If DateValue(!Schedule_Date) = dtCurrent And TimeValue(!StartTime) >= tmStart And TimeValue(!StartTime) < tmEnd And intLabel > 1 Then 'Conflicting appointments, reset width of previous control and adjust width & start accordingly
Me.Controls("lbl" & (intLabel - 2)).Width = (lngWidth / 2) 'Half the width
ctl.Width = lngWidth / 2
lngLeft = 1260 + (DateDiff("d", dtWeekOf, !Schedule_Date) * 1980) + 980 '1260 buffer + 1.375" depending on the day
ctl.Width = lngWidth
lngLeft = 1260 + (DateDiff("d", dtWeekOf, !Schedule_Date) * 1980)
End If
lngTop = 720 + (DateDiff("n", #8:00:00 AM#, IIf(TimeValue(!StartTime) < #8:00:00 AM#, #8:00:00 AM#, TimeValue(!StartTime))) * lngMinute) '.5" header + #minutes down the timeline
lngheight = (DateDiff("n", TimeValue(!StartTime), TimeValue(!EndTime)) * lngMinute)
ctl.Top = lngTop
ctl.Left = lngLeft
If lngheight < 0 Then ''Typically an AM/PM Discrepancy on the appointment
MsgBox !ClientName & " has an appointment on " & DateValue(!Schedule_Date) & " from " & TimeValue(!StartTime) & " to " & _
TimeValue(!EndTime) & " (" & !Schedule_Desc & ") that cannot print correctly. Please edit the appointment " & _
"time as needed before printing the schedule.", vbOKOnly
ctl.Height = 450 'Set it for 50 minutes in the meantime
ctl.Height = lngheight
End If
ctl.Left = lngLeft