
时间:2016-01-16 00:15:17

标签: codeskulptor


  1. 击球时将球速提高10%
  2. 修复无法使用的颜色按钮
  3. 以下是代码的链接:http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user41_yJMm4nMju5X5zvk.py

    # Implementation of classic arcade game Pong
    import simplegui
    import random
    # initialize globals - pos and vel encode vertical info for paddles
    WIDTH = 600
    HEIGHT = 400       
    BALL_RADIUS = 20
    PAD_WIDTH = 8
    PAD_HEIGHT = 80
    LEFT = False
    RIGHT = True
    score1 = 0
    score2 = 0
    #paddle position
    paddle1_pos = HEIGHT/2 
    paddle2_pos = HEIGHT/2
    #paddle velocity
    paddle1_vel = 0
    paddle2_vel = 0
    # initialize ball_pos and ball_vel for new bal in middle of table
    ball_pos = [WIDTH/2 , HEIGHT/2]
    ball_vel = [0 , 0]
    #set color theme
    color_palette = ['#FF5252','#00BCD4','#536DFE','#8BC34A','#FFC107','#FF9800','#FF4081','#E040FB']
    color = random.choice(color_palette)
    def color_red():
        color = color_palette[0]
    def color_l_blue():
        color = color_palette[1]
    def color_d_blue():
        color = color_palette[2]
    def color_green():
        color = color_palette[3]
    def color_yellow():
        color = color_palette[4]
    def color_orange():
        color = color_palette[5]
    def color_pink():
        color = color_palette[6]
    def color_purple():
        color = color_palette[7]
    def open_game():
        global ball_pos, ball_vel
        ball_pos = [WIDTH/2 , HEIGHT/2]
        ball_vel[0] = 0
        ball_vel[1] = 0
    # if direction is RIGHT, the ball's velocity is upper right, else upper left
    def start_game(direction):
        global ball_pos, ball_vel
        ball_pos = [WIDTH/2 , HEIGHT/2]
        if direction == RIGHT:
            ball_vel[0] = random.randrange(120,240)/60.0
            ball_vel[1] = -random.randrange(60,180)/60.0
        if direction == LEFT:
            ball_vel[0] = -random.randrange(120,240)/60.0
            ball_vel[1] = -random.randrange(60,180)/60.0
    # define event handlers
    def new_game():
        global paddle1_pos, paddle2_pos, paddle1_vel, paddle2_vel
        global score1, score2  
        paddle1_pos = HEIGHT/2  
        paddle2_pos = HEIGHT/2 
        score1 = 0
        score2 = 0
    def draw(canvas):
        global score1, score2, paddle1_pos, paddle2_pos, ball_pos, ball_vel
        global paddle1_vel, paddle2_vel, PAD_HEIGHT, PAD_WIDTH, BALL_RADIUS,HALF_PAD_HEIGHT, HALF_PAD_WIDTH
        global color_palette, color
        # draw mid line and gutters
        canvas.draw_line([WIDTH / 2, 0],[WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT], 1, "White")
        canvas.draw_line([PAD_WIDTH, 0],[PAD_WIDTH, HEIGHT], 1, "White")
        canvas.draw_line([WIDTH - PAD_WIDTH, 0],[WIDTH - PAD_WIDTH, HEIGHT], 1, "White")
        # update ball
        ball_pos[0] += ball_vel[0]
        ball_pos[1] += ball_vel[1]
        #ball with upper and lower wall collisions
        if ball_pos[1] <= BALL_RADIUS:
            ball_vel[0] = ball_vel[0]
            ball_vel[1] = -ball_vel[1]
        if ball_pos[1] >= (HEIGHT-1)-BALL_RADIUS:
            ball_vel[0] = ball_vel[0]
            ball_vel[1] = -ball_vel[1]
        #spawn ball left or right    
        if ball_pos[0] <= BALL_RADIUS+PAD_WIDTH:
            score2 += 1
        if ball_pos[0] >= (WIDTH-1)-PAD_WIDTH-BALL_RADIUS:
            score1 += 1
        # draw ball
        canvas.draw_circle(ball_pos, BALL_RADIUS, 2, color, color)
        #keep paddle on the screen
        if paddle1_pos-HALF_PAD_HEIGHT <= 0 and paddle1_vel < 0:
            paddle1_vel = 0
        if paddle2_pos-HALF_PAD_HEIGHT <= 0 and paddle2_vel < 0:
            paddle2_vel = 0
        if paddle1_pos+HALF_PAD_HEIGHT >= HEIGHT and paddle1_vel > 0:
            paddle1_vel = 0
