
时间:2016-01-27 08:14:52

标签: c windows networking driver ndis

我正在开发基于WinPcap的NDIS 6轻量级过滤器(LWF)驱动程序。我们可以想象网络适配器有两条路径:TxRx








  1. Jeffery对帖子的回答:Is FilterSendNetBufferLists handler a must for an NDIS filter to use NdisFSendNetBufferLists?

  2. 来自Microsoft的摘录:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff570452(v=vs.85).aspx

  3. OSR提供的示例:https://www.osronline.com/showthread.cfm?link=242847

  4. 然后我分析了驱动程序打印的日志。似乎我的NdisFIndicateReceiveNetBufferLists调用(用于发送到Rx)只被调用一次,然后驱动程序处理其他作业,而环3 nping已经死亡。我重用了NPF_SendCompleteEx中现有正常运行代码的大部分代码(这是Send complete to normal Tx的处理程序)。所以我不认为这部分会有错误吗?




        IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
        IN PIRP Irp
        POPEN_INSTANCE      Open;
        POPEN_INSTANCE      GroupOpen;
        POPEN_INSTANCE      TempOpen;
        ULONG               SendFlags = 0;
        PNET_BUFFER_LIST    pNetBufferList;
        NDIS_STATUS         Status;
        ULONG               NumSends;
        ULONG               numSentPackets;
        IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
        Open = IrpSp->FileObject->FsContext;
        if (NPF_StartUsingOpenInstance(Open) == FALSE)
            // an IRP_MJ_CLEANUP was received, just fail the request
            Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
            Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_CANCELLED;
            IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
            return STATUS_CANCELLED;
        NumSends = Open->Nwrites;
        // validate the send parameters set by the IOCTL
        if (NumSends == 0)
            Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
            Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
            IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
            return STATUS_SUCCESS;
        // Validate input parameters: 
        // 1. The packet size should be greater than 0,
        // 2. less-equal than max frame size for the link layer and
        // 3. the maximum frame size of the link layer should not be zero.
        if (IrpSp->Parameters.Write.Length == 0 ||  // Check that the buffer provided by the user is not empty
            Open->MaxFrameSize == 0 ||  // Check that the MaxFrameSize is correctly initialized
            Irp->MdlAddress == NULL ||
            IrpSp->Parameters.Write.Length > Open->MaxFrameSize) // Check that the fame size is smaller that the MTU
            TRACE_MESSAGE(PACKET_DEBUG_LOUD, "Frame size out of range, or maxFrameSize = 0. Send aborted");
            Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
            Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
            IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
            return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
        // Increment the ref counter of the binding handle, if possible
        if (NPF_StartUsingBinding(Open) == FALSE)
            TRACE_MESSAGE(PACKET_DEBUG_LOUD, "Adapter is probably unbinding, cannot send packets");
            Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
            Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST;
            IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
        if (Open->WriteInProgress)
            // Another write operation is currently in progress
            TRACE_MESSAGE(PACKET_DEBUG_LOUD, "Another Send operation is in progress, aborting.");
            Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
            Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
            IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
            return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
            Open->WriteInProgress = TRUE;
            "Max frame size = %u, packet size = %u",
        // reset the number of packets pending the SendComplete
        Open->TransmitPendingPackets = 0;
        numSentPackets = 0;
        while (numSentPackets < NumSends)
            pNetBufferList = NdisAllocateNetBufferAndNetBufferList(Open->PacketPool,
            if (pNetBufferList != NULL)
                // packet is available, prepare it and send it with NdisSend.
                // If asked, set the flags for this packet.
                // Currently, the only situation in which we set the flags is to disable the reception of loopback
                // packets, i.e. of the packets sent by us.
                //if (Open->SkipSentPackets)
                //  NPFSetNBLFlags(pNetBufferList, g_SendPacketFlags);
