我输入的用于解码的文本是编码消息的结果:“W6){w#6~,$ w%6x {%} B6w%z6w6){w#6~ {)& D”
我真的只是想知道这些盒子在最后一个关键值的末尾是什么(96 - 100。)
This program takes user input to create and display an encoded message, and then takes user input again to create and display multiple decoded messages.
# -------- Functions --------
# This is the function for encoding a message
def encode (textForEncoding, key):
# The variable equals a null string so characters can be added to it
encodedMessage = ""
# This loop goes though each character in the text and creates an encoded message
for character in textForEncoding:
# This will run if the ordinal value of the character plus the key is greater than 126
if ord(character) + int(key) > 126:
# Shifts the ordinal value of the original character and sets it equal to a variable
newCharacter = ord(character) + int(key) - 127 + 32
# Converts the ordinal value of the new character into an actual character and sets it equal to a variable
encodedCharacter = chr(newCharacter)
# The encoded text is now equal to itself plus the encoded character
encodedMessage += encodedCharacter
# This will run if the ordinal value of the character plus the key is less than or equal to 126
# Shifts the ordinal value of the original character and sets it equal to a variable
newCharacter = ord(character) + int(key)
# Converts the ordinal value of the new character into an actual character and sets it equal to a variable
encodedCharacter = chr(newCharacter)
# The encoded text is now equal to itself plus the encoded character
encodedMessage += encodedCharacter
# Returns the encodedMessage variable
return encodedMessage
# This is the function for decoding a message
def decode (textForDecoding, key):
# The variable equals a null string so characters can be added to it
decodedMessage = ""
# This loop goes though each character in the text and creates a decoded message
for character in textForDecoding:
# This will run if the ordinal value of the character minus the key is less than 32
if ord(character) - int(key) < 32:
# Shifts the ordinal value of the original character and sets it equal to a variable
newCharacter = ord(character) - int(key) + 127 - 32
# Converts the ordinal value of the new character into an actual character and sets it equal to a variable
decodedCharacter = chr(newCharacter)
# The decoded text is now equal to itself plus the decoded character
decodedMessage += decodedCharacter
# This will run if the value of the character minus the key is greater than or equal to 32
# Shifts the ordinal value of the character and sets it equal to a variable
newCharacter = ord(character) - int(key)
# Converts the ordinal value of the new character into an actual character and sets it equal to a variable
decodedCharacter = chr(newCharacter)
# The decoded text is now equal to itself plus the decoded character
decodedMessage += decodedCharacter
# Returns the decodedMessage variable
return decodedMessage
# -------- Initial Execution --------
# Gets user input for the message to encode
textForEncoding = input("\n Please enter text to encode: ")
# This will loop while the value for key is not a digit between 1 and 100
while True:
# User sets the value for key
key = input("\n Please enter a key value between 1 and 100: ")
# If the key is a digit between 1 and 100...
if key.isdigit() and (int(key) >= 1 and int(key) <= 100):
# ... The loop will break
# If the key is not not a digit between 1 and 100...
# ... An error will print, and the loop will continue
print("\nError: Please enter a positive number between 1 and 100.")
# Sets the encoded text equal to the result of the encode function
encodedText = encode(textForEncoding, key)
# Prints the encoded message
print("\n The encoded message is %s " %encodedText)
# Gets user input for the message to decode
textForDecoding = input("\n Enter an encoded message to decode: ")
# Prints a message before decoded messages
print("\n The following are decoded messages for key values 1 to 100:")
# This loop runs through key values from 1 to 100, and displays the decoded messages
for key in range (1, 101):
# Sets the decoded text equal to the result of the decode function
decodedText = decode(textForDecoding, key)
# Prints the key value and decoded message
print("\n Key: %i - decoded message: %s \n" %(key, decodedText))
# End
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