我有一个64 x 64像素的png-texturemap,我需要复制它的一部分并将其粘贴到原始位置下方几个像素,因为我有一个稍微修改过的3dmodel,它的纹理贴图并不完全适合原来的。但是代码我写了错误,我无法确定问题所在的位置。
public ResourceLocation getTemporaryTexturefile(AbstractClientPlayer player) {
try {
BufferedImage texture = ImageIO.read(Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourceManager()
if (texture != null) {
byte[] pixels = ((DataBufferByte) texture.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
// copying the armtexture (sides)
ArrayList<Byte> armtexture_bottom = new ArrayList<Byte>();
ArrayList<Byte> armtexture_side = new ArrayList<Byte>();
for (int pixelY = 0; pixelY < 4; pixelY++) {
// x locatet at 16 until 19 and y 48 to 52
for (int pixelX = 0; pixelX < 4; pixelX++) {
int posPixel = (16 * 64 + (pixelY * 64)) + 48 + pixelX;
for (int pixelY = 0; pixelY < 11; pixelY++) {
// 20 - 31 (x) & 40 - 56 (x)
for (int pixelX = 0; pixelX < 16; pixelX++) {
int posPixel = (pixelY * 64 + (40 + pixelX));
int counterY = 0;
int counterX = 0;
// pasting the two bytearrays onto the new image.
for (int pixelY = 0; pixelY < 64; pixelY++) {
if (pixelY >= 24 && pixelY < 45) {
for (int pixelX = 0; pixelX < 64; pixelX++) {
if (pixelX > 39 && pixelY > 31) {
if (pixelY > 43) {
int posinbytearray = (pixelY * 64 + pixelX) % 128;
int rowYInByteArray = counterY - 43;
pixels[pixelY * 64 + pixelX] = armtexture_side
.get(posinbytearray - (16 * rowYInByteArray));
// pasting the top&bottom arm texture toimage array
if (pixelX > 47 && pixelX <= 51) {
int posinbytearray = ((pixelY * 64 + pixelX) % 16);
int rowYInByteArray = counterY - 23;
if((4 * rowYInByteArray + pixelX % 4)<=15){
pixels[pixelY * 64 + pixelX] = armtexture_bottom.get((4 * rowYInByteArray + pixelX % 4));
System.out.println("Bigger than 15!!!!!");
InputStream newTextureBytes = new ByteArrayInputStream(pixels);
BufferedImage newTexture = ImageIO.read(newTextureBytes);
if (!new File(Minecraft.getMinecraft().mcDataDir.getPath() + "RLM/playerskin.png").exists()) {
ImageIO.write(newTexture, "png",new File(Minecraft.getMinecraft().mcDataDir.getPath() + "/RLM/playerskin.png"));
return new ResourceLocation("reallifemod:RLM/playerskin.png");
} catch (
IOException e)
return null;
但我的问题是,这个Codepart错误和4 * rowYInByteArray + pixelX%4大于15 - 复制部分的字节数是16 x 16像素的大小:
pixels[pixelY * 64 + pixelX] = armtexture_bottom.get((4 * rowYInByteArray + pixelX % 4));
System.out.println("Bigger than 15!!!!!");
另一个错误 - 此行错误与image == null异常:
ImageIO.write(newTexture, "png",new File(Minecraft.getMinecraft().mcDataDir.getPath() + "/RLM/playerskin.png"));