                // The packet hasn't a buffer that needs not to be freed after every single write
                RESERVED(pNetBufferList)->FreeBufAfterWrite = FALSE;
                // Save the IRP associated with the packet
                // RESERVED(pPacket)->Irp=Irp;
                // Attach the writes buffer to the packet
                //receive the packets before sending them
                ASSERT(Open->GroupHead != NULL);
                if (Open->GroupHead != NULL)
                    GroupOpen = Open->GroupHead->GroupNext;
                    //this is impossible
                    GroupOpen = Open->GroupNext;
                // Do not capture the send traffic we send, if this is our loopback adapter.
                if (Open->Loopback == FALSE)
                    while (GroupOpen != NULL)
                        TempOpen = GroupOpen;
                        if (TempOpen->AdapterBindingStatus == ADAPTER_BOUND && TempOpen->SkipSentPackets == FALSE)
                            NPF_TapExForEachOpen(TempOpen, pNetBufferList);
                        GroupOpen = TempOpen->GroupNext;
                pNetBufferList->SourceHandle = Open->AdapterHandle;
                NPFSetNBLChildOpen(pNetBufferList, Open); //save the child open object in the packets
                //SendFlags |= NDIS_SEND_FLAGS_CHECK_FOR_LOOPBACK;
                // Recognize IEEE802.1Q tagged packet, as no many adapters support VLAN tag packet sending, no much use for end users,
                // and this code examines the data which lacks efficiency, so I left it commented, the sending part is also unfinished.
                // This code refers to Win10Pcap at https://github.com/SoftEtherVPN/Win10Pcap.
    //          if (Open->Loopback == FALSE)
    //          {
    //              PUCHAR pHeaderBuffer;
    //              UINT iFres;
    //              BOOLEAN withVlanTag = FALSE;
    //              UINT VlanID = 0;
    //              UINT VlanUserPriority = 0;
    //              UINT VlanCanFormatID = 0;
    //              NdisQueryMdl(
    //                  Irp->MdlAddress,
    //                  &pHeaderBuffer,
    //                  &iFres,
    //                  NormalPagePriority);
    //              // Determine if the packet is IEEE802.1Q tagged packet.
    //              if (iFres >= 18)
    //              {
    //                  if (pHeaderBuffer[12] == 0x81 && pHeaderBuffer[13] == 0x00)
    //                  {
    //                      USHORT pTmpVlanTag = 0;
    //                      ((UCHAR *)(&pTmpVlanTag))[0] = pHeaderBuffer[15];
    //                      ((UCHAR *)(&pTmpVlanTag))[1] = pHeaderBuffer[14];
    //                      VlanID = pTmpVlanTag & 0x0FFF;
    //                      VlanUserPriority = (pTmpVlanTag >> 13) & 0x07;
    //                      VlanCanFormatID = (pTmpVlanTag >> 12) & 0x01;
    //                      if (VlanID != 0)
    //                      {
    //                          withVlanTag = TRUE;
    //                      }
    //                  }
    //              }
    //          }
                //  Call the MAC
                if (Open->Loopback == TRUE)
                    if (Open->SendToRxPath == TRUE)
                        IF_LOUD(DbgPrint("hahahahahahahahahahahaha:: SendToRxPath, Open->AdapterHandle=%p, pNetBufferList=%u\n", Open->AdapterHandle, pNetBufferList);)
                        // pretend to receive these packets from network and indicate them to upper layers
                numSentPackets ++;
                // no packets are available in the Transmit pool, wait some time. The 
                // event gets signalled when at least half of the TX packet pool packets
                // are available
                NdisWaitEvent(&Open->WriteEvent, 1);
        // when we reach this point, all the packets have been enqueued to NdisSend,
        // we just need to wait for all the packets to be completed by the SendComplete
        // (if any of the NdisSend requests returned STATUS_PENDING)
        NdisWaitEvent(&Open->NdisWriteCompleteEvent, 0);
        // all the packets have been transmitted, release the use of the adapter binding
        // no more writes are in progress
        Open->WriteInProgress = FALSE;
        // Complete the Irp and return success
        Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
        Irp->IoStatus.Information = IrpSp->Parameters.Write.Length;
        IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
        return STATUS_SUCCESS;


