
时间:2016-01-26 11:48:26

标签: java generics compiler-errors



public abstract class AbstractA<T extends AbstractB<? extends AbstractA<T>>> {

    protected void foo() {
        T aB = createB();

    /** factory method */
    abstract public T createB();


public abstract class AbstractB<T extends AbstractA<? extends AbstractB<T>>> {

    private T theA;

    public void setA(AbstractA<? extends AbstractB<?>> theA) { // dreamed of parameter list (T theA)
        // Unchecked cast from AbstractA<capture#1-of ? extends AbstractB<?>> to T
        this.theA = (T) theA;

    protected T getA() {
        return theA;


我的问题是我是否能找到更清洁的方式,以避免AbstractB.setA()中未经检查的演员表。我原本希望声明它setA(T theA),但是对它的调用将无法编译:方法setA(捕获#1-of?extends AbstractA&lt; T&gt;)在AbstractB&lt; capture#1-of?中?扩展AbstractA&lt; T&gt;&gt;不适用于参数(AbstractA&lt; T&gt;)。我仍在努力了解编译器是否应该知道是否允许它。

我在想我的问题可能与Java generics compilation error - The method method(Class<capture#1-of ? extends Interface>) in the type <type> is not applicable for the arguments中讨论的问题有关。我的未经检验的演员从那里受到启发。我喜欢Tom Hawtin的回复 - 攻击,但我还没有办法将它应用到我的情况中。

我的用户将声明具体的子类并实例化一个ConcreteA和任意数量的ConcreteB s:

public class ConcreteA extends AbstractA<ConcreteB> {

    public ConcreteB createB() {
        return new ConcreteB();

    public void concreteAMethod() {
        // ...


public class ConcreteB extends AbstractB<ConcreteA> {

    public void bar() {
        ConcreteA a = getA();


class AbstractA<T extends AbstractB<? extends AbstractA<T>>>看起来有点复杂;我认为我需要它来具体的子类来了解彼此的确切类型,但显然它并没有给我这个。)

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


class Demo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ConcreteA a = new ConcreteA();
        ConcreteB b = new ConcreteB();;
        b = (ConcreteB) a.getB();

abstract class AbstractA<T extends AbstractB<?>>{

    private AbstractB<?> b;

    public AbstractB<?> getB(){
        return b;

    void foo(AbstractB<?> aB) {
        b = aB;;

abstract class AbstractB<T extends AbstractA<?>> {

    private AbstractA<?> a;

    public AbstractA<?> getA(){
        return a;

    public void bar(AbstractA<?> theA) {
        a = theA;;

class ConcreteA extends AbstractA<ConcreteB>{


class ConcreteB extends AbstractB<ConcreteA>{


我认为这就是你自己的结果。我无法将转换移到ConcreteB,getB()根本无法确定它所持有的类型。我现在明白为什么你的声明中有多个通用语句。 :)


我希望解决你的一半问题。 ;)

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我想我现在知道为什么我不能在public void setA(T theA)中声明AbstractB,然后在aB.setA(this)中将其称为foo()。假设我们有:

class IntermediateConcreteA extends AbstractA<ConcreteB> {

    public ConcreteB createB() {
        return new ConcreteB();


class SubConcreteA1 extends IntermediateConcreteA {}

class SubConcreteA2 extends IntermediateConcreteA {}

class ConcreteB extends AbstractB<SubConcreteA2> {}


答案 2 :(得分:0)


public abstract class AbstractA<A extends AbstractA<A,B>, B extends AbstractB<A,B>> {

    protected void foo() {
        B aB = createB();

    abstract public A getThis();
    abstract public B createB();


public abstract class AbstractB<A extends AbstractA<A,B>, B extends AbstractB<A,B>> {

    private A theA;

    public void setA(A theA) {
        this.theA = theA;

    protected A getA() {
        return theA;


public class ConcreteA extends AbstractA<ConcreteA, ConcreteB> {

    public ConcreteA getThis() {
        return this;

    public ConcreteB createB() {
        return new ConcreteB();

    public void concreteAMethod() {
        // ...


public class ConcreteB extends AbstractB<ConcreteA, ConcreteB> {

    public void bar() {
        ConcreteA a = getA();


答案 3 :(得分:0)


public abstract class AbstractA {

    public void abstractAMethod() {
        // ...


public abstract class AbstractB<A> {

    private A theA;

    public void setA(A theA) {
        this.theA = theA;

    protected A getA() {
        return theA;


public abstract class AbstractFactory<A extends AbstractA, B extends AbstractB<A>> {

    private A theA = createA();

    public A getA() {
        return theA ;

    public B getNextB() {
        B newB = createB();
        return newB;

    protected abstract A createA();
    protected abstract B createB();


public class ConcreteA extends AbstractA {

    public void concreteAMethod() {
        // ...


public class ConcreteB extends AbstractB<ConcreteA> {

    public void bar() {
        ConcreteA a = getA();


public class ConcreteFactory extends AbstractFactory<ConcreteA, ConcreteB> {

    protected ConcreteA createA() {
        return new ConcreteA();

    protected ConcreteB createB() {
        return new ConcreteB();



@Chris Wohlert,我确实放弃了我的生产代码,因为我认为工厂过度杀伤,但我无法理解这个理论问题。

答案 4 :(得分:0)

我已经意识到我的问题实际上是将两个概念填充到不属于一起的AbstractA / ConcreteA层次结构中。虽然对很多人来说可能没什么兴趣,但我发布这个见解有两个原因:(1)我觉得我欠Chris Wohlert的答案我发现自己(2)更重要的是,我喜欢激励其他任何面临类似狡猾的人泛型问题,从更高层次审查您的设计,而不仅仅是解决泛型和/或类演员问题。它当然帮助了我。演员/仿制品问题表明一些更基本的东西并不完全正确。

public abstract class AbstractA {

    public void foo() {
        AbstractB aB = createB();

    /** factory method */
    abstract public AbstractB createB();


public abstract class AbstractB {

    private AbstractA theA;

    public void setA(AbstractA theA) {
        this.theA = theA;

    // methods that use theA



public class Client {

    public void putTheActTogether() {
        ConcreteC theC = new ConcreteC();

        // the concrete A
        AbstractA theA = new AbstractA() {
            public AbstractB createB() {
                return new ConcreteB(theC);
        // call methods in theA


public class ConcreteB extends AbstractB {

    private final ConcreteC c;

    public ConcreteB(ConcreteC c) {
        this.c = c;

    public void bar() {


public class ConcreteC {

    public void concreteCMethod() { // was concreteAMethod(); moved and renamed
        // ...

