我想知道我是否正在使用oledbcommand在表中插入行的权限步骤。 这是我的代码:
strSQL2 = " SELECT * FROM GESTHANDNET2015v1.dbo.TabLoc "
Dim insere1 As New OleDbCommand(strSQL2, connOracle)
Dim drinsere As OleDbDataReader = insere1.ExecuteReader()
lertabela7 = New OleDbCommand(strSQL2, connOracle)
mysetinsere = lertabela7.ExecuteReader
If mysetinsere.HasRows Then
strSQL = " Insert into GESTHANDNET2015v1.dbo.Tabloc where GESTHANDNET2015v1.dbo.Tabloc.Codprov=" & mysetinsere!codprov
strSQL = strSQL & "; and GESTHANDNET2015v1.dbo.Tabloc.codmun=" & mysetinsere!codmun
strSQL = strSQL & "; and GESTHANDNET2015v1.dbo.Tabloc.codloc=" & mysetinsere!codloc
strSQL = strSQL & "; and GESTHANDNET2015v1.dbo.Tabloc.descrloc= " & mysetinsere!descrloc
vValues = ""
vValues = 1
vValues = vValues & "1"
vValues = vValues & "999"
vValues = vValues & "Alocação Temporária"
End If