Android TabLayout在单击时不会更改Tab(片段)

时间:2016-01-12 16:45:00

标签: android android-tablayout

关于TabLayout,当我向左或向右滑动时,下一个选项卡会膨胀 - 片段显示正确 - 但是,当我单击选项卡标题时,它不会自动更改为正确的片段。这是否必须手动实施?默认情况下,滑动工作似乎有点奇怪,所以也应点击。

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您可以实施viewPager并使用fragment更改tabLayout.setOnTabSelectedListener(new TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener() { @Override public void onTabSelected(TabLayout.Tab tabSelected) { viewPager.setCurrentItem(tabSelected.getPosition()); } @Override public void onTabUnselected(TabLayout.Tab tabSelected){} @Override public void onTabReselected(TabLayout.Tab tabSelected){ } });


public static Point intersection(Segment s1, Segment s2) {
    // Components of the first segment's rect.
    Point v1 = new Point(s1.p2.x - s1.p1.x, s1.p2.y - s1.p1.y); // Directional vector
    double a1 = v.y;
    double b1 = -v.x;
    double c1 = v1.x * s1.p1.y - s1.v.y * s1.p1.x;

    // Components of the second segment's rect.
    Point v2 = new Point(s2.p2.x - s2.p1.x, s2.p2.y - s2.p1.y);
    double a2 = v2.y;
    double b2 = -v2.x;
    double c2 = v2.x * s2.p1.y - s2.v.y * s2.p1.x;

    // Calc intersection between RECTS.
    Point intersection = null;
    double det = a1 * b2 - b1 * a2;
    if (det != 0) {
        intersection = new Point(
            (b2 * (-c1) - b1 * (-c2)) / det;
            (a1 * (-c2) - a2 * (-c1)) / det;

    // Checks ff segments collides.
    if (
        intersection != null &&
            (s1.p1.x <= intersection.x && intersection.x <= s1.p2.x) ||
            (s1.p2.x <= intersection.x && intersection.x <= s1.p1.x)
        ) &&
            (s1.p1.y <= intersection.y && intersection.y <= s1.p2.y) ||
            (s1.p2.y <= intersection.y && intersection.y <= s1.p1.y)
        ) &&
            (s2.p1.x <= intersection.x && intersection.x <= s2.p2.x) ||
            (s2.p2.x <= intersection.x && intersection.x <= s2.p1.x)
        ) &&
            (s2.p1.y <= intersection.y && intersection.y <= s2.p2.y) ||
            (s2.p2.y <= intersection.y && intersection.y <= s2.p1.y)
        return intersection;

    return null;