
时间:2016-01-15 23:01:51

标签: sql ruby-on-rails postgresql date activerecord

继续Find entry where value does not intersect with other value

我有一个应用程序(Ruby on Rails,ActiveRecord,Postgresql),它使用用户表,日期表和事件表来跟踪用户及其事件以及发生这些事件的日期。事件有很多日期,用户可以通过不同的表格登录事件。

我在这里工作的功能是让用户能够阻止某些日期,以便我以后可以找到1)X []中没有任何日期被阻止的用户,以及2)用户的所有事件,包括用户已阻止的任何日期。


User.where.not("string_to_array(blocked_dates, ',') && string_to_array(?, ',')", "date1,date2...")




用户 - 事件:一对多(如果用户是状态管理员)

用户 - 事件:通过一个名为邀请的不同表格(如果用户是状态客户端)多对多

事件 - EventDate:一对多

\ d用户

id                     | integer                     | not null default nextval('users_id_seq'::regclass)
created_at             | timestamp without time zone | 
updated_at             | timestamp without time zone | 
email                  | character varying(255)      | not null default ''::character varying
encrypted_password     | character varying(255)      | not null default ''::character varying
and other 100 or so fields like first_name, last_name ...

来自\ d events

id                    | integer                     | not null default nextval('events_id_seq'::regclass)
title                 | character varying(255)      | 
description           | text                        | 
user_id               | integer (this refers to another type of user, capable of creating events, not the type of user we are referring to here)                    | 
project_status        | character varying(255)      | default 'create_project'::character varying
created_at            | timestamp without time zone | 
updated_at            | timestamp without time zone | 
due_time              | timestamp without time zone | 
and other fields such as address, referrer number...

来自\ d event_dates

id             | integer                     | not null default nextval('event_dates_id_seq'::regclass)
title          | character varying(255)      | 
event_id       | integer                     | 
created_at     | timestamp without time zone | 
updated_at     | timestamp without time zone | 
date           | character varying(255) (I need to explicitly store a string value)     | 
formatted_date | timestamp without time zone (String value is converted to the timestamp on save) | 
   "event_dates_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
   "index_event_dates_on_event_id" btree (event_id)

来自新​​字段的语句\ d blocked_date_periods

id             | integer                     | not null default nextval('blocked_date_periods_id_seq'::regclass)
user_id        | integer                     | 
created_at     | timestamp without time zone | 
updated_at     | timestamp without time zone | 
start_date     | timestamp without time zone | 
end_date       | timestamp without time zone | 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

这是我选择的解决方案。诀窍是对用户和blocked_date_periods表使用left outer join(ruby命令eager_load),并且包括那些在连接表中的start_date字段为NULL的用户,显然是因为他们没有与自己关联的任何阻塞日期对象。我使用的查询:

  where("blocked_date_periods.start_date is null OR 
    not tsrange(
      blocked_date_periods.start_date - '00:59:59'::interval,
      blocked_date_periods.end_date + '00:59:59'::interval
    ) @> ?::timestamp", 

我必须在开始和结束日期之前添加和减去1小时,因为查询由于某种原因不希望包含确切的结束日期,因此12-26-2015期间不包括12-22 -2015至2015年12月12日由于某种原因我尚未理解。
