Public SelectedFile As String
Public excel As New Application
Public workbook As Workbook
Public sheet As Worksheet
Public r As Range
Public Shared array(,) As Object
Public scan As Integer
Private Sub SelectFileButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SelectFileButton.Click
'display selected file in text box
SelectedFile = ComboBox1.GetItemText(ComboBox1.SelectedItem)
If SelectedFile <> Nothing Then
SelectedFileTextBox.Text = SelectedFile
Dim path As String
path = ExcelFolder & "\" & SelectedFile
excel = New Application
excel.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=path, [ReadOnly]:=False)
workbook = excel.ActiveWorkbook
excel.UserControl = True
sheet = excel.Worksheets(1)
r = sheet.UsedRange
' Load all cells into 2d array.
static array(,) = r.Value(XlRangeValueDataType.xlRangeValueDefault)
' Get bounds of the array.
Dim bound0 As Integer = array.GetUpperBound(0) 'last row number
Dim bound1 As Integer = array.GetUpperBound(1) 'last column number
'get total number of rows
Dim totalrows As Integer = bound0 - 1 'since 1st row is header
TotalRowsTextBox.Text = CStr(totalrows)
' Get first job to be marked in the selected file
For scan = 2 To bound0
If Trim(array(scan, 12)) = Trim("NO") Then
markinglinenotextbox.Text = CStr(scan - 1)
ModelNoTextBox.Text = array(scan, 1)
SerialNoTextBox.Text = array(scan, 3)
MaktxTextBox.Text = array(scan, 4)
MatnrTextBox.Text = array(scan, 11)
BaseDrawingTextBox.Text = array(scan, 2)
MarkButton.Visible = True
NextJobButton.Visible = True
Exit For
ElseIf array(scan, 12) = "YES" Then
scan = scan + 1
End If
'if all files are marked
If scan > bound0 Then
markinglinenotextbox.Text = ""
ModelNoTextBox.Text = ""
SerialNoTextBox.Text = ""
MaktxTextBox.Text = ""
MatnrTextBox.Text = ""
BaseDrawingTextBox.Text = ""
MarkButton.Visible = False
NextJobButton.Visible = False
SelectedFileTextBox.Text = ""
TotalRowsTextBox.Text = ""
workbook = Nothing
excel = Nothing
sheet = Nothing
Erase array
MessageBox.Show("All Jobs in this File are already Marked. Choose another File.", "File Marked", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub NextJobButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles NextJobButton.Click
Static array(,) = r.Value(XlRangeValueDataType.xlRangeValueDefault)
scan = scan + 1
If scan > lastrow Then
markinglinenotextbox.Text = ""
ModelNoTextBox.Text = ""
SerialNoTextBox.Text = ""
MaktxTextBox.Text = ""
MatnrTextBox.Text = ""
BaseDrawingTextBox.Text = ""
MarkButton.Visible = False
NextJobButton.Visible = False
SelectedFileTextBox.Text = ""
TotalRowsTextBox.Text = ""
workbook = Nothing
excel = Nothing
sheet = Nothing
array = Nothing
MessageBox.Show("All Jobs in this File are already Marked. Choose another File.", "File Marked", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
If array(scan, 12) = "NO" Then
markinglinenotextbox.Text = CStr(scan - 1)
ModelNoTextBox.Text = array(scan, 1)
SerialNoTextBox.Text = array(scan, 3)
MaktxTextBox.Text = array(scan, 4)
MatnrTextBox.Text = array(scan, 11)
BaseDrawingTextBox.Text = array(scan, 2)
MarkButton.Visible = True
NextJobButton.Visible = True
ElseIf array(scan, 12) = "YES" Then
markinglinenotextbox.Text = CStr(scan - 1)
ModelNoTextBox.Text = array(scan, 1)
SerialNoTextBox.Text = array(scan, 3)
MaktxTextBox.Text = array(scan, 4)
MatnrTextBox.Text = array(scan, 11)
BaseDrawingTextBox.Text = array(scan, 2)
MarkButton.Visible = False
NextJobButton.Visible = True
MessageBox.Show("This Job is already Marked.")
End If
End If
End Sub
如果我在Sub SelectFileButton_Click中更改数组的值,它仍然保留NextJobButton_Click中的先前值。 我希望数组在整个代码中保持共同的价值。 一旦值在特定函数中发生变化,它应该为所有其他函数保留该值。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Public Shared array(,) As Object
static array(,)