
时间:2016-01-16 11:23:41

标签: excel vba excel-formula


   'book                              common                      user_id
    physics                           physics                         1
    Principles of plasma physics      physics,plasma                  2
    Fundamentals of plasma physics    fundamentals,plasma,physics     3
    Fundamentals of thermodynamics    fundamentals                    4

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

所以,这是我对这个问题的看法。我知道代码相当混乱:我已经非常草率地使用变量名,错误处理等等,但是它让你知道它是如何完成的。我创建了一个UDF Common(),它有4个参数:

  • rngText:对包含您想要缩写的文本(在案例簿中)的单个单元格的引用
  • compareList:用于比较第一个参数
  • 的一系列单元格
  • minOccurences(可选):这是一个单词应该被考虑的最小出现次数的定义" common"。默认值为2
  • exclusionList(可选):包含应排除的文本的一系列单元格(例如" a","",...)

例如,如果你的标题是A2:A7,你的排除列表是E2:E3,你可以在单元格B2中使用公式= Common( A2, $A$2:$A$7, , $E$2:$E$3 )并复制到B7。

Option Explicit

Function Common(rngText As Range, compareList As Range, _
    Optional minOccurences As Integer = 2, Optional exclusionList As Range) As Variant

    'Check if an exclusion list is provided
    Dim exclusionListProvided As Boolean
    If Not (exclusionList Is Nothing) Then
        exclusionListProvided = True
        exclusionListProvided = False
    End If

    'Check the argments
    Dim returnError As Boolean
    If IsDate(rngText.Value) Or IsNumeric(rngText.Value) Or IsError(rngText.Value) Then 'first argument should refer to a cell containing text
       returnError = True
    ElseIf minOccurences < 2 Then   'Function should check for at least 2 occurences
        returnError = True
    ElseIf (compareList.Columns.Count > 1 And compareList.Rows.Count > 1) Then  'compareList should be one-dimensional
        returnError = True
    ElseIf exclusionListProvided Then
        If (exclusionList.Columns.Count > 1 And exclusionList.Rows.Count > 1) Then  'exclusionList should be one-dimensional
            returnError = True
        End If
        returnError = False
    End If

    'Return an error if one of the arguments is unexpected
    If returnError Then
        Common = CVErr(xlErrValue)
        Dim text As String
        text = rngText.Value

        'split text into an array of words
        Dim words() As String
        words = fullSplit(text)

        'convert exclusionlist and compareList to arrays
        Dim arrExclude()
        If exclusionListProvided Then
            arrExclude() = rangeToStringArray(exclusionList)
        End If
        Dim arrCompare()
        arrCompare() = rangeToStringArray(compareList)

        Dim strCommon As String
        'loop through words in text
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim j As Integer
        Dim k As Integer
        Dim nOccurences As Integer
        Dim excluded As Boolean
        Dim compareWords() As String

        For i = LBound(words) To UBound(words)
            'check if word is in exclusion list
            excluded = False
            If exclusionListProvided Then
                For j = LBound(arrExclude) To UBound(arrExclude)
                    compareWords = fullSplit(arrExclude(j))
                    For k = LBound(compareWords) To UBound(compareWords)
                        If compareWords(k) = words(i) Then
                            excluded = True
                            Exit For
                        End If
                    Next k
                    If excluded Then Exit For
                Next j
            End If

            'count the number of occurences of the word in the compare list
            If Not excluded Then
                nOccurences = 0
                For j = LBound(arrCompare) To UBound(arrCompare)
                    compareWords = fullSplit(arrCompare(j))
                    For k = LBound(compareWords) To UBound(compareWords)
                        If LCase(compareWords(k)) = LCase(words(i)) Then
                            nOccurences = nOccurences + 1
                            Exit For
                        End If
                    Next k
                Next j
                If nOccurences >= minOccurences Then
                    If Not strCommon = "" Then
                        strCommon = strCommon & ", "
                    End If
                    strCommon = strCommon & LCase(words(i))
                End If
            End If
        Next i

        Common = strCommon
    End If

End Function

'split text by using a list of delimiters
Function fullSplit(text As Variant)
    'define list of delimiters
    Dim delimiters()
    delimiters = Array(" ", ",", ".", ";", "?", "!")

    'unique delimiter is the first one from the list
    Dim uniqueDelimiter As String
    uniqueDelimiter = delimiters(0)

    'replace all delimiters in the text by the unique delimiter
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = LBound(delimiters) + 1 To UBound(delimiters)
        Replace text, delimiters(i), uniqueDelimiter
    Next i

    'split the text by using the unique delimiter
    fullSplit = SplitText(text, uniqueDelimiter)

End Function

'split text by using a single delimiter
Function SplitText(text As Variant, delimiter As String)
    'split the text in substrings on each occurence of the delimiter
    Dim tempArray() As String
    tempArray = Split(text, delimiter)

    'remove empty substrings
    Dim LastNonEmpty As Integer
    LastNonEmpty = -1
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = LBound(tempArray) To UBound(tempArray)
        If tempArray(i) <> "" Then
            LastNonEmpty = LastNonEmpty + 1
            tempArray(LastNonEmpty) = tempArray(i)
        End If
    ReDim Preserve tempArray(0 To LastNonEmpty)

    SplitText = tempArray
End Function

'check if two arrays share a least one element
Function sharedElements(array1() As Variant, array2() As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim found As Boolean
    found = False

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    For i = LBound(array1) To UBound(array1)
        For j = LBound(array2) To UBound(array2)
            If array1(i) = array2(j) Then
                found = True
                Exit For
            End If
        Next j
        If found = True Then Exit For
    Next i

    sharedElements = found
End Function

'converts a range to an array of strings, omitting all non-text cells
Function rangeToStringArray(myRange As Range)
    Dim myArray()
    Dim arraySize As Integer
    arraySize = 0

    Dim c As Object
    For Each c In myRange
        If IsDate(c.Value) = False And IsNumeric(c.Value) = False And IsError(c.Value) = False Then
            ReDim Preserve myArray(arraySize)
            myArray(arraySize) = c.Value
            arraySize = arraySize + 1
        End If

    rangeToStringArray = myArray
End Function