
时间:2016-01-11 23:11:11

标签: php symfony signals


在我对信号和诸如此类的理解中,所有这一切都应该可行。但相反,每次我将SIGTERM发送到php进程(我使用Segmentation fault: 11)时,我都会收到一条消息kill <pid>。我已经尝试使用Xdebug跟踪来找到问题的根源,但我无法从中找出一个明显的问题(同样,Xdebug生成的跟踪文件是8-10MB)。


class WorkerService extends AbstractService
    private $shouldBeAlive;

    // called by the constructor of this class
    protected function setup()
        $this->shouldBeAlive = false;

    // called when my command wants to make the work begin
    public function go()
        $this->shouldBeAlive = true;

        // set signal handler to `$this->handleSignal($signo)`
        assert(pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, [$this, "handleSignal"]));


    public function handleSignal($signo)
        // make the worker terminate on next loop completion
        $this->shouldBeAlive = false;

        // restore the default handler for this signal
        assert(pcntl_signal($signo, SIG_DFL));

        echo "Signal received, shutting down gracefully... (send signal again to force immediate shutdown)";

    public function work()
        while (true) {
            // make PHP fire any waiting signals

            // break out of the loop if we're supposed to be dead
            if (!$this->shouldBeAlive) break;

            // ...
            // I'm omitting the actual loop logic. Basically, it makes some
            // HTTP requests, sometimes starts another process with proc_open(),
            // and eventually it'll sleep for a couple seconds and continue.

似乎我的handleSignal($ signo)方法根本就没有被调用过,因为没有多少调整可以解决这个问题。我也尝试在go()方法中使用declare(ticks = 1);而不是在while(true)循环中调用pcntl_signal_dispatch();,它仍然是段错误(以及我理解事物的方式,这样做反正没有意义)。有谁看到我可能会遗漏或误解?

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