class Template
* Set the file name for our templating engine
* @type string
* @visibility protected
protected $file;
* All of the output for our rendering
* @type string
* @visibility protected
private static $output;
* An array for our template variables
* @type array
* @visibility protected
protected $variables = array();
* Initiate the class and set the file name
* @param string $file
* @visibility public
public function __construct( $file )
$this->file = $file;
* Set variables to replace in our template
* @param string $key
* @param string $value
public function set( $key, $value )
$this->variables[ $key ] = $value;
* Create all the standard environment variables
* for easy templating.
* @visibility public
public function setupEnvironment()
$this->set( 'css', 'app/Skins/Main/css' );
$this->set( 'img', 'app/Skins/Main/img' );
$this->set( 'template', 'app/Skins/Main/templates' );
$this->replaceTag( 'template', 'header', SKINS . '/Main/templates/header.php' );
$this->replaceTag( 'template', 'footer', SKINS . '/Main/templates/footer.php' );
* Used by $instance->buffer() for
* replacing tags with values
* @param string $tag
* @param string $key
* @param string $value
* @return string
public function replaceTag( $tag, $key, $replace )
self::$output = str_replace( '@' . $tag . '(\'' . $key . '\')', file_get_contents( $replace ), self::$output );
self::$output = str_replace( '@' . $tag . '("' . $key . '")', file_get_contents( $replace ), self::$output );
return self::$output;
* Output an error
* @param $message
* @visibility public static
public static function error( $message )
die( "<div style='position: absolute; top: 40%; left: 3%; width: 90%; padding: 10px 20px; background: #0d405a; color: #FFF;'><p><strong>Error: </strong>{$message}</p>" );
* Render the content of the view
* @visibility public
public function buffer()
require_once( $this->file );
self::$output = ob_get_clean();
foreach( $this->variables as $key => $variable )
$tag = "{$key}";
self::$output = str_replace( '{' . $tag . '}', $variable, self::$output );
return self::$output;
public static function render()
echo self::$output;