        if paddle2_pos+HALF_PAD_HEIGHT >= HEIGHT and paddle2_vel > 0:
            paddle2_vel = 0
        # update paddle's vertical position 
        paddle1_pos += paddle1_vel
        paddle2_pos += paddle2_vel
        # draw paddles
        canvas.draw_polygon([(0,paddle1_pos-HALF_PAD_HEIGHT),(PAD_WIDTH,paddle1_pos-HALF_PAD_HEIGHT),(PAD_WIDTH,paddle1_pos+HALF_PAD_HEIGHT),(0,paddle1_pos+HALF_PAD_HEIGHT)], 5, color, color)
        canvas.draw_polygon([(WIDTH,paddle2_pos-HALF_PAD_HEIGHT),(WIDTH-PAD_WIDTH,paddle2_pos-HALF_PAD_HEIGHT),(WIDTH-PAD_WIDTH,paddle2_pos+HALF_PAD_HEIGHT),(WIDTH,paddle2_pos+HALF_PAD_HEIGHT)], 5, color, color)
        # determine whether paddle and ball collide    
        if ball_pos[1] > paddle1_pos-HALF_PAD_HEIGHT -2 and ball_pos[1]<paddle1_pos +HALF_PAD_HEIGHT +2 and ball_pos[0] - BALL_RADIUS <= PAD_WIDTH+2:
            ball_vel[0] = -ball_vel[0]
            ball_vel[1] = ball_vel[1]
        if ball_pos[1] > paddle2_pos-HALF_PAD_HEIGHT -2 and ball_pos[1] < paddle2_pos +HALF_PAD_HEIGHT+2 and WIDTH - (WIDTH - (ball_pos[0] + BALL_RADIUS)) >= (WIDTH - PAD_WIDTH) -2:
            ball_vel[0] = -ball_vel[0]
            ball_vel[1] = ball_vel[1] 
        # draw scores
        canvas.draw_text(str(score1), (WIDTH/2 - 100,80), 60, color, 'sans-serif')
        canvas.draw_text(str(score2), (WIDTH/2 + 60,80), 60, color, 'sans-serif')
    def keydown(key):
        global paddle1_vel, paddle2_vel
        if key == simplegui.KEY_MAP['w']:
            paddle1_vel = -4
        elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP['s']:
            paddle1_vel = 4
        elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP['up']:
            paddle2_vel = -4
        elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP['down']:
            paddle2_vel = 4
        elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP['space']:
    def keyup(key):
        global paddle1_vel, paddle2_vel
        if key == simplegui.KEY_MAP['w']:
            paddle1_vel = 0
        elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP['s']:
            paddle1_vel = 0
        elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP['up']:
            paddle2_vel = 0
        elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP['down']:
            paddle2_vel = 0
    # create frame
    frame = simplegui.create_frame("Pong", WIDTH, HEIGHT)
    frame.add_label('Start the game by pressing SPACE'),frame.add_label(' ')
    frame.add_button('Restart', new_game, 100),frame.add_label(' ')
    frame.add_label('Choose color theme: '),frame.add_label(' ')
    frame.add_button('Red', color_red, 100)
    frame.add_button('Light Blue', color_l_blue, 100)
    frame.add_button('Dark Blue', color_d_blue, 100)
    frame.add_button('Green', color_green, 100)
    frame.add_button('Yellow', color_yellow, 100)
    frame.add_button('Orange', color_orange, 100)
    frame.add_button('Pink', color_pink, 100)
    frame.add_button('Purple', color_purple, 100)
    # start frame



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

# determine whether paddle and ball collide    
if ball_pos[1] > paddle1_pos-HALF_PAD_HEIGHT -2 and ball_pos[1]<paddle1_pos +HALF_PAD_HEIGHT +2 and ball_pos[0] - BALL_RADIUS <= PAD_WIDTH+2:
    ball_vel[0] = -1.1*ball_vel[0]
    ball_vel[1] = ball_vel[1] # this line does absolutely nothing ...

if ball_pos[1] > paddle2_pos-HALF_PAD_HEIGHT -2 and ball_pos[1] < paddle2_pos +HALF_PAD_HEIGHT+2 and WIDTH - (WIDTH - (ball_pos[0] + BALL_RADIUS)) >= (WIDTH - PAD_WIDTH) -2:
    ball_vel[0] = -1.1*ball_vel[0]
    ball_vel[1] = ball_vel[1]  # this line does absolutely nothing ...


你需要在每个颜色函数的顶部添加global color,以便分配全局颜色而不是局部颜色......还有很多其他方法可以解决这个问题...但是这个将需要最少量的改变和工作

def color_red():
    global color
    color = color_palette[0]