
时间:2016-01-14 22:07:51

标签: tensorflow



  1. 每个类别的样本在单独的目录中给出,因此标签是间接的(即通过dir)
  2. TF中的解耦负载和计算
  3. 可以找到每个单独的位,但是我认为将它们放在一个地方将有助于为TF初学者(比如我自己)节省大量时间。

    让我们解决 1。在我的情况下它是两组图像:

    # all filenames for .jpg in dir 
    #  - list of fnames
    #  - list of labels 
    def path_fnames(f_path, label, ext = ['.jpg', '.jpeg']):
        f_n = [f_path+'/'+f for f in sorted(os.listdir(f_path)) if os.path.splitext(f)[1].lower() in ext]
        f_l = [label] * len(f_n)
        return f_n, f_l
    def dense_to_one_hot(labels_dense, num_classes=10, dtype=np.float32):
        """Convert class labels from scalars to one-hot vectors."""
        num_labels     = labels_dense.shape[0]
        index_offset   = np.arange(num_labels) * num_classes
        labels_one_hot = np.zeros((num_labels, num_classes),dtype=dtype)
        labels_one_hot.flat[index_offset + labels_dense.ravel()] = 1
        return labels_one_hot
    data_dir = '/mnt/dataset/'
    dir_1   = '/class_1'
    dir_2   = '/class_2'
    # --- get filenames for data ---
    dpath = [data_dir+dir_1, data_dir+dir_2]
    f_n1, f_l1 = path_fnames(dpath[0], 0)
    f_n2, f_l2 = path_fnames(dpath[1], 1)
    # --- create one-hot labels ---
    ohl    = dense_to_one_hot(np.asarray(f_l1+f_l2), num_classes=2, dtype = np.float32)
    fnames = f_n1+f_n2;               # one-hot labels created in this sequence


    让我们转移到 2。

    它基于How to prefetch data using a custom python function in tensorflow。简而言之,它有:

    • 自定义图像阅读器(替换为您的)
    • 排队 fnl_q ,[文件标签]供读者使用
    • 排队 proc_q ,其中[样本标签]用于提供处理 some_op
    • 执行read_op以获取[sample label]和enqueue_op以将对放入 proc_q 的线程。线程由tf.Coordinator
    • 控制
    • some_op 首先通过dequeue_many()从 proc_q 获取数据并进行其余计算(也可以放在单独的线程中)。


    • feature_read_op和label_read_op是两个独立的操作。
    • 我使用sleep()来减慢和控制操作 - 仅用于测试目的
    • 我已经分开了#34;喂养"和"计算"零件 - 在实际情况下只是并行运行
    print 'TF version:', tf.__version__
    # --- params ----
    im_s       = [30, 30, 1]   # target image size
    BATCH_SIZE = 16
    # image reader 
    # - fnl_queue: queue with [fn l] pairs 
    # Notes 
    # - to resize:  image_tensor = tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(image_tensor, HEIGHT, WIDTH)
    # - how about image preprocessing?
    def img_reader_jpg(fnl_queue, ch = 3, keep = False):
        fn, label = fnl_queue.dequeue()
        if keep:
            fnl_queue.enqueue([fn, label])
        img_bytes = tf.read_file(fn)
        img_u8    = tf.image.decode_jpeg(img_bytes, channels=ch) 
        img_f32   = tf.cast(img_u8, tf.float32)/256.0  
        #img_4     = tf.expand_dims(img_f32,0)
        return img_f32, label
    #  load [feature, label] and enqueue to processing queue
    # - sess:             tf session 
    # - sess:             tf Coordinator
    # - [fr_op, lr_op ]:  feature_read_op label_read_op
    # - enqueue_op:       [f l] pairs enqueue op
    def load_and_enqueue(sess, coord, feature_read_op, label_read_op , enqueue_op):
        i = 0
        while not coord.should_stop():
            # for testing purpose
            #print 'load_and_enqueue i=',i
            #i = i +1
            feature, label = sess.run([feature_read_op, label_read_op ])
            feed_dict = {feature_input: feature,
                         label_input  : label}
            sess.run(enqueue_op, feed_dict=feed_dict)
    # --- TF part ---
    # filenames and labels are pre-loaded
    fv = tf.constant(fnames)
    lv = tf.constant(ohl)
    #fnl_q    = tf.FIFOQueue(len(fnames), [tf.string, tf.float32])
    fnl_q    = tf.RandomShuffleQueue(len(fnames), 0, [tf.string, tf.float32])
    do_enq = fnl_q.enqueue_many([fv, lv])
    # reading_op: feature_read_op label_read_op 
    feature_read_op, label_read_op = img_reader_jpg(fnl_q, ch = im_s[2])
    # samples queue
    f_s = im_s
    l_s = 2
    feature_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=f_s, name='feature_input')
    label_input   = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=l_s, name='label_input')
    #proc_q     = tf.RandomShuffleQueue(len(fnames), 0, [tf.float32, tf.float32], shapes=[f_s, l_s])
    proc_q     = tf.FIFOQueue(len(fnames), [tf.float32, tf.float32], shapes=[f_s, l_s])
    enqueue_op = proc_q.enqueue([feature_input, label_input])
    # test: 
    # - some op
    img_batch, lab_batch = proc_q.dequeue_many(BATCH_SIZE)
    some_op   = [img_batch, lab_batch]
    # service ops
    init_op   = tf.initialize_all_variables()
    # let run stuff
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        print "fnl_q.size:", fnl_q.size().eval()
        print "proc_q.size:", proc_q.size().eval()
        # --- test thread stuff ---
        #  - fill proc_q
        coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
        t = threading.Thread(target=load_and_enqueue, args = (sess, coord, feature_read_op, label_read_op , enqueue_op))
        print "fnl_q.size:", fnl_q.size().eval()
        print "proc_q.size:", proc_q.size().eval()
        #  - process a bit 
        ss = sess.run(some_op)
        print 'ss[0].shape', ss[0].shape 
        print ' ss[1]:\n', ss[1]
        print "fnl_q.size:", fnl_q.size().eval()
        print "proc_q.size:", proc_q.size().eval() 
    print 'ok'