        NDIS_HANDLE         FilterModuleContext,
        PNET_BUFFER_LIST    NetBufferLists,
        ULONG               ReturnFlags
    Routine Description:
        FilterReturnNetBufferLists handler.
        FilterReturnNetBufferLists is an optional function. If provided, NDIS calls
        FilterReturnNetBufferLists to return the ownership of one or more NetBufferLists
        and their embedded NetBuffers to the filter driver. If this handler is NULL, NDIS
        will skip calling this filter when returning NetBufferLists to the underlying
        miniport and will call the next lower driver in the stack. A filter that doesn't
        provide a FilterReturnNetBufferLists handler cannot originate a receive indication
        on its own.
        FilterInstanceContext       - our filter context area
        NetBufferLists              - a linked list of NetBufferLists that this 
                                      filter driver indicated in a previous call to 
        ReturnFlags                 - flags specifying if the caller is at DISPATCH_LEVEL
        POPEN_INSTANCE      ChildOpen;
        POPEN_INSTANCE      GroupOpen;
        POPEN_INSTANCE      TempOpen;
        BOOLEAN             FreeBufAfterWrite;
        PNET_BUFFER_LIST    pNetBufList;
        PNET_BUFFER_LIST    pNextNetBufList;
        PNET_BUFFER         Currbuff;
        PMDL                pMdl;
        POPEN_INSTANCE      Open = (POPEN_INSTANCE) FilterModuleContext;
        pNetBufList = NetBufferLists;
        while (pNetBufList != NULL)
            pNextNetBufList = NET_BUFFER_LIST_NEXT_NBL(pNetBufList);
            NET_BUFFER_LIST_NEXT_NBL(pNetBufList) = NULL;
            if (pNetBufList->SourceHandle == Open->AdapterHandle) //this is our self-sent packets
                TRACE_MESSAGE(PACKET_DEBUG_LOUD, "hahahaha This is my own send to Rx packets");
                ChildOpen = NPFGetNBLChildOpen(pNetBufList); //get the child open object that sends these packets
                FreeBufAfterWrite = RESERVED(pNetBufList)->FreeBufAfterWrite;
                if (FreeBufAfterWrite)
                    // Packet sent by NPF_BufferedWrite()
                    //Free the NBL allocate by myself
                    Currbuff = NET_BUFFER_LIST_FIRST_NB(pNetBufList);
                    while (Currbuff)
                        pMdl = NET_BUFFER_FIRST_MDL(Currbuff);
                        NdisFreeMdl(pMdl); //Free MDL
                        Currbuff = NET_BUFFER_NEXT_NB(Currbuff);
                    NdisFreeNetBufferList(pNetBufList); //Free NBL
                    // Packet sent by NPF_Write()
                    //Free the NBL allocate by myself
                    NdisFreeNetBufferList(pNetBufList); //Free NBL
                // this if should always be false, as Open is always the GroupHead itself, only GroupHead is known by NDIS and get invoked in NPF_SendCompleteEx() function.
                if (Open->GroupHead != NULL)
                    GroupOpen = Open->GroupHead->GroupNext;
                    GroupOpen = Open->GroupNext;
                //GroupOpen = Open->GroupNext;
                while (GroupOpen != NULL)
                    TempOpen = GroupOpen;
                    if (ChildOpen == TempOpen) //only indicate the specific child open object
                        NPF_SendCompleteExForEachOpen(TempOpen, FreeBufAfterWrite);
                    GroupOpen = TempOpen->GroupNext;
                TRACE_MESSAGE(PACKET_DEBUG_LOUD, "hahahaha This is NOT my own send to Rx packets");
                // Return the received NBLs.  If you removed any NBLs from the chain, make
                // sure the chain isn't empty (i.e., NetBufferLists!=NULL).
                NdisFReturnNetBufferLists(Open->AdapterHandle, pNetBufList, ReturnFlags);
            pNetBufList = pNextNetBufList;
        // Return the received NBLs.  If you removed any NBLs from the chain, make
        // sure the chain isn't empty (i.e., NetBufferLists!=NULL).
        NdisFReturnNetBufferLists(Open->AdapterHandle, NetBufferLists, ReturnFlags);


