Title Author Rating Publisher Binding Dateread Price
Airframe Michael Crichton 5 Arrow Books Paperback 2001-11-10 0
Prey Michael Crichton 5 Avon Paperback 2001-05-11 0
Congo Michael Crichton 5 Avon Paperback 2001-04-10 0
The Lost World (Jurassic Park, #2) Michael Crichton 5 Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Mass Market P... 2001-12-10 0
Sphere Michael Crichton 5 Ballantine Books Paperback 2001-03-11 0
Timeline Michael Crichton 4 Arrow Books Mass Market P... 2001-02-10 0
Jaya: An Illustrated Retelling of the Mahabarata Devdutt Pattanaik 5 Penguin Global Paperback 2001-02-11 0
The Pregnant King Devdutt Pattanaik 5 Penguin Books India Paperback 2001-03-11 0
State of Fear Michael Crichton 5 Avon Books Paperback 2015-06-11 0
The Godfather Mario Puzo 5 NAL Paperback 2001-12-08 0
明智的年度平均评分。 (最高的第一个)
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