我需要提取并突出显示给定图像中的特定颜色[Say X],最后我需要计算X的面积。
为了检测单个组件,我尝试使用经典的"硬币示例[Identifying different coin values from an image using MATLAB"来首先检测元素。但在这里,由于地区不统一,所以,我有点困惑。
clear all; clc;
close all;
I = imread('19.jpg');
B = White_Beige(I); // The Function is used to threshold the RGB image
to LAB colorspace. Here, we extract the Beige
color present in the image and provide the final
Black and White image with the presence of Beige
color as Black and rest as white.
%figure; imshow(B);
BW2 = imfill(~B,'holes');
figure; imshow(BW2);
Border = imclearborder(BW2);
[OBL,nbOBObjets] = bwlabel(Border,8);
RGB = label2rgb(OBL,'jet',[0 0 0]);
figure, imshow(RGB);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
[A, map] = imread('L8IZU_2.png');
image(A); % display the image
if ~isempty(map)
A = ind2rgb(X, map); % convert image to RGB
color_counts = zeros(256, 256, 256);
% color_counts(x, y, z) records the number of pixels in the image
% which have RGB color [x-1, y-1, z-1];
% For example color_counts(1, 1, 1) records the number of pixels in
% the image which have color [0, 0, 0];
% As another example, color_counts(65, 43, 11) records the number of
% pixels in the image which are of color [64, 42, 10];
time_of_last_progress_report = clock;
% traverse the image pixel by pixel
for m = 1:size(A, 1)
for n = 1:size(A, 2)
current_time = clock;
if etime(current_time, time_of_last_progress_report) > 2
percent_progress = 100*(((m - 1)*size(A, 2) + n)/(size(A, 1)*size(A, 2)));
disp(strcat(num2str(percent_progress),'% of the image has been scanned'));
time_of_last_progress_report = clock;
current_color = A(m, n, :);
current_color = squeeze(current_color);
% squeeze removes singleton dimensions
% in other words, squeeze converts current_color from a 1x1x3 array into
% a 3x1 array
index = current_color + uint8(ones(size(current_color)));
% Let us say that index = [1, 3, 4];
% We want to increment color_counts(1, 3, 4);
% However, color_counts([1, 3, 4]), or color_counts(index),
% does not return a reference to one single element at that location
% Instead, color_counts([1, 3, 4]) returns a 1x3 vector containing
% the 1st, 3rd, and 4th elements of the color_counts array
% we convert index into a cell array and then convert the cell
% array into a comma separated list.
index2 = num2cell(index);
old_count = color_counts(index2{:});
color_counts(index2{:}) = 1 + old_count;
disp(' ');% line break
disp('Now sorting colors by how often they apeared....');
color_counts_linear = reshape(color_counts, 1, numel(color_counts));
[color_counts_sorted, indicies] = sort(color_counts_linear, 'descend');
[R,G,B] = ind2sub(size(color_counts),indicies);
R = R - ones(size(R));
G = G - ones(size(G));
B = B - ones(size(B));
areas = (1/(size(A, 1)*size(A, 2))) * color_counts_sorted;
% display the top 5 most common colors
disp(' '); % line break
disp('Top 5 most common colors:');
for k = 1:min(5, numel(areas))
disp(strcat('[', num2str(R(k)), ',', num2str(B(k)), ',', num2str(G(k)),'] : ', num2str(100*areas(k)), '%'));