    00010269    58.36443710 MDL 42  
    00010270    58.36444092 hahahahahahahahahahahaha:: SendToRxPath, Open->AdapterHandle=FFFFFA8003C24010, pNetBufferList=68928096  
    00010271    58.36450577 --> NPF_ReturnEx    
    00010272    58.36450577     NPF_ReturnEx: hahahaha This is my own send to Rx packets    
    00010273    58.36451340 <-- NPF_ReturnEx    
    00010274    59.04499054 --> NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010275    59.04499817 --> NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010276    59.04499817 <-- NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010277    59.04499817     NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_IsPacketSelfSent() [bSelfSent: 0] 
    00010278    59.04500961 <-- NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010279    59.04502869 --> NPF_SendEx  
    00010280    59.04503632 --> NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010281    59.04504395 <-- NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010282    59.04504395 <-- NPF_SendEx  
    00010283    59.04520798 --> NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010284    59.04520798 --> NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010285    59.04521561 <-- NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010286    59.04521561     NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_IsPacketSelfSent() [bSelfSent: 0] 
    00010287    59.04522324 <-- NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010288    59.04529953 --> NPF_SendEx  
    00010289    59.04529953 --> NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010290    59.04530716 <-- NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010291    59.04530716 <-- NPF_SendEx  
    00010292    59.04531097 --> NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010293    59.04531097 --> NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010294    59.04531097 <-- NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010295    59.04531860     NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_IsPacketSelfSent() [bSelfSent: 0] 
    00010296    59.04531860 <-- NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010297    59.04541397 --> NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010298    59.04541397 --> NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010299    59.04541397 <-- NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010300    59.04542160     NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_IsPacketSelfSent() [bSelfSent: 0] 
    00010301    59.04542160 <-- NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010302    59.04543304 --> NPF_SendEx  
    00010303    59.04543304 Received on CPU 0  3    
    00010304    59.04544067 Received on CPU 0  2    
    00010305    59.04544067 MDL 62  
    00010306    59.04544067 next MDL 24 and added   
    00010307    59.04544830 --> NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010308    59.04547882 <-- NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010309    59.04548645 <-- NPF_SendEx  
    00010310    59.04558563 --> NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010311    59.04558563 --> NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010312    59.04558563 <-- NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010313    59.04559326     NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_IsPacketSelfSent() [bSelfSent: 0] 
    00010314    59.04560089 <-- NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010315    59.04560471 --> NPF_SendEx  
    00010316    59.04561234 Received on CPU 0  4    
    00010317    59.04561234 Received on CPU 0  3    
    00010318    59.04561234 MDL 42  
    00010319    59.04561996 next MDL 24 and added   
    00010320    59.04561996 --> NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010321    59.04562378 <-- NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010322    59.04562378 <-- NPF_SendEx  
    00010323    59.15098953 --> NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010324    59.15098953 --> NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010325    59.15099335 <-- NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010326    59.15099335     NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_IsPacketSelfSent() [bSelfSent: 0] 
    00010327    59.15103912 <-- NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010328    59.15105820 --> NPF_SendEx  
    00010329    59.15106583 --> NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010330    59.15106583 <-- NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010331    59.15106583 <-- NPF_SendEx  
    00010332    59.15113449 --> NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010333    59.15113449 --> NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010334    59.15114212 <-- NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010335    59.15114212     NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_IsPacketSelfSent() [bSelfSent: 0] 
    00010336    59.15114975 <-- NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010337    59.15118027 --> NPF_SendEx  
    00010338    59.15118027 --> NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010339    59.15118790 <-- NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010340    59.15118790 <-- NPF_SendEx  
    00010341    59.15118790 --> NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010342    59.15119171 --> NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010343    59.15119171 <-- NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010344    59.15119171     NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_IsPacketSelfSent() [bSelfSent: 0] 
