因此,如果分组列包含数字,则它正确地归类为dbl,但只要组中只有NaN的实例,它就会失败,因为dplyr将该组定义为 lgl ,而所有其他组都是 dbl 。
我的第一个(也是更一般的问题)是: 有没有办法告诉dplyr,当使用group_by()时,总是以某种方式定义列?
# ERROR: This will provide the column defining error mentioned:
df <- data_frame(a = c(rep(LETTERS[1:2],4),"C"),g = c(rep(LETTERS[5:7],3)), x = c(7, 8,3, 5, 9, 2, 4, 7,8)) %>% tbl_df()
df <- df %>% group_by(a) %>% mutate_each(funs(sd(., na.rm=TRUE)),x)
df <- df %>% mutate(Winsorise = ifelse(x>2,2,x))
# NO ERROR (as no groups have single entry with NaN):
df2 <- data_frame(a = c(rep(LETTERS[1:2],4),"C"),g = c(rep(LETTERS[5:7],3)), x = c(7, 8,3, 5, 9, 2, 4, 7,8)) %>% tbl_df()
df2 <- df2 %>% group_by(a) %>% mutate_each(funs(sd(., na.rm=TRUE)),x)
# Update the Group for the row with an NA - Works
df2[9,1] <- "A"
df2 <- df2 %>% mutate(Winsorise = ifelse(x>3,3,x))
# REASON FOR ERROR: What happens for groups with one member = NaN, although we want the winsorise column to be dbl not lgl:
df3 <- data_frame(g = "A",x = NaN)
df3 <- df3 %>% mutate(Winsorise = ifelse(x>3,3,x))
答案 0 :(得分:3)
正如您在df3中正确指出的那样,原因是当源列为NaN / NA时,mutate结果被转换为逻辑。
df <- df %>% mutate(Winsorise = as.numeric(ifelse(x>2,2,x)))