0 100 1 0.6152
0 100 35001 0.6152
0 100 69001 0.6152
1 100 1 0.6105
1 100 35001 0.6106
1 100 69001 0.6106
2 100 1 0.6147
2 100 35001 0.6147
2 100 69001 0.6147
3 100 1 0.6151
3 100 35001 0.6153
3 100 69001 0.6153
4 100 1 0.6105
4 100 35001 0.6105
4 100 69001 0.6105
5 100 1 0.6140
5 100 35001 0.6142
5 100 69001 0.6142
6 100 1 0.6130
6 100 35001 0.6129
6 100 69001 0.6129
7 100 1 0.6152
7 100 35001 0.6152
7 100 69001 0.6152
8 100 1 0.6098
8 100 35001 0.6097
8 100 69001 0.6097
9 100 1 0.6143
9 100 35001 0.6143
9 100 69001 0.6143
10 100 1 0.6123
10 100 35001 0.6123
10 100 69001 0.6123
11 100 1 0.6148
11 100 35001 0.6150
11 100 69001 0.6150
12 100 1 0.6155
12 100 35001 0.6154
12 100 69001 0.6154
13 100 1 0.6152
13 100 35001 0.6154
13 100 69001 0.6154
14 100 1 0.6154
14 100 35001 0.6154
14 100 69001 0.6154
15 100 1 0.6152
15 100 35001 0.6153
15 100 69001 0.6153
16 100 1 0.6162
16 100 35001 0.6162
16 100 69001 0.6162
17 100 1 0.6150
17 100 35001 0.6152
17 100 69001 0.6152
18 100 1 0.6160
18 100 35001 0.6160
18 100 69001 0.6160
19 100 1 0.6150
19 100 35001 0.6152
19 100 69001 0.6152
20 100 1 0.6150
20 100 35001 0.6149
20 100 69001 0.6149
21 100 1 0.6150
21 100 35001 0.6150
21 100 69001 0.6150
22 100 1 0.6150
22 100 35001 0.6150
22 100 69001 0.6150
23 100 1 0.6152
23 100 35001 0.6153
23 100 69001 0.6153
24 100 1 0.6150
24 100 35001 0.6152
24 100 69001 0.6152
25 100 1 0.6156
25 100 35001 0.6156
25 100 69001 0.6156
26 100 1 0.6152
26 100 35001 0.6154
26 100 69001 0.6154
27 100 1 0.6158
27 100 35001 0.6159
27 100 69001 0.6159
28 100 1 0.6151
28 100 35001 0.6153
28 100 69001 0.6153
29 100 1 0.6160
29 100 35001 0.6159
29 100 69001 0.6159
30 100 1 0.6146
30 100 35001 0.6148
30 100 69001 0.6147
31 100 1 0.6143
31 100 35001 0.6145
31 100 69001 0.6145
32 100 1 0.6151
32 100 35001 0.6153
32 100 69001 0.6153
33 100 1 0.6151
33 100 35001 0.6153
33 100 69001 0.6153
34 100 1 0.6164
34 100 35001 0.6163
34 100 69001 0.6163
35 100 1 0.6172
35 100 35001 0.6172
35 100 69001 0.6172
36 100 1 0.6162
36 100 35001 0.6163
36 100 69001 0.6163
37 100 1 0.6164
37 100 35001 0.6165
37 100 69001 0.6165
38 100 1 0.6157
38 100 35001 0.6157
38 100 69001 0.6157
39 100 1 0.6157
39 100 35001 0.6157
39 100 69001 0.6157
40 100 1 0.6197
40 100 35001 0.6197
40 100 69001 0.6197
我需要制作一个图表,让读者看到GRID = 0的曲线和所有其他网格之间的差异(或缺少)。目标受众是技术性的(这是一篇科学论文)。我在ggplot
df$GRID <- as.factor(df$GRID)
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = NITER, y = tau, linetype = GRID ))
p + geom_line() +
ggtitle("tau") +
labs(x="", y="")
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = NITER, y = tau, color = GRID ))
但是,区分不同的曲线非常困难。更糟糕的是,在很容易发现GRID = 0曲线(它是唯一的连续线)之前,现在很难找到它。我能做什么?另一种解决方案可能是使用相同的颜色和相同的线型绘制所有曲线,但是在每条曲线的顶部添加曲线名称(0,1,2,... 40),而不是使用图例。我不知道该怎么做:另外,我需要一些方法来覆盖共享相同端点的两条曲线的名称。
答案 0 :(得分:4)
但ggplot(df,aes(x = GRID, y = tau, colour = factor(NITER))) +
geom_point(position = position_dodge(w = 0.3))
private View getSubCategoryListItemView(final SubCategoryItem si, double dwPercentage, final int cat_id) {
LayoutInflater li = LayoutInflater.from(this);