    TF version: 0.6.0
    fnl_q.size: 1225
    proc_q.size: 0
    fnl_q.size: 1204
    proc_q.size: 21
    ss[0].shape (16, 30, 30, 1)
    [[ 0.  1.]
     [ 1.  0.]
     [ 1.  0.]
     [ 0.  1.]
     [ 0.  1.]
     [ 1.  0.]
     [ 1.  0.]
     [ 0.  1.]
     [ 1.  0.]
     [ 0.  1.]
     [ 0.  1.]
     [ 1.  0.]
     [ 1.  0.]
     [ 0.  1.]
     [ 1.  0.]
     [ 0.  1.]]
    fnl_q.size: 1204
    proc_q.size: 5


    • 创建了一批[样本标签]
    • 对被洗牌

    唯一剩下的就是应用TF,因为它打算通过替换 some_op 来使用:)

    还有一个问题: 一个观察到的问题 - 如果我使用tf.FIFOQueue作为文件名而tf.RandomShuffleQueue作为样本 - 洗牌并不会发生。然而其他方式(如上面的代码)它确实完美地洗牌。

    洗牌的任何问题 tf.RandomShuffleQueue(len(fnames), 0, [tf.float32, tf.float32], shapes=[f_s, l_s])

    添加: 具有两个线程的版本:

    • 一个用于重新填充/更新/更改文件名队列
    • 第二个用于填充样品到处理队列。


    def load_and_enqueue(sess, coord, feature_read_op, label_read_op , enqueue_op):
            while not coord.should_stop():
                feature, label = sess.run([feature_read_op, label_read_op ])
                feed_dict = {feature_input: feature,
                             label_input  : label}
                sess.run(enqueue_op, feed_dict=feed_dict)
        except Exception as e:
    # periodically check the state of fnl queue and if needed refill it
    #  - enqueue_op: 'refill' file-name_label queue 
    def enqueue_fnl(sess, coord, fnl_q, enqueue_op):
            while not coord.should_stop():
                s = sess.run(fnl_q.size())
                if  s < (9*BATCH_SIZE) :
        except Exception as e:
    #  -- ops for feed part --
    # filenames and labels are pre-loaded
    fv = tf.constant(fnames)
    lv = tf.constant(ohl)
    # read op
    fnl_q      = tf.RandomShuffleQueue(len(fnames)*2, 0, [tf.string, tf.float32], name = 'fnl_q')  # add some margin for re-fill to fit
    do_fnl_enq = fnl_q.enqueue_many([fv, lv])
    feature_read_op, label_read_op = img_reader_jpg(fnl_q, ch = IMG_SIZE[2])
    # samples queue
    feature_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=IMG_SIZE, name='feature_input')
    label_input   = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=LAB_SIZE, name='label_input')
    proc_q        = tf.FIFOQueue(len(fnames)*3, [tf.float32, tf.float32], shapes=[IMG_SIZE, LAB_SIZE], name = 'fe_la_q') 
    enqueue_op    = proc_q.enqueue([feature_input, label_input])
    # -- ops for trainind end eval
    img_batch, lab_batch = proc_q.dequeue_many(BATCH_SIZE)
    ... here is your model
    loss       = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, lab_ph))
    optimizer  = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4).minimize(loss)
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
        t_le  = threading.Thread(target=load_and_enqueue, args = (sess, coord, feature_read_op, label_read_op , enqueue_op) , name = 'load_and_enqueue')
        t_re  = threading.Thread(target=enqueue_fnl, args = (sess, coord, fnl_q, do_fnl_enq), name = 'enqueue_fnl')  # re-enq thread i.e. refiling filename queue 
        # training
        for step in xrange(823):
            # some proc
            img_v, lab_v = sess.run([img_batch, lab_batch])
            feed_dict = { img_ph   : img_v,
                  lab_ph   : lab_v,
                  keep_prob: 0.7}
            _, loss_v = sess.run([optimizer, loss], feed_dict = feed_dict)
        except Exception as e:
        print 'Training: Exception:', e
        # stop threads 
        coord.request_stop()                                     # ask to stop
        sess.run(fnl_q.close(cancel_pending_enqueues=True))      # tell proc_q don't wait for enque anymore
        sess.run(proc_q.close(cancel_pending_enqueues=True))     # tell proc_q don't wait for enque anymore
        coord.join([t_le, t_re], stop_grace_period_secs=8)       

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