这个问题必须已经解决了数十亿次,但我很难找到自己的方式。我有一个后端服务,用用户/密码授予OAuth2令牌。当用户登录时,我希望浏览器转到下一页。问题是,这样的页面只能通过auth标头访问。 document.location.href = "http://nextpage"
之类的方法不允许我设置授权标头,例如Authorization = Bearer 1234567890
var json = {
grant_type: "password",
client_id: "myClient",
username: email, // <--- comes from a form
password: password, // <--- comes from a form
client_secret: "mySecret"
url: "http://localhost:9000/auth/token/grant",
method: 'POST',
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: 'json',
data: JSON.stringify(json),
cache: false,
success: function (data) {
localStorage.authToken = data.access_token;
localStorage.refreshToken = data.refresh_token;
// Here I would like to move the browser to the next page
document.location.href = "http://localhost:9000/nextPage";
error: function (xhr, status, err) {
console.error("login request error: ", status, err.toString());