View vv = li.inflate(R.layout.sub_cat_list_item, llCatListHolder, false);
ImageView ivIcon = (ImageView) vv.findViewById(R.id.iv_sub_cat_icon);
final TextView tvName = (TextView) vv.findViewById(R.id.tv_sub_cat_name);
ViewGroup.LayoutParams lpIv = ivIcon.getLayoutParams();
lpIv.width = (int) (primaryIconWidth * dwPercentage);
tvName.setTextSize((float) (VIEW_WIDTH * .10 * dwPercentage));
*This OnClickListener will be called for clicking subcategory items from the top list
// tvName.setTextColor(Color.WHITE);
vv.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
ArrayList<SubCategoryItem> subCategoryItems = getSubCategoryList(cat_id);
for(SubCategoryItem si : subCategoryItems) {
// tvName.setTextColor(Color.WHITE);
/*code for category*/
/*following code will be different for each category*/
/*category id 1 means education.
* category id 2 means health
* category id 3 means entertainment
* category id 4 means government
* category id 5 means legal
* category id 6 means financial
* category id 7 means job*/
// tvName.setTextColor(Color.WHITE);
switch (currentCategoryID) {
case AppConstants.EDUCATION:
ArrayList<EducationServiceProviderItem> eduItem = constructEducationListItemForHeader(cat_id, si.getSubcatHeader());
callMapFragmentWithEducationInfo(si.getSubcatHeader(), cat_id, eduItem);
case AppConstants.HEALTH:
//TODO write necessary codes for health
ArrayList<HealthServiceProviderItem> healthItem = constructHealthListItemForHeader(cat_id, si.getSubcatHeader());
callMapFragmentWithHealthInfo(si.getSubcatHeader(), cat_id, healthItem);
case AppConstants.ENTERTAINMENT:
ArrayList<EntertainmentServiceProviderItem> entItem = constructEntertainmentListItemForHeader(cat_id, si.getSubcatHeader());
callMapFragmentWithEntertainmentInfo(si.getSubcatHeader(), cat_id, entItem);
//TODO write necessary codes for entertainment
case AppConstants.GOVERNMENT:
//TODO write necessary codes for government
case AppConstants.LEGAL:
ArrayList<LegalAidServiceProviderItem>legalItem = constructlegalaidListItemForHeader(cat_id,si.getSubcatHeader());
case AppConstants.FINANCIAL:
ArrayList<FinancialServiceProviderItem> financialItem = constructfinancialListItemForHeader(cat_id, si.getSubcatHeader());
callMapFragmentWithFinancialInfo(si.getSubcatHeader(), cat_id, financialItem);
case AppConstants.JOB:
ArrayList<JobServiceProviderItem> jobItem = constructjobListItemForHeader(cat_id, si.getSubcatHeader());
callMapFragmentWithJobInfo(si.getSubcatHeader(), cat_id, jobItem);
/*code for all*/
constructSubCategoryItemList(cat_id, si.getSubcatHeader());
return vv;
答案 1 :(得分:3)
## Make a variable: one vs the rest
dat$grp <- factor(1L + (dat$GRID == 0))
library(ggthemes) # theme_tufte
lbls <- c('0', 'Other')
ggplot(dat) +
geom_line(aes(NITER, tau, group=GRID, color=grp, alpha=grp, size=grp)) +
theme_tufte() +
scale_size_manual('Grid', breaks=2:1, values=c(.9, 1.1), labels=lbls) +
scale_color_manual('Grid', breaks=2:1, values=c('grey0', 'red'), labels=lbls) +
scale_alpha_manual('Grid', breaks=2:1, values=c(0.1, 1), labels=lbls)