
时间:2016-01-26 01:53:37

标签: python identifier


class ModelTypes(object):
  """ Enumeration of supported class types, mapping userland identifier to constructor.
  # Multiple names per model type enable us to run several instances in parallel
  FooModel = ModelFoo
  fooMod = ModelFoo
  foo = Foo
  ff = Foo

  Bar = ModelBar
  bar = ModelBar

  Baz = ModelBaz
  baz = ModelBaz

  Qux = ModelQux
  qux = ModelQux

  def getTypes(cls):
    """ Return the names of the attributes explicitly defined above.
    for attrName in dir(cls):
      attrValue = getattr(cls, attrName)
      if (isinstance(attrValue, type) and
          issubclass(attrValue, acceptableClassImplementations)):
        yield attrName # attrName is an acceptable model name


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


x = y = z = 0


  FooModel = fooModel = ModelFoo
  foo = ff = Foo

  Bar = bar = ModelBar
  Baz = baz = ModelBaz
  Qux = quz = ModelQux

但是如果你想要更自动化的东西,那么你想要一个dict 唯一的内置映射对象,但是它可以被实现为以与项目相同的方式响应属性:

class ModelTypes(dict):
    __slots__ = ()#otherwise each object would have a second dict used for attributes

    #this will mean d.x acts the same as d['x']
    __getattr__ = dict.__getitem__
    __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
    __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
    #would you still need this or would you just use .keys() instead?
    def getTypes(self): #maybe take an optional argument to use in issubclass()?
        return [name for name,cls in self.items() \
                 if (isinstance(cls,type) and 
                     issubclass(cls, acceptableClassImplementations))]


    def __missing__(self,key):
        #if the user uses different case this will check again with generic case
        #also checks against name attribute of types
        if not isinstance(key,str) or key=="":
            raise KeyError(key)

        key = key.lower()
        for name,cls in self.items():
            if key == name.lower()):
                return cls
            if key == getattr(cls,"__name__","").lower():
                return cls
        raise KeyError(key)


class FooModel:pass
class FooBar:pass
class ModelQux:pass

#other then added commas this is just as clean as inside a class
models = ModelTypes(foo=FooModel,

print( is models["foo"]) works from overriding __getattr__
print( is models.Foo)      #'Foo' works because __missing__ checked it again with lower case
print( is models.FooModel) #'FooModel' works because __missing__ also checks class names
print( is models.foomodel) #it checks the .lower() of key against .lower() of class name