自从升级到iOS 9以来,一直运行良好的代码开始在滚动时显示出非常糟糕的性能。
class AbstractRegularTimelineCell: UITableViewCell {
weak var iconView : UIImageView!
weak var headerLabel : UILabel!
weak var timeLabel : UILabel!
weak var regularContentContainer : UIView!
weak var contentHeightConstraint : NSLayoutConstraint!
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
override init(style: UITableViewCellStyle, reuseIdentifier: String?) {
super.init(style: style, reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier)
private func commonInit() {
self.selectionStyle = .None
// add the UI elements needed for all regular cells.
let iv = UIImageView(/*image: UIImage(named: "icon")*/)
iv.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
self.iconView = iv
iv.setContentCompressionResistancePriority(1000, forAxis: .Horizontal)
iv.setContentCompressionResistancePriority(1000, forAxis: .Vertical)
let hl = UILabel()
hl.numberOfLines = 0
hl.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
self.headerLabel = hl
hl.font = UIFont(name: "OpenSans-Semibold", size: UIFont.systemFontSize())
let tiv = UIImageView(/*image: UIImage(named: "timestamp")*/)
tiv.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
let tl = UILabel()
tl.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
self.timeLabel = tl
tl.textColor = UIColor.lightGrayColor()
tl.font = UIFont(name: "OpenSans", size: UIFont.systemFontSize()-3)
let rcc = UIView()
rcc.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
self.regularContentContainer = rcc
rcc.setContentCompressionResistancePriority(1000, forAxis: .Vertical)
rcc.setContentCompressionResistancePriority(100, forAxis: .Horizontal)
self.contentView.sendSubviewToBack(rcc) // this might help, according to Apple Dev Forums
// now, stitch the constraints together.
let views = ["iv":iv, "hl":hl, "tl":tl, "rcc":rcc, "tiv":tiv]
self.contentView.addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat("H:|-(15)-[iv]-(15)-[hl]-(>=15)-|", options: NSLayoutFormatOptions.DirectionLeadingToTrailing, metrics: [:], views: views))
self.contentView.addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat("V:|-(15)-[iv]", options: NSLayoutFormatOptions.DirectionLeadingToTrailing, metrics: nil, views: views))
self.contentView.addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat("V:|-(17)-[hl]-(8)-[rcc]", options: NSLayoutFormatOptions.DirectionLeadingToTrailing, metrics: nil, views: views))
var otherConstraints = [NSLayoutConstraint]()
var c = NSLayoutConstraint(item: tiv, attribute: .Top, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: rcc, attribute: .Bottom, multiplier: 1, constant: 8)
c.priority = 600
c = NSLayoutConstraint(item: tiv, attribute: .Top, relatedBy: .GreaterThanOrEqual, toItem: rcc, attribute: .Bottom, multiplier: 1, constant: 6)
c = NSLayoutConstraint(item: tl, attribute: .Leading, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: tiv, attribute: .Trailing, multiplier: 1, constant: 6)
c = NSLayoutConstraint(item: tiv, attribute: .CenterY, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: tl, attribute: .CenterY, multiplier: 1, constant: 1)
c = NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.contentView, attribute: .Bottom, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: tiv, attribute: .Bottom, multiplier: 1, constant: 10)
c = NSLayoutConstraint(item: tiv, attribute: .Leading, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: hl, attribute: .Leading, multiplier: 1, constant: 0)
c = NSLayoutConstraint(item: rcc, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.Height, relatedBy: .LessThanOrEqual, toItem: nil, attribute: .NotAnAttribute, multiplier: 1, constant: 10000)
self.contentHeightConstraint = c
c = NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.contentView, attribute: .Trailing, relatedBy: .GreaterThanOrEqual, toItem: rcc, attribute: .Trailing, multiplier: 1, constant: 15)
c = NSLayoutConstraint(item: rcc, attribute: .Leading, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: hl, attribute: .Leading, multiplier: 1, constant: 0)
class ExampleCell: AbstractRegularTimelineCell {
weak var textView : UITextView!
override required init(style: UITableViewCellStyle, reuseIdentifier: String?) {
super.init(style: style, reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
private func setupTextView() {
let t = UITextView()
t.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
self.regularContentContainer.addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat("H:|[t]|", options: NSLayoutFormatOptions.DirectionLeadingToTrailing, metrics: [:], views: ["t":t]))
self.regularContentContainer.addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat("V:|[t]|", options: NSLayoutFormatOptions.DirectionLeadingToTrailing, metrics: [:], views: ["t":t]))
self.textView = t
t.scrollEnabled = false
较少冗长的View Controller代码:
class ViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate {
weak var tableView : UITableView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
let t = UITableView()
t.registerClass(ExampleCell.classForCoder(), forCellReuseIdentifier: "example")
t.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
self.tableView = t
self.view.addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat("H:|[t]|", options: NSLayoutFormatOptions.DirectionLeadingToTrailing, metrics: [:], views: ["t":t]))
self.view.addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat("V:|[t]|", options: NSLayoutFormatOptions.DirectionLeadingToTrailing, metrics: [:], views: ["t":t]))
t.delegate = self
t.dataSource = self
t.estimatedRowHeight = 350
func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
return 1
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return 300
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell : ExampleCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("example", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! ExampleCell
cell.timeLabel.text = "probably never"
switch indexPath.row % 3 {
case 0:
cell.headerLabel.text = "First paragraph (Part one of two)"
cell.textView.text = "As any dedicated reader can clearly see, the Ideal of practical reason is a representation of, as far as I know, the things in themselves; as I have shown elsewhere, the phenomena should only be used as a canon for our understanding. These paralogisms of practical reason are what first give rise to the architectonic of practical reason."
case 1:
cell.headerLabel.text = "First paragraph, 2/2"
cell.textView.text = "As will easily be shown in the next section, reason would thereby be made to contradict, in view of these considerations, the Ideal of practical reason, yet the manifold depends on the phenomena. Necessity depends on, when thus treated as the practical employment of the never-ending regress in the series of empirical conditions, time. Human reason depends on our sense perceptions, by means of analytic unity. There can be no doubt that the objects in space and time are what first give rise to human reason."
cell.headerLabel.text = "Second paragraph"
cell.textView.text = "Let us suppose that the noumena have nothing to do with necessity, since knowledge of the Categories is a posteriori. Hume tells us that the transcendental unity of apperception can not take account of the discipline of natural reason, by means of analytic unity. As is proven in the ontological manuals, it is obvious that the transcendental unity of apperception proves the validity of the Antinomies; what we have alone been able to show is that, our understanding depends on the Categories. It remains a mystery why the Ideal stands in need of reason. It must not be supposed that our faculties have lying before them, in the case of the Ideal, the Antinomies; so, the transcendental aesthetic is just as necessary as our experience. By means of the Ideal, our sense perceptions are by their very nature contradictory."
return cell
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正如@ A-Live在评论中指出的那样,问题在于嵌套的滚动视图。
此外,无法理解为什么iOS 9更新时性能下降的原因显着;我怀疑对autolayout引擎进行了无证的更改;如果有一个很好的解决方法,就没有必要进一步调查。