
时间:2016-01-12 08:21:53

标签: performance vba word-vba

我有一个逐行读取.txt文件的宏。我检查每一行是否等于新页面的某些代码,比如它" NEXT" - 如果是,则插入分页符。经过一定数量的" NEXT"出现整个文档导出为pdf。然后.doc的内容被删除,我继续阅读&导出txt文件直到EOF。


我的测试文件有27300行/ 791 kB(实际文件介于10到100MB之间)。在我启动宏之前,WINWORD进程需要40K的内存。每次执行宏后,内存使用量会变大。

        Time    Max.MemoryUsage  MemoryUsageAfterwards
Run1    11.9s   70K              64K
Run2    19.7s   90K              84K
Run3    22.3s   99K              92K





Private Sub Document_Open()
End Sub


Option Explicit
'                                       GLOBAL VARIABLES
Public numOfBreaks  As Integer          ' number of page breaks made
Public numOfPdfs    As Integer          ' number of currently printed pdf
Public filePrefix   As String           ' name prefix for .pdf files
Public sFileName    As String           ' name of Input File
Public breakAfter   As Integer          ' print after this number of NEXT
Public cancelActive As Boolean          ' cancel Button pressed? (for exit)


Sub ReadAndSplit()
'                                       VARIABLES
Dim sLine           As String           ' line from text file
Dim numOfLines      As Long             ' number of lines read from .txt input
Dim execStart       As Single           ' starting time of script execution
Dim nextPage        As Boolean          ' indicates if new document beginns

'                                       INITIAL PROCESSING
Application.Visible = False              
Application.ScreenUpdating = False       
Selection.WholeStory                    ' clear the document
UserForm1.Show                          ' show user dialog
If cancelActive Then                    ' Cancel button handling
    Application.Visible = True
    Exit Sub
End If

With ActiveDocument.PageSetup           ' set page margins & orientation
    .TopMargin = 0.1
    .BottomMargin = 0.1
    .LeftMargin = 0.1
    .RightMargin = 0.1
End With
'                                       MAIN PROCESSING
numOfBreaks = 0                         ' GLOBALS
numOfPdfs = 1
numOfLines = 0                          ' LOCALS
nextPage = True
execStart = Timer

Open sFileName For Input As #1

Do While Not EOF(1)

    If nextPage Then                                    ' write 2 empty lines
        Selection.TypeText (vbNewLine & vbNewLine)
        nextPage = False
    End If

    Line Input #1, sLine                                ' read 1 line from input
    numOfLines = numOfLines + 1                         ' count lines

    If sLine <> "NEXT" Then                             ' test for NEXT
        Selection.TypeText (sLine) & vbNewLine          ' write line from input .txt
        Selection.InsertBreak Type:=wdPageBreak         ' NEXT -> new page
        numOfBreaks = numOfBreaks + 1                   ' count new receipts

        If numOfBreaks = breakAfter Then                ' compare with PARAM
            PrintAsPDF                                  ' export to pdf
            numOfBreaks = 0
        End If

        nextPage = True                                 ' switch new page on
    End If

If numOfBreaks <> 0 Then                                ' print out the last part
End If

Close #1

Debug.Print vbNewLine & "-----EXECUTION-----"
Debug.Print Now
Debug.Print "Lines: " & numOfLines
Debug.Print "Time: " & (Timer - execStart)
Debug.Print "-------------------" & vbNewLine

Selection.WholeStory                                    ' clear the word document

Application.Visible = True

End Sub


Sub PrintAsPDF()

Dim newPdfFileName  As String           ' path + name for current .pdf file

newPdfFileName = ActiveDocument.Path & "\" & filePrefix & "-" & numOfPdfs & ".pdf"

Selection.WholeStory                    ' set font
With Selection.Font
    .Name = "Courier New"
    .Size = 10.5
End With

ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 newPdfFileName, 17

numOfPdfs = numOfPdfs + 1


End Sub


'                                       OK BUTTON
Private Sub OKButton_Click()

Dim inputFileOk     As Boolean  ' input file path
Dim inputSplitOk    As Boolean  ' split
Dim prefixOk        As Boolean  ' prefix

If FileTxtBox.Text = vbNullString Then          ' validate file path
    inputFileOk = False
    MsgBox ("File path missing!")
    inputFileOk = True
End If

If IsNumeric(SplitTxtBox.Text) Then             ' validate breakAfter
    breakAfter = SplitTxtBox.Text
    inputSplitOk = True
    MsgBox ("Non-numeric value for SPLIT!")
End If

If PrefixTxtBox <> vbNullString Then            ' validate prefix
    filePrefix = PrefixTxtBox.Text
    prefixOk = True
    MsgBox ("Missing prefix!")
End If

                                                ' check if all inputs are ok
If inputFileOk And inputSplitOk And prefixOk Then
    cancelActive = False
    Unload Me
End If

End Sub
'                                       CANCEL BUTTON
Private Sub CancelButton_Click()
cancelActive = True             ' for script termination
Unload Me
End Sub
'                                       FILE BUTTON
Private Sub FileButton_Click()    
Dim i           As Integer      ' file selection index

' show file chooser dialog and assign selected file to sFileName
Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).AllowMultiSelect = False
i = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).Show

If i <> 0 Then
    sFileName = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).SelectedItems(1)
    FileTxtBox.Text = sFileName
End If

End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  1. 清除撤消缓冲区(ActiveDocument.UndoClear)
  2. 定期保存(空)文档
  3. 为了释放资源。
