警告:mysqli_connect():( HY000 / 1044):用户''@ localhost'拒绝访问C:\ wamp \ www \ booked \ lib \ Database \ MySQL \ MySqlConnection.php中的数据库'bookedscheduler'第52行
警告:mysqli_select_db()要求参数1为mysqli,布尔值在第53行的C:\ wamp \ www \ booked \ lib \ Database \ MySQL \ MySqlConnection.php中给出
警告:mysqli_set_charset()要求参数1为mysqli,布尔值在第54行的C:\ wamp \ www \ booked \ lib \ Database \ MySQL \ MySqlConnection.php中给出
无法修改标头信息 - 已在C:\ wamp \ www \ booked \ Pages \ Page中发送的标头(输出从C:\ wamp \ www \ booked \ lib \ Database \ MySQL \ MySqlConnection.php:53开始)第138行的.php
我的config.php 数据库连接
$conf['settings']['database']['type'] = 'mysql';
$conf['settings']['database']['user'] = 'booked_user';
$conf['settings']['database']['password'] = '';
$conf['settings']['database']['hostspec'] = '';
$conf['settings']['database']['name'] = 'bookedscheduler';
class MySqlConnection implements IDbConnection
private $_dbUser = '';
private $_dbPassword = '';
private $_hostSpec = '';
private $_dbName = '';
private $_db = null;
private $_connected = false;
* @param string $dbUser
* @param string $dbPassword
* @param string $hostSpec
* @param string $dbName
public function __construct($dbUser, $dbPassword, $hostSpec, $dbName)
$this->_dbUser = $dbUser;
$this->_dbPassword = $dbPassword;
$this->_hostSpec = $hostSpec;
$this->_dbName = $dbName;
public function Connect()
if ($this->_connected && !is_null($this->_db))
$this->_db = mysqli_connect($this->_hostSpec, $this->_dbUser, $this->_dbPassword,$this->_dbName);
$selected = mysqli_select_db($this->_db, $this->_dbName);
mysqli_set_charset($this->_db, 'utf8');
if (!$this->_db || !$selected)
throw new Exception("Error connecting to database\nError: " . mysql_error());
Log::Error("Error connecting to database\n%s", mysql_error());
$this->_connected = true;
public function Disconnect()
$this->_db = null;
$this->_connected = false;
public function Query(ISqlCommand $sqlCommand)
mysqli_set_charset($this->_db, 'utf8');
$mysqlCommand = new MySqlCommandAdapter($sqlCommand, $this->_db);
Log::Sql('MySql Query: ' . str_replace('%', '%%', $mysqlCommand->GetQuery()));
$result = mysqli_query($this->_db, $mysqlCommand->GetQuery());
return new MySqlReader($result);
public function LimitQuery(ISqlCommand $command, $limit, $offset = 0)
return $this->Query(new MySqlLimitCommand($command, $limit, $offset));
public function Execute(ISqlCommand $sqlCommand)
mysqli_set_charset($this->_db, 'utf8');
$mysqlCommand = new MySqlCommandAdapter($sqlCommand, $this->_db);
Log::Sql('MySql Execute: ' . str_replace('%', '%%', $mysqlCommand->GetQuery()));
$result = mysqli_query($this->_db, $mysqlCommand->GetQuery());
public function GetLastInsertId()
return mysqli_insert_id($this->_db);
private function _handleError($result, $sqlCommand = null)
if (!$result)
if ($sqlCommand != null)
echo $sqlCommand->GetQuery();
throw new Exception('There was an error executing your query\n' . mysql_error());
Log::Error("Error executing MySQL query %s", mysql_error());
return false;
class MySqlLimitCommand extends SqlCommand
* @var \ISqlCommand
private $baseCommand;
private $limit;
private $offset;
public function __construct(ISqlCommand $baseCommand, $limit, $offset)
$this->baseCommand = $baseCommand;
$this->limit = $limit;
$this->offset = $offset;
$this->Parameters = $baseCommand->Parameters;
public function GetQuery()
return $this->baseCommand->GetQuery() . sprintf(" LIMIT %s OFFSET %s", $this->limit, $this->offset);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
这很简单,我为您提供了经过测试的答案,首先您需要构建如下所示的Database类,您需要将其放在一个文件中,并将其包含在您的主页中(可能是index.php页面) )。然后,您需要从主页启动您的类的实例以连接到数据库,在这篇伟大的文章中详细解释了代码:www.muwakaba.com/php-database-connection
// Class definition
class Database{
// The constructor function
public function __construct(){
// The properties
$this->host = "your_DB_host_address";
$this->login = "your_DB_login_name";
$this->password = "your_DB_password";
$this->name = "your_DB_name";
// The methods
// The connect function
private function connect(){
$this->connection = mysql_connect($this->host, $this->login, $this->password) or die("Sorry! Cannot connect to the database");
// The select function
private function select(){
mysql_select_db($this->name, $this->connection);