Ejabberd iex现场投掷'糟糕的'K“值:\'错误

时间:2016-01-24 18:11:19

标签: erlang elixir ejabberd


# ejabberdctl iexlive
bad "K" value: \
Usage: beam.smp [flags] [ -- [init_args] ]
The flags are:

-a size        suggested stack size in kilo words for threads
               in the async-thread pool, valid range is [16-8192]
-A number      set number of threads in async thread pool,
               valid range is [0-1024]
-B[c|d|i]      c to have Ctrl-c interrupt the Erlang shell,
               d (or no extra option) to disable the break
               handler, i to ignore break signals
-c bool        enable or disable time correction
-C mode        set time warp mode; valid modes are:
-d             don't write a crash dump for internally detected errors
               (halt(String) will still produce a crash dump)
-fn[u|a|l]     Control how filenames are interpreted
-hms size      set minimum heap size in words (default 233)
-hmbs size     set minimum binary virtual heap size in words (default 32768)
-hpds size     initial process dictionary size (default 10)
-K boolean     enable or disable kernel poll
-n[s|a|d]      Control behavior of signals to ports
               Note that this flag is deprecated!
-M<X> <Y>      memory allocator switches,
               see the erts_alloc(3) documentation for more info.
-pc <set>      Control what characters are considered printable (default latin1)
-P number      set maximum number of processes on this node,
               valid range is [1024-134217727]
-Q number      set maximum number of ports on this node,
               valid range is [1024-134217727]
-R number      set compatibility release number,
               valid range [16-18]
-r             force ets memory block to be moved on realloc
-rg amount     set reader groups limit
-sbt type      set scheduler bind type, valid types are:
-stbt type     u|ns|ts|ps|s|nnts|nnps|tnnps|db
-sbwt val      set scheduler busy wait threshold, valid values are:
-scl bool      enable/disable compaction of scheduler load,
               see the erl(1) documentation for more info.
-sct cput      set cpu topology,
               see the erl(1) documentation for more info.
-secio bool    enable/disable eager check I/O scheduling,
               see the erl(1) documentation for more info.
-sub bool      enable/disable scheduler utilization balancing,
               see the erl(1) documentation for more info.
-sws val       set scheduler wakeup strategy, valid values are:
-swct val      set scheduler wake cleanup threshold, valid values are:
-swt val       set scheduler wakeup threshold, valid values are:
-sss size      suggested stack size in kilo words for scheduler threads,
               valid range is [4-8192]
-spp Bool      set port parallelism scheduling hint
-S n1:n2       set number of schedulers (n1), and number of
               schedulers online (n2), maximum for both
               numbers is 1024
-SP p1:p2      specify schedulers (p1) and schedulers online (p2)
               as percentages of logical processors configured and logical
               processors available, respectively
-t size        set the maximum number of atoms the emulator can handle
               valid range is [8192-0]
-T number      set modified timing level, valid range is [0-9]
-V             print Erlang version
-v             turn on chatty mode (GCs will be reported etc)
-W<i|w|e>      set error logger warnings mapping,
               see error_logger documentation for details
-zdbbl size    set the distribution buffer busy limit in kilobytes
               valid range is [1-2097151]
-zdntgc time   set delayed node table gc in seconds
               valid values are infinity or intergers in the range [0-100000000]

Note that if the emulator is started with erlexec (typically
from the erl script), these flags should be specified with +.


我的配置 Elixir 1.1.1Erlang R18




  • 下载源文件并解压缩。

  • ./autogen然后./configure --enable-all然后make && make install

  • 一切顺利。我可以成功启动它并成功停止它。我也可以在实时模式下运行它(ejabberdctl live)。

问题是当我使用此ejabberdctl iexlive时。在我下载ejabberd我已安装Elixir 1.1.1之前。我不知道这可能是问题所在。







1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这是因为$POLL中的+K $POLL变量未正确初始化。 +K标志启用或禁用Erlang VM的内核轮询功能,其可接受的值为truefalse

ejabberdctl shell脚本具有$POLL和其他Erlang VM选项的一些默认值。它还使用ejabberdctl.cfg配置文件,并使用此配置文件中包含的值覆盖默认值。


#' POLL: Kernel polling ([true|false])
# The kernel polling option requires support in the kernel.
# Additionally, you need to enable this feature while compiling Erlang.
# Default: true

#' SMP: SMP support ([enable|auto|disable])
# Explanation in Erlang/OTP documentation:
# enable: starts the Erlang runtime system with SMP support enabled.
#   This may fail if no runtime system with SMP support is available.
# auto: starts the Erlang runtime system with SMP support enabled if it
#   is available and more than one logical processor are detected.
# disable: starts a runtime system without SMP support.
# Default: enable