    00010345    59.15119934 <-- NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010346    59.15123367 --> NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010347    59.15123749 --> NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010348    59.15123749 <-- NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010349    59.15123749     NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_IsPacketSelfSent() [bSelfSent: 0] 
    00010350    59.15124512 <-- NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010351    59.15125275 --> NPF_SendEx  
    00010352    59.15125275 Received on CPU 1  1    
    00010353    59.15125656 Received on CPU 1  1    
    00010354    59.15132904 MDL 62  
    00010355    59.15133286 next MDL 24 and added   
    00010356    59.15134048 --> NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010357    59.15134811 <-- NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010358    59.15134811 <-- NPF_SendEx  
    00010359    59.15138626 --> NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010360    59.15138626 --> NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010361    59.15138626 <-- NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010362    59.15139389     NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_IsPacketSelfSent() [bSelfSent: 0] 
    00010363    59.15139771 <-- NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010364    59.15140533 --> NPF_SendEx  
    00010365    59.15140533 Received on CPU 1  2    
    00010366    59.15140533 Received on CPU 1  2    
    00010367    59.15141296 MDL 42  
    00010368    59.15141296 next MDL 24 and added   
    00010369    59.15141296 --> NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010370    59.15141678 <-- NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010371    59.15141678 <-- NPF_SendEx  
    00010372    59.19804001 --> NPF_SendEx  
    00010373    59.19805527 --> NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010374    59.19805527 <-- NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010375    59.19805527 <-- NPF_SendEx  
    00010376    59.35518646 --> NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010377    59.35519409 --> NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010378    59.35519409 <-- NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010379    59.35519409     NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_IsPacketSelfSent() [bSelfSent: 0] 
    00010380    59.35520554 <-- NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010381    59.35526276 --> NPF_SendEx  
    00010382    59.35527039 --> NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010383    59.35527802 <-- NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010384    59.35527802 <-- NPF_SendEx  
    00010385    59.35528183 --> NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010386    59.35528183 --> NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010387    59.35528183 <-- NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010388    59.35528946     NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_IsPacketSelfSent() [bSelfSent: 0] 
    00010389    59.35528946 <-- NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010390    59.35543823 --> NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010391    59.35543823 --> NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010392    59.35543823 <-- NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010393    59.35544205     NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_IsPacketSelfSent() [bSelfSent: 0] 
    00010394    59.35544968 <-- NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010395    59.35546112 --> NPF_SendEx  
    00010396    59.35546875 Received on CPU 0  5    
    00010397    59.35546875 Received on CPU 0  4    
    00010398    59.35547638 MDL 42  
    00010399    59.35547638 next MDL 50 and added   
    00010400    59.35548019 --> NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010401    59.35548019 <-- NPF_SendCompleteEx  
    00010402    59.35548782 <-- NPF_SendEx  
    00010403    59.47556305 --> NPF_TapEx   
    00010404    59.47557068 --> NPF_ReturnEx    
    00010405    59.47557068     NPF_ReturnEx: hahahaha This is NOT my own send to Rx packets    
    00010406    59.47557068 <-- NPF_ReturnEx    
    00010407    59.47557831 <-- NPF_TapEx   
    00010408    59.58328247 --> NPF_TapEx   
    00010409    59.58329773 --> NPF_ReturnEx    
    00010410    59.58329773     NPF_ReturnEx: hahahaha This is NOT my own send to Rx packets    
    00010411    59.58329773 <-- NPF_ReturnEx    
    00010412    59.58329773 <-- NPF_TapEx   
    00010413    59.58549881 --> NPF_TapEx   
    00010414    59.58550262 --> NPF_ReturnEx    
    00010415    59.58551025     NPF_ReturnEx: hahahaha This is NOT my own send to Rx packets    
    00010416    59.58551025 <-- NPF_ReturnEx    
    00010417    59.58551025 <-- NPF_TapEx   
    00010418    60.11791992 --> NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010419    60.11791992 --> NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010420    60.11792755 <-- NPF_IsPacketSelfSent    
    00010421    60.11792755     NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_NetworkClassify: NPF_IsPacketSelfSent() [bSelfSent: 0] 
    00010422    60.11793900 <-- NPF_NetworkClassify 
    00010423    60.11795807 --> NPF_SendEx  
    00010424    60.11796570 Received on CPU 0  6    
    00010425    60.11796570 Received on CPU 0  5    
    00010426    60.11796951 MDL 42  
    00010427    60.11796951 next MDL 50 and added   

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

正确的做法是使用基于MSDN的 NdisFIndicateReceiveNetBufferLists https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff570448(v=vs.85).aspx