gives the remote URLs, not required but just checking they are there
git remote -v
# push to your remote repo, and I should be able to view my page online
git push origin gh-pages
因此,最终结果将是您的github帐户,master和gh页面中的2个分支,并且它们应该具有相同的文件。然后你应该得到一个链接到你的页面托管的位置。这可以在你的git hub帐户的设置中找到。
EDIT1 完成上述操作后如果你使用你的回购和选择设置进入你的github页面,在Gihub页面下你应该有例如:GitHub Pages 您的网站发布在http://hattricknz.github.io/ud989-retain。
注意我搜索了各种各样的地方,但是我找不到它的文件太好了,或者我总是遇到问题。 所以在这里,我希望这是一个很好的参考我。也可能有其他/更好的方法来做类似我不知道的事情。
重新审视这个: 我有一个repo,我刚推到github,主分支看起来像:
$ ls
assets index.html README.md robots.txt
现在我想在github上发布它。 我准备从我的笔记中跟随这个
git branch gh-pages
git push origin gh-pages
git branch
git checkout gh-pages
git status
git branch
touch .nojekyll
ls -a
git add .nojekyll
git commit -a -m "adding .nojekyll file"
git remote -v
git push origin gh-pages
但我刚刚完成以下操作:并转到我的回购设置,并说Your site is published at ...
git branch gh-pages
git push origin gh-pages
git branch
git checkout gh-pages
答案 0 :(得分:1)
git clone repo.git
cd repo
git branch --orphan gh-pages
添加你的html / css / js文件...而不是提交和推送。
git push origin gh-pages