但现在,在一个新的PDF(使用iText 1.4.3生成)中,我有一些来自同一行的块,如图所示。
Text: S startLocation x:122 y:110.64 z:1 endLocation x:126.8 y:125.04 z:1
Text: e startLocation x:126.8 y:110.64 z:1 endLocation x:131.6 y:125.04 z:1
Text: x startLocation x:131.6 y:110.64 z:1 endLocation x:136.4 y:125.04 z:1
Text: L startLocation x:122 y:135.3 z:1 endLocation x:126.8 y:226.5 z:1
Text: a startLocation x:126.8 y:135.3 z:1 endLocation x:131.6 y:226.5 z:1
Text: s startLocation x:131.6 y:135.3 z:1 endLocation x:136.4 y:226.5 z:1
Text: t startLocation x:136.4 y:135.3 z:1 endLocation x:141.2 y:226.5 z:1
Text: n startLocation x:141.2 y:135.3 z:1 endLocation x:146 y:226.5 z:1
Text: a startLocation x:146 y:135.3 z:1 endLocation x:150.8 y:226.5 z:1
Text: m startLocation x:150.8 y:135.3 z:1 endLocation x:155.6 y:226.5 z:1
Text: e startLocation x:155.6 y:135.3 z:1 endLocation x:160.4 y:226.5 z:1
S|distParallelStart 143.5421|distParallelEnd 158.7211| distPerpendicular 81 | orientationMagnitude 1249|orientationVector 0,3162279, 0,9486833, 0
e|distParallelStart 145.06 |distParallelEnd 160.239 | distPerpendicular 85 | orientationMagnitude 1249|orientationVector 0,3162279, 0,9486833, 0
x|distParallelStart 146.5779|distParallelEnd 161.7569| distPerpendicular 90 | orientationMagnitude 1249|orientationVector 0,3162279, 0,9486833, 0
L|distParallelStart 141.5252|distParallelEnd 232.8514| distPerpendicular 115| orientationMagnitude 1518|orientationVector 0,05255886, 0,9986178, 0
a|distParallelStart 141.7775|distParallelEnd 233.1037| distPerpendicular 120| orientationMagnitude 1518|orientationVector 0,05255886, 0,9986178, 0
s|distParallelStart 142.0297|distParallelEnd 233.356 | distPerpendicular 124| orientationMagnitude 1518|orientationVector 0,05255886, 0,9986178, 0
t|distParallelStart 142.282 |distParallelEnd 233.6083| distPerpendicular 129| orientationMagnitude 1518|orientationVector 0,05255886, 0,9986178, 0
n|distParallelStart 142.5343|distParallelEnd 233.8605| distPerpendicular 134| orientationMagnitude 1518|orientationVector 0,05255886, 0,9986178, 0
a|distParallelStart 142.7866|distParallelEnd 234.1128| distPerpendicular 139| orientationMagnitude 1518|orientationVector 0,05255886, 0,9986178, 0
m|distParallelStart 143.0389|distParallelEnd 234.3651| distPerpendicular 143| orientationMagnitude 1518|orientationVector 0,05255886, 0,9986178, 0
e|distParallelStart 143.2912|distParallelEnd 234.6174| distPerpendicular 148| orientationMagnitude 1518|orientationVector 0,05255886, 0,9986178, 0
virtual public bool SameLine(TextChunk a){
if (orientationMagnitude != a.orientationMagnitude) return false;
if (distPerpendicular != a.distPerpendicular) return false;
return true;
public TextChunk(String str, Vector startLocation, Vector endLocation, float charSpaceWidth) {
this.text = str;
this.startLocation = startLocation;
this.endLocation = endLocation;
this.charSpaceWidth = charSpaceWidth;
Vector oVector = endLocation.Subtract(startLocation);
if (oVector.Length == 0) {
oVector = new Vector(1, 0, 0);
orientationVector = oVector.Normalize();
orientationMagnitude = (int)(Math.Atan2(orientationVector[Vector.I2], orientationVector[Vector.I1])*1000);
// see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Point-LineDistance2-Dimensional.html
// the two vectors we are crossing are in the same plane, so the result will be purely
// in the z-axis (out of plane) direction, so we just take the I3 component of the result
Vector origin = new Vector(0,0,1);
distPerpendicular = (int)(startLocation.Subtract(origin)).Cross(orientationVector)[Vector.I3];
distParallelStart = orientationVector.Dot(startLocation);
distParallelEnd = orientationVector.Dot(endLocation);
如果我执行locationalResult.Sort()chucks与文档中的另一个混合,因为数据看起来不是有序的。在其他PDF工作的人有orientationVector(1,0,0)。不同之处在于startLocation和endLocation不具有相同的y因子。似乎有关于高度的事情。 有人能解释我有什么不对吗?如何更正值以获取同一行中的所有字符?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
文档面向横向,并且块具有相同的X组件,但Y更改为: enter image description here 只有我必须改变X和Y坐标才能工作
Function GetCharacterRenderInfos() As List(Of CustomTextRenderInfo)
Dim baseList As IList(Of TextRenderInfo) = Me.BaseInfo.GetCharacterRenderInfos()
Dim caracteres() As Char = Me.GetText().ToCharArray()
Dim vStart As Vector = Me.BaseLine.GetStartPoint()
Dim vEnd As Vector = Me.BaseLine.GetEndPoint()
Dim x As Single = vStart(Vector.I1)
Dim y As Single = vStart(Vector.I2)
Dim z As Single = vStart(Vector.I3)
Dim y2 As Single = vEnd(Vector.I2)
If (x.Equals(vEnd(Vector.I1))) Then 'This case
x = vStart(Vector.I2)
y = 2000 - vStart(Vector.I1) 'Because the rigthmost column must be on top
y2 = 2000 - vEnd(Vector.I1)
End If
If x < 0 And y > 0 Then
x = 0
End If