试图在Smalltalk VisualWorks中的所有类中搜索字符串?

时间:2016-01-18 10:22:08

标签: smalltalk visualworks



aString := '\\'.
class := DosFileDirectory.
methodsContainingString := class methodDictionary values select: [:method |
    method hasLiteralSuchThat: [:lit |
        (lit isString and: [lit isSymbol not]) and:
            [lit = aString]]].
messageList := methodsContainingString collect: [ :e | MethodReference new setStandardClass: class methodSymbol: e selector ].

SystemNavigation new
    browseMessageList: messageList
    name: 'methods containing string'.

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

最简单的方法是直接使用MethodCollector(参见MethodCollector>> methodsSelect:)

| mc pattern |
pattern := '*',searchString,'*'. 
mc := MethodCollector new. 
mc browseSelect: (mc methodsSelect: [:m | pattern match: m getSource]).

MethodCollector已经负责迭代方法,不需要自己动手。 MethodCollector还定义了组合查询的方法,因此您还可以将查询限制为某个包中的方法。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


searchAll := [ :searchedString |
    (Object withAllSubclasses collect: [ :cls |
        cls methodDictionary values select: [ :method |
            (method getSource findString: searchedString startingAt: 1) > 0
    ]) inject: #() into: [ :arr :each | arr, each ]
  • Object withAllSubclasses将选择系统中的所有课程
  • method getSource findString:startingAt:将自己进行匹配(您可以使用regexp等替换它。)
  • #inject:into:将展平数组(否则它是一个数组数组)


matchedMethods := searchAll value: 'Answer a Paragraph' "(returns a collection of methods containing the string)"


MethodCollector new
    openListBrowserOn: (matchedMethods collect: [ :each | each definition ])
    label: 'methods containing "Answer a Paragraph"'