Apples, Oranges, Strawberries, Pears, Almonds, Peanuts, Peaches
#1 > Apples, Oranges
#2 > Apples | Oranges
Apples, Oranges, Strawberries | Pears | Almonds | Peanuts | Peaches
答案 0 :(得分:0)
尝试此操作,将示例文本放在单元格中,选择该单元格,然后运行下面的单元格。您将需要对此进行测试,并可能自己处理某些情况 - 但是这段代码应该让您继续并按照您的示例进行操作。
Sub SplitIntoColumns()
Dim intMaxCols As Integer
Dim intCommaFoundPos As Integer
Dim intNumCommasFound As Integer
Dim strTextToCheck As String
Dim strFoundText As String
Dim intRowToWriteTo As Integer
Dim intColToWriteTo As Integer
'this should be max num of columns you want -1
intMaxCols = 4
'just putting the text into the activecell and running on that
strTextToCheck = ActiveCell
'row to write output to
intRowToWriteTo = 10
'column to write output to - it will go backwards from here
intColToWriteTo = 10
'find the comma
intCommaFoundPos = InStrRev(strTextToCheck, ",")
'if there is a comma
If intCommaFoundPos > 0 Then
'loop until you have looped the max columns number of times, or until there are no commas left in the string
Do Until (intNumCommasFound = intMaxCols) Or intCommaFoundPos = 0
'get comma position
intCommaFoundPos = InStrRev(strTextToCheck, ",")
'if there is still a comma
If intCommaFoundPos > 0 Then
'keep track of the number found
intNumCommasFound = intNumCommasFound + 1
'take everything to right of comma
strFoundText = Trim(Mid(strTextToCheck, intCommaFoundPos + 1, Len(strTextToCheck)))
'write to sheet, adjust next column number
ActiveSheet.Cells(intRowToWriteTo, intColToWriteTo) = strFoundText
intColToWriteTo = intColToWriteTo - 1
'change the text to check to not include the word just found
strTextToCheck = Left(strTextToCheck, intCommaFoundPos - 1)
End If
'if there is any text left, write to sheet
If Len(strTextToCheck) > 0 Then ActiveSheet.Cells(intRowToWriteTo, intColToWriteTo) = strTextToCheck
End If
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:0)