我在这里做错了什么?~~ Python中的Tkinter

时间:2016-01-25 15:07:52

标签: python tkinter tkinter-canvas

我目前正在注册编码类,其中一部分涉及使用Python的Tkinter函数。我们的任务是创建一个脚本,显示“地球”旋转“太阳”。实际上所有这一切都是利用基本的几何形状和三角函数(这对于开始工作很痛苦),据我所知,我的代码应该正在工作,但无论出于何种原因,它继续忽略我的if / elif语句。我觉得我的困惑是由于缺乏经验和理解,但我希望有人可以帮我弄清楚我做错了什么。谢谢你的阅读。 ^ - ^

#import Tkinter package responsible for constructing a
# graphical user interface, GUI

import Tkinter

#from Tkinter, import Canvas Class, which allows us to draw on the GUI
from Tkinter import Canvas, NW, Scale, HORIZONTAL
from math import cos, sin, radians

#create a child object called root. This object is our window. Tk() is 
#the class constructor to instantiate the window
root = Tkinter.Tk()

#call the method title passing in the title of our window
root.title("Earth Orbit")

#create a child object called canvas. This object is our canvas for
#drawing. We instantiate from the Canvas class, calling the constructor and
#passing in the parent of our canvas, and defining the dimenstions
canvas = Canvas(root,width=600,height=600,bg="white")

#call the grid method so that whatever we place on the canvas will be visible

color = canvas.create_polygon(0, 0, 0, 600, 600, 600, 600, 0, fill=
"light blue")
season = canvas.create_text(50,100,text="Winter", anchor=NW)
#intial coordinates for our circle
xpos = 275
ypos = 25

Earth = canvas.create_oval(xpos, ypos, xpos+25, ypos+25, fill="blue", outline="cyan")

x = cos(radians(0))
y = sin(radians(0))
Sun = canvas.create_oval(200, 200, 400, 400, fill="orange", outline="yellow")
def changeCirclePosition(event):
    x = 300 + (200*cos(radians(rectSlider.get())))
    y = 300 + (200*-sin(radians(rectSlider.get())))
    canvas.coords(Earth, x, y, x+25, y+25)
rectSlider = Scale(root,from_=0, to=360,orient=HORIZONTAL,label='Change Position',command=changeCirclePosition)    
canvas.create_window(250,500, anchor=NW, window=rectSlider)

if 0<= rectSlider < 90:
        canvas.itemconfigure(color, fill="green")
elif 90<=rectSlider < 180:
        canvas.itemconfigure(color, fill="yellow")
elif 180 <= rectSlider < 270:
        canvas.itemconfigure(color, fill="orange")
elif 270 <= rectSlider < 360:
        canvas.itemconfigure(color, fill="light blue")

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def changeCirclePosition(event):
    x = 300 + (200*cos(radians(rectSlider.get())))
    y = 300 + (200*-sin(radians(rectSlider.get())))
    canvas.coords(Earth, x, y, x+25, y+25)
    if 0<= rectSlider.get() < 90:
            canvas.itemconfigure(color, fill="green")
    